"Ipaglaban mo nang puspusan ang pananampalataya. Panghawakan mong mabuti ang buhay na walang hanggan, dahil diyan ka tinawag ng Diyos nang ipahayag mo sa harap ng maraming saksi ang iyong pananalig kay Cristo." I Tim. 6:12

July 31, 2010

Church News: July 2010

(Where does our offerings go? These are just some examples...)

The Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ) is purchasing the 7-acre church property located at Lemon Hill Avenue Sacramento, California, from a 57-year-old congregation of the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church.

According to local real estate agents, the Lutheran congregation is facing financial difficulties like other congregations in the area. The Iglesia Ni Cristo, on the other hand, continues to acquire properties and build houses of worship not only in the United States but also in other parts of the world.

On July 27, 2010, members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo will commemorate its 96th year of re-establishment in these last days.

The Sacramento Bee

From: Misteratmisis.com

"Another congregation, Iglesia ni Cristo, a Filipino Church of Christ congregation, is purchasing the 7-acre church property, which was listed for $1.82 million. The transaction is still in escrow."

Another one COMING UP!

(Planned building structure)

Iglesia NI Cristo (Church of Christ)
Location: Los Angeles , CA
Square Footage: 15,848
Owner: Iglesia NI Cristo
Architect: EML Architecture
Completion Date: N/A
Project Cost: $7,600,000.00

Project Description: Demolition of three existing structures on the construction site. New ground up construction of a two story church building with many architectural church building features such as steeples and moldings, all new site hardscape and new parking lot.

From: www.smccon.com

The newly Europe main office of the Iglesia ni Cristo!

Located at 79 Staines road West, Sunbury on Thames TW16 7AH, United Kingdom. The building has 3 levels which hold offices and conference rooms where ministers, and evangelical and lay workers attend to the administrative needs of the CHurch in Europe, Africa and Israel, it has also a spacious prayer room.

Part of the building Dedication plaque reads:
"This edifice... shall house our main office in europe and shall provide us a spiritual environment for the orderly conduct of our mission to propagate the Christian faith and edify God's people in this part of the world. Praise be unto God!"

July 30, 2010

Iglesia ni Cristo 96th anniversary

THE brethrens of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC) all over the world commemorated the 96th founding anniversary of the Church in the Philippines Tuesday.

INC ecclesiastical districts celebrated the event with Grand Evangelical Missions, Bible expositions, programs commemorating the growth of the church and its social contribution in the Philippines and the world.

In Pampanga, evangelical missions were held simultaneously in Bren Z. Guiao Convention Center and in locales of Arayat, San Fernando and Angeles. The brethren invited non-church members to attend and witness how far the church had gone.

In a span of 96 years from July 27, 1914 to July 27, 2010, the INC has reached more than 100 countries and territories. Recently, it has opened two other ecclesiastical districts in Canada and main office in Europe.

With this, local officials from the provincial down to the municipal level sent greetings to all the brethren in the Ecclesiastical District of Pampanga -- the eldest district of the Church on the occasion of its 96th founding Anniversary.

It can be recalled that a handful of faithful brethren began to form a small group of Church followers in 1918. Subsequently in 1924, they have successfully established the first district of the Church in Pampanga through the leadership of Brother Felix Ysagun Manalo, God’s messenger in these last days. Despite the innumerable odds and trying difficulties, they bravely continued their mission to propagate the words of God.

The Church ministers led by then Brother Felix, Brother Eraño G. Manalo and now Brother Eduardo V. Manalo have tirelessly fulfilled the divine mission of propagating the gospel and administering the Church through unselfish effort and dedication.

The Iglesia Ni Cristo in Pampanga reached the glorious stature under the leadership of Brother Eduardo and its District Supervising Minister Agrielio De Lazo, resident ministers, Church workers and officers.

With all the remarkable achievements of INC, the brethren in the locale of Candaba led by Bro. Jess Felipe believed that the brethren have all the reasons to rejoice its 96th founding anniversary.

Meanwhile, it can also be noted that by virtue of Republic Act 9645 signed into law by former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on June 12, 2009, “July 27 of every year is hereby declared as a special national working holiday in commemoration of the founding anniversary of the INC in the Philippines.

The said law recognizes INC’s exemplary feat of leading its members towards spiritual enlightenment and good citizenry.

Arroyo declared July 27 of every year as “Iglesia Ni Cristo Day” to enable millions of INC followers in the Philippines and in more than 100 countries and territories around the globe to observe the occasion with fitting solemnity.

From: Sunstar.com

Last tuesday, (July 27) the INC, Church of Christ held a worldwide grand evangelical missions and it was another SUCCESSFUL event! All for the glory of God! As all of the church officers again made such sacrifices as what the 95th anniversary preparations. They go to church every night for the whole month just to pray for that big evangelical mission of the Church of Christ!
Praise be unto God!

These were
SOME of the videos and pictures of diff. venues of the Church's
Grand evangelical mission around the globe...

Ultra, Philippines

Valuenzuela Astrodome, Philippines

Cuneta Astrodome, Philippines

Marikina Sports Complex, Marikina City, Philippines

Nueva Ecija, Philippines

San Jose State University, Northern California, USA

Cagayan South, Philippines

Ynares, Antipolo City Philippines

Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines

Grand Square Stadium, Sta.Rosa Laguna, Philippines

Business Bank Arena, Southern California, USA

For more: click here.

Another 4 short years to come and
its Iglesia ni Cristo centennial ANNIVERSARY!!

These success became possible because of the joined efforts of the all brethren. So, is these can be called being BRAINWASHED as the members follows what God wants? Do we do all these just because we were "brainwashed" by the ministers or because we OBEY and FOLLOW God's commandments by the leadership of the Church Administration? Tsk. Tsk.

We share the Gospel.

We share the TRUTH.

We share our FAITH.


All these were called UNITY!!

July 26, 2010

Happy 1st anniversary! "Readme"


July last year was the time I started blogging all about showing the TRUTH to EVERYONE in the Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ), the time when the username “Readme” exist!


I want to introduce my self, but not the personal information…

Im “Readme”, a Filipino, current 2nd year college student taking up Hotel and Restaurant Management (2 years).

It all started when I was 3rd year highschool, when we had an internet connection, I surf the internet all of my interest, including my religion. When I type “Iglesia ni Cristo” on google, I read blogs, websites and etc. I then realize that very very FEW members defense our belief in the web (as the church encourage us not anymore have argument to nonmembers), and most of the articles are anti-INC, meaning, all were a PROPAGANDA just to debunk what we believe. They say their opinions, accusations, impressions especially LIES about us. WHO ARE THEY?

Most does that were Catholics especially Catholic Faith Defenders, MCGI of Soriano, “Born-again” Christians and lastly, the nonmembers. I cannot find any other blog who tell truth behind the INC. There are just 2 popular blogs ive searched, Resbak.com and the one made by “truthfinder” (but didn’t exist anymore). I then decide to my self that I should tell TRUTHS, or be one of those members who tell truths behind the Church of Christ. I then put comments on every Anti-INC blogs, websites and even join forums especially on that Catholic.com.

My first post was in the thread “Is jesus god” in the said website, and it turned my membership there as junior member. I answer and answer questions (topics that I know) from them but even they get answers from me, still they were “join force” pushing me down and change the topic. I then realize that my posts and answers were all being wasted because the only people who see my answers were Catholics on that forum.

Then I decide to come up on blogging!


When I was 3rd year high school, and when Im commenting on those Anti-INC blogs/sites, I really don’t read Pasugo, our magazine, I don’t really know what the bible is, that “diff. translations”, old and new testament, how to read the bible… Like when it is said John 1:4, I don’t know how to find it in the bible, and everything.. Meaning, im just a BEGINNER reading bible and discovering more on spiritual things. The only one who help me is no other than myself! The whole thing was all a self-study! Research and then reading Pasugo issues! I didn’t know how to blog and what “blogging” is in those times. Because of determination, this blog has been known fast by people.

Back to the topic…

By the way, my username in the site I joined were “Readme”, readme because in that time when I was registering in becoming a member of that site, I did not know what username I will put, then I expect that members in that site were not fast in replying to what I posted, that’s why I just name it Readme, for many will give attention to me just to answer my questions!^_^

The first title of this blog were “Read me’s PAGE”, then turned to “The Iglesia ni Cristo”. Why? Because I found out, like what ive said, only few members defends our faith, and I realize I am the only one who have detailed posts and most of that came from the Pasugo mixed with my explanation. Even though its really not right to titled it to our church, I did it just for many will be search me fast on the internet and know truths in our church!

A huge “Make-over” or changes was done on my blog before coming on its 1st anniversary!

I really don’t expect that my blog will be known and that I will have many visitors. IMAGINE: Over 10,000 visitors for just 1 YEAR!!

This blog ranked always on top10 in the times of Election and when I create a post about Charice who brought me I think 500 visitors in just a few days but the post, I decided to delete because of its sensitive issue to talk.

I then knew it, for I prayed for it to God that people who have bad impressions to the church made by nonmembers will be erased! That’s one of the purposes of this blog! Even though I am being persecuted by nonmembers… Like saying that I, and Bro. Conrad Obligation were one, that I am a minister paid for doing such things and etc…

I will continue this blogging of mine whatever happens, that’s why I am planning in making a group here in the internet and be called Iglesia ni Cristo Defenders Online, and a blog of ours!


Happy 1st anniversary to my blog!

And Happy 96th anniversary to the Iglesia ni Cristo, Church of Christ!

It is God who made such FEAT!

And Its only the beginning!

July 7, 2010

Holy Trinity debate in Salinas expected to draw 1,500 to Sherwood Hall

Sixteen years ago, the Rev. Chauncey Killens, then of Watsonville, called for a debate with a Salinas church on a question that's challenged the best religious scholars of the past two millennia:

"Last time, I didn't have all my reference material," Killens said Friday of the 1994 debate held at a Salinas elementary school. "I constantly bothered [the Salinas church about holding another debate], and they gave me a chance again."

Holy-Trinity-debate-in-Salinas-expected-to-draw-500-to-Sherwood-Hall" Is the God described in Judeo-Christian Scripture a single being or three in one?Saturday, the replay will happen between Killens — now with Prunedale's Soul Searching Church of God In Christ — and the Church of Christ/Iglesia Ni Cristo of Salinas.

The two groups split the costs of renting Salinas' Sherwood Hall, where they expect to fill all 1,580 seats.

Killens, better known throughout Central and Northern California for his sign-bearing campaigns against gay marriage and gang violence, will argue that the Bible supports a three-in-one deity. Even if the word "trinity" never actually appears in the text, he said, Jesus and his disciples make claims that show he was God.

Jose Ventillacion, a minister of Iglesia ni Cristo who did not take part in the original debate, will take the opposing view.
"Why is it an important question? Very simple," Iglesia's resident minister, Anthony Brandon, said. "One of the very clear things that's in the Holy Scriptures is that God says we should worship no other God except for him. Are we really worshiping the correct God? Because if not, then our very salvation could be at stake."
Brandon said Ventillacion will rely on both biblical text and other references to show the lack of scriptural support for the idea of a Holy Trinity.

Not about arguing

Still, both Killens and Brandon say the debate is not about arguing. They said they instead see it as an opportunity to share faith and beliefs and allow people to come to their own conclusions.

And for Killens, knowing the true nature of God is not necessarily a matter of life and death, eternal or otherwise.
"The more we understand the Bible clearly," he said, "it'll prevent us from doing stupid things. I don't think God necessarily requires that you need to know all the doctrine. [Jesus] was born to a virgin, he did a ministry, he rose from the dead, he's coming back again. If you believe those things and walk it, too, then you're a Christian."

Source: thecalifornian.com


”Yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live…” I Cor. 8:6. Apostle Paul taught this with full confidence for this is the truth taught by Christ himself (John 17:3, 1). And this truth, that there is only one true God, is what the Church of Christ today firmly upholds and has asserted once again in a debate held at the Sherwood hall in Salinas California on February 27, 2010.

Soul searching Church of God in Christ, a Protestant group in Prundale, California, calle for a debate with the Church of Christ in the local congregation of Salinas, California, putting on the line the Trinitarian belief they espouse. Mr. Chauncey Killens, pastor of the aforementioned group, together with two associates, represented their church. Bro. Jose Ventilation, together with Brothers Robert Pellien and Edward Maranan, represented the Church of Christ. Monterey Country supervisor Simon Salinas acted as the moderator. The event was well attended with the audience numbering around 1,500.

Mr. Killens, in his stand, cited verses that supposedly allude to Christ’s pre existence in order to support his claim that there are three persons in one God, although the same time openly admitting that the doctrine Trinity is nowhere to be found in the Holy Sriptures.

Bro. Ventilation, for his part, emphasized the oneness of God by presenting verses that expressly state this doctrine upheld by the Church. Citing biblical verses, such as the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ himself (John 17:3,1) he emphasized that knowing the Father as the only one true God—not one of the three persons in one God—will lead to eternal life. He ended his speech by inviting Killens and his followers to join instead the true Church of Christ which upholds this truth and be among those and be among those who will receive God’s grace of salvation and eternal life. -->

Source: Pasugo:God's Message May 2010

Chauncey Killens debated years ago with the Church of Christ but lost. And then he called abother debate to challenge again the Church of Christ regarding the central belief of most christian religions, the Trinity.

But AGAIN LOST IN THE DEBATE! No one can stand especially defending false doctrines! See how God guide Bro. Ventilation on every debate he attended.


Join Date: Jun 2010

Napanood ko ang debate sa Salinas, California about Trinity. It's between Bro. Joe Ventilacion and Pastor Killens.

All I can say, the Trinity falls again....


Join Date: Jun 2010

Originally Posted by wing_commander View Post
Wanna try Dr. James White?
Ask him to send a letter of proposition to the Iglesia ni Cristo Central Administration.

Pastor Killens was very happy to get a second chance. He admitted he lose in the first round. And waited for 17 years trying to get even. He lose twice instead.

From: pinoyexchange.com

Want the video for the debate? click here.