"Ipaglaban mo nang puspusan ang pananampalataya. Panghawakan mong mabuti ang buhay na walang hanggan, dahil diyan ka tinawag ng Diyos nang ipahayag mo sa harap ng maraming saksi ang iyong pananalig kay Cristo." I Tim. 6:12

December 31, 2012

Answering Catholic Defenders part 1 by Ges Mundo


I was browsing the internet when I open this site called ‘In Defense of the Church” by “Catholic Defender 2000.” My attention was caught by his article titled “How Felix Manalo Ordained Himself by Prophecy” posted last August 17, 2011. Here is the URL of this webpage I’m talking about for your confirmation.
At the end of the article, the author, he call himself “Catholic Defender 2000,” concludes that: 
“No one is ordained from mere prophecy alone. Moses was sent directly by God from the burning bush (Ex 3:10). David was ordained king by Samuel pouring oil on his head (1 Sam 16:13). Jesus was also baptized by John (Mk 1:9; Lk 4:18). No one directly ordained Manalo–as INC claims. Is Manalo greater than Moses, David, and Jesus?”
From this conclusion, I posted a question on December 13, 2012. Thus, a series of “Tanungan” (“Question and Answer) commenced. This dialogue revealed to me the “ways of the Catholic Faith Defenders on how they deceived people to make them believed that the Iglesia ni Cristo is not the true Church, but their’s (the Roman Catholic Church).

“Avoiding the Issue” is one of the
Ways of Catholic Defenders
From his conclusion (I quoted above), I ask him a very simple question
I'm Gesmundo del Mundo (admin of prestinesearch.blogspot.com) and I just want to ask: Who ordained or annointed Samuel who annointed David? Who baptized John who baptized Jesus? Thanks, Good day po and God bless.

Take note that my question is based on his conclusion: “David was ordained king by Samuel pouring oil on his head (I Samuel 16:13). Jesus was baptized by John (Mk. 1:9; Lk. 4:18).” Now, instead of answering the question, he “avoided the issue” (“umiwas sa tanong”). This was the reply of “Catholic Defender 2000”:
Ranking Felix Manalo with great Biblical prophets and sages is a blasphemy to God who called these holy men to minister God's people. Felix Manalo didn't just fooled people but he failed to pass the litmus test of being a genuine "messenger".

May the Triune God bless you.

What? I am asking him if who annointed Samuel who annointed David, and who baptized John who baptized Jesus, and he answered me “Ranking Felix Manalo with great Biblical prophets and sages is a blasphemy to God…” Who says those things? It’s him not me, thus, following his argument, he is the one who blasphemed against God.
According to the principles of Argumentation, we call this fallacy made by Catholic Defender 2000, “arguing oneself.” Yes, it’s a fallacy (“isang kamalian”). It is you who said it, it is you who made those statement, thus, you are refuting yourself. This shows the lack of knowledge with the principles of argumentation in the part of the Catholic Defenders.
Avoiding the issue (“pag-iwas”) is a way to hide the truth and to hide their errors.
What is the truth that he is trying to hide? My question regarding “who annointed Samuel who annointed David, and who baptized John who baptized Jesus” puts the Catholic Defender in a difficult situation. He knows the truth that no one annointed Samuel and no one baptized John.
What is his error that he is trying to hide? If he admits that no one annointed or baptized John, that makes his statement “No one is ordained from mere prophecy alone” a big mistake. No one annointed, ordained and baptized John, but when asked “who he is” (referring to his authority to baptized and to preached) his answer was that he is the fulfillment of what Prophet Isaiah prophesied:
“Now this was John's testimony when the Jews of Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was.  He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely, ‘I am not the Christ.’ They asked him, ‘Then who are you? Are you Elijah?’ He said, ‘I am not.’ ‘Are you the Prophet?’ He answered, ‘No.’ Finally they said, ‘Who are you? Give us an answer to take back to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?’ John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, "I am the voice of one calling in the desert, 'Make straight the way for the Lord.'" (John 1:19-23 NIV)

NOW YOU KNOW: When you ask a Catholic Defender a question and he “avoid the issue” through giving inappropriate or irreleavant reply (“sumagot ng paiwas”), he is trying to hide the truth and trying to hide his errors. What a dirty tactic.
This was not the only instance that this “Catholic Defeder 2000” avoided the issue. Because of his “inappropriate reply,” I told him:
Is that your way oF answering questionS - PAIWAS (avoiding the issue) through "swearing"? If that is your way, I'm sorry, I cannot go down your level. "CONTRA FAVTUM NON HABET ARGUMENTUM"!!! (Latin of “against fact you cannot argue”)

Kalemera mou adelfou (Greek of “Good Day my brother”)
P.S. Where in he Bible can you read "TRIUNE GOD"? YOUR SO UNBIBLICAL!!! LOL

Remember, after his irrelevant reply, he said “May the Triune God bless you.” This is the reason why I ask him “Where in the Bible can you read TRIUNE GOD”?” This question is relevant because he mentioned it.
Have you notice the “typo errors” and the used of other language? Believe it or not, its intentional. The objective is that to make him feel that he could make a “point” so he will post my reply. Does it work? He post my reply and he responded:
Where can we find in the Bible Felix, Erano, Eduardo and Angelo? Where in the Bible we can find BIBLE? Where is Diliman? Your (sic) so UNBIBLICAL)!

Hula-hula lang ang pagka-sugo ni Felix, naniwala naman kayo.

Take note: (1) he still did not answer my first question, “Who annointed Samuel who annointed David, and who baptized John who baptized Jesus”; (2) he avoided my second question through giving an impertinent and irrelevant question.
I am asking him if where in the Bible can you read “triune God”? Remember that he mentioned this in his reply, thus, it’s a pertinent question. However, he replied with an impertinent question, “Where can we find in the Bible Felix, Erano, Esuardo and Angelo?...
Is the word “Trinity” and the names “Felix, Erano, Eduardo and Angelo” “analogous”? “Trinity” is the doctrine of the Catholic Church about God, while “Felix, Erano, Eduardo and Angelo” are names of persons.
Remember, “avoiding the issue” (“paiwas”) is a way to hide the truth and to hide their errors. This time, he avoided the issue through giving impertinent and irrelevant question, a coomon practice of Catholic Faith Defenders.
He did this, replying through giving an impertinent question, to hide the truth: that the words “Trinity” and “triune God” is no where in the Bible. Catholic authorities testify that these words are indeed unbiblical or unscriptural:
“It cannot therefore be seriously maintained that the mystery of the Divine Trinity was clearly revealed in the Old Testament.” (The Divine Trinity, A Dogmatic Treatise, by the Rt. Rev. Msgr.Joseph Pohle, Ph.D., D.D., p. 20.)
“The word Trinity does not appear in the New testament and the meanings of the words persons and nature, in the precise senses and which these words are used to bear the meassage of God, had to be carefully refined to bear that message rightly. But what the New Testament teaches is in truth captured with care and reverence in the exact statements of the early councils of the Church.” (The Teaching of Christ: A Catholic Catechism for Adults, by Ronald Lawler, Donald Wuerl and Thomas Comerford Lawler, p. 177.)
Thus, he avoided the issue because his error will be exposed and my comment that he is “so unbiblical” will be justifed.
NOW YOU KNOW: Replying through impertinent and irrelevant question/s is a way of the Catholic Defenders to avoid the issue to hide the truth and to avoid exposing their errors. What a dirty tactic indeed.

Aside from the reply he posted on 8:19 pm, he again posted a reply on 8:25 pm. Let us read his next reply:


Heto ang contra-kontra sa INC ni Manalo
1-PASUGO Pebrero 1959, p. 1: (sinulat ni Ben Santiago)
“Mahigit nang isang libo at limangdaang taon ang Iglesia Katolika sa mundo. Maglilimangdaang taon naman ang mga Protestante. Ang Iglesia ni Cristo ay mag-aapatnapu't limang taon lamang mula noong 1914." (Ika-limang siglo ng Iglesia Katolika)”
2-PASUGO Mayo 1952, p. 5: (sinulat ni Ben Santiago).
“Mula sa taong 527 hanggang 565 sa panahon ng Emperador Justinano naging ganap ang pagkatatag ng Iglesiang ito na sumipot sa Pulong ng Nicea." (Ika-anim na siglo)”
3-PASUGO Agosto 1962, p. 3: (sinulat ni Ben Santiago)
“Sino ang nagtayo ng Iglesia Katolika Apostolika Romana? Ang Konsilyo Batikano! Kailan? Noong 1870." (Ika-labingsiyam na siglo)

4-PASUGO Marso 1956, p. 25: (sinulat ni Teofilo Ramos)
“Ang Iglesia Katolika'y pinabrika lamang ng mga Obispo noong 1870 sa Batikano."

5-PASUGO Pebrero 1952, p. 9: (sinulat ni Joaquin Balmores)
“Hindi mapapasinungalingan ninuman na talagang ang Iglesia Katolika ang lumitaw sa loob ng Emperyo Romano noong ika-apat na siglo."

PANSININ: Ang mga ito ang Ministrong inaralan at inatasang magpahayag ng pagkatatag ng Iglesia Katolika Apostolika Romana:
Si Emiliano Magtuto--PASUGO Nob. 1956, p. 18: -- 44 B.C.
Si Benjamin Santiago -- PASUGO Peb. 1959, p. 1: -- 400 A.D.
Si Benjamin Santiago -- PASUGO Ago. 1962, p. 3: -- 1870 A.D.
Si Teofilo C. Ramos -- PASUGO Mar. 1956, p. 25: -- 1870 A.D.
Si Joaquin Balmores -- PASUGO Peb. 1952, p. 9: -- 400 A.D.

Instead of answering my questions, he continues to avoid the issue. However, his next reply is to misinform the people. He said, “the Iglesia nio Cristo gave contradictory statements written in the PASUGO about the emergence of the Catholic Church.
I just wonder, what is its relevance regarding who annointed Samuel who annointed David and who baptized John who baptized Jesus, and whether the term “triune God” is biblical or not?
The information given by “Catholic Defender 2000” to prove that the Iglesia ni Cristo has contradictory statement is indeed misinforming the public. I cannot fully tackle this here in this article, but I promise that there will be an article devoted for this. Let us just have an example to prove that he is indeed misinforming the people. In his reply on December 14, 2012, 8:24 pm, “Catholic Defender 2000” said (as translated in English):
“These are the ministers taught and tasked to write the establishment of the Roman Catholic Apoctolic Church:
“Emiliano Magtuto--PASUGO Nov. 1956, p. 18: -- 44 B.C.
Benjamin Santiago -- PASUGO Feb. 1959, p. 1: -- 400 A.D.
Benjamin Santiago -- PASUGO Agu. 1962, p. 3: -- 1870 A.D.
Teofilo C. Ramos -- PASUGO Mar. 1956, p. 25: -- 1870 A.D.
Joaquin Balmores -- PASUGO Feb. 1952, p. 9: -- 400 A.D.”
However, nothing in PASUGO, November 1956, p. 18, that says that the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church was esblished in 44 BC (TAKE NOTE – 44 BC?).
Also, looking at the PASUGO, February 1959, p. 1, nothing there that says that the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church is esblished in 400 AD.
The worst part is what he said about PASUGO, March 1956, p. 25. He even mentioned it two times:
“4-PASUGO Marso 1956, p. 25: (sinulat ni Teofilo Ramos)
’Ang Iglesia Katolika'y pinabrika lamang ng mga Obispo noong 1870 sa Batikano’…
“Teofilo C. Ramos -- PASUGO Mar. 1956, p. 25: -- 1870 A.D.
”Joaquin Balmores -- PASUGO Feb. 1952, p. 9: -- 400 A.D.”
This is the actual PASUGO, March 1956, p. 25:

NOW YOU KNOW: The Catholic Defenders are deliberately misinforming the public. Thus, examine first every information they publish if its accurate and correct. Don’t just believe and accept every thing they say or publish because they are deliberately misinforming the people.

Name-calling, “swearing” and
making Accusations
This was how I responded to the reply of “Catholic Defender 2000” he posted on December 14, 2012, 8:24 pm:
Where can you read Benedict XVI in the Bible? Jonh Paul I? John Paul II? Pedro Calunsod? Cardinal Sin? Cardinal Rosales? Cardinal Sanchez? Cardinal Santos? Catholic Faith Defender? Ryan Toro-Toro? Father Abe? Pious XIII? Paul VI? Leo X? Innocent III? Etc...LOL

Huwag kang mag-alala. Lahat ng sinasabi mo rito sasagutin ko. Kumpleto ako ng PASUGO. Nakita mo na kaya ng aktuwal ang mga binabanggit mo ritong mga PASUGO? Ako ipakikita ko sa mga tao para makita nila ang totoo. Hindi lang pala "avoiding the issue" ang paraan ng mga Catholic Defenders, kundi DECEPTION IS ALSO THE WAY OF THE CATHOLIC DEFENDERS. LOL
(Don’t worry. I will abwers all you mentioned here. I have complete set of PASUGO. Have you actually saw those PASUGO you quoted? I will show the people what is actually written there so that they could see the truth. The way of the Catholic Defenders is not only “avoiding the issue,” but also DECEPTION IS ALSO THE WAY OF THE CATHOLIC DEFENDERS.)

Efkaristoo!!! (Greek for “Thank You”)

I asked him if he actually saw the PASUGO that he mentioned or quoted in his reply. As expected, he did not answer it.
Because he asked me if where in the Bible I could read “Felix, Erano, Eduardo and Angelo,” so it is only relevant that I asked him also where in the Bible he could read Benedict XVI, John PaulI, etc. He did not also answer this question.
Instead of answering my questions, this was his reply:
Look Mr. INC ni Manalo member. It's YOU the Iglesia of Manalo who accuses the Catholic Church as "unbiblical" and yet you're turning the table on us?

So in the same way that you claim "biblical" in your teachings, where is Felix, Erano, Eduardo and Angelo in the Bible?

(1) Name-Calling:
In his reply, he called me, “Mr. INC ni Manalo” and he call the Church I belong to as “Iglesia ni Manalo”. Name-calling and tagging negative adjectives is a usual practice among Catholic Defenders.
(2) Swearing
The “swearing” we are discussing in this blog means:
“Intransitive verb use offensive word or words: to use blasphemous or obscene language, usually as an expression of strong feelings or with the intention of giving offense.” [Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.]
Do Catholic Defenders “swear”?
Catholic Defender 2000:
“Other Judases were those who left the Church and preached HERESY such like FELIX MANALO who DENIED Jesus God coming in the flesh.  Such are deceitful and anti-Christ says the Bible.” [[http://catholicdefender2000.blogspot.com/search/label/anti-Christ]]
Fr. Abe Argiosa, National Adviser, Catholic Faith Defender
(3) Who’s accussing who?
“Catholic Defender 2000” said that “It’s YOU the Iglesia of Manalo who accuses the Catholic Church as ‘unbiblical’ and yet you’re turning the table on us.”
It is not true that we are “accusing” them as “unbiblical.” I think “Catholic Defender 2000” forgot the meaning of the word. Accusing means “suggesting claim that somebody had done something wrong.” “Accusation” is a “claim,” not yet proven.
We do not accuse them of being “unbiblical” because it’s the truth and we have evidences about this. It’s the Catholic Authorities who admited that the word, the meaning and the doctrine of the “Trinity” is unscriptural or unbiblical.
Ponder the following:
  • Is Purgatory written in the Bible?
  • Rosary?
  • Christmas?
  • Easter?
  • Amber Days?
  • Ash Wednesday?
  • Transubstantiation?
Also, ponder the following:
“Catholic Answer:  The difference is that any sexual molestation is SIN while a priest is someone who should be imitating the holiness of Christ.   Judas Iscariot who was one among the 'Chosen 12' had sinned.  Similarly the Church has its own Judases but they were now being punished.  Other Judases were those who left the Church and preached HERESY such like FELIX MANALO who DENIED Jesus God coming in the flesh.  Such are deceitful and anti-Christ says the Bible.
“Between those child molester priests and the RAPIST MANALO, the former were put to justice while the latter was never condemned rather he elevated himself MORE THAN JESUS the LORD.”  [http://catholicdefender2000.blogspot.com/search/label/anti-Christ]
So, who's accusing who? Who's turning the table now? Actually, your words here are truly "LIBELOUS." Mmm...I wonder??? Knows a good lawyer anyone?

Inventing statements and putting
it in the others’ mouth
For me, this is one of the two “most dirtiest tactic” of these people. Remember his first reply (dated December 14, 2012, 9:24 am):
“Ranking Felix Manalo with great Biblical prophets and sages is a blasphemy to God who called these holy men to minister God's people. Felix Manalo didn't just fooled people but he failed to pass the litmus test of being a genuine ‘messenger’.”
It is he who said this, but he is putting these to our mouth. He is making his reader to believe this came from us. A very decietful person indeed.  Last Saturday, December 15, 2012, at 6:41am, he posted an article titled “Felix Manalo or Felix Ysagun”as his response to my article titled “Felix Y. Manalo: Why He Changed His Name” that I posted last November 29, 2012.
In this post he mentioned:
It was wrong to say that the name Felix Ysagun was his "birth" name. It was actually his CATHOLIC NAME when he was baptized in the original Church of Christ. We must note that Felix Manalo, INC's founder was never baptized in his founded church thus making him equal to John the Baptist." - Ges Mundo (INC Minister)” [http://catholicdefender2000.blogspot.com/]
After he mentioned “We must take note that Felix Y. Manlo, INC’s dounder was never baptixed in his founded church thus making him equal to John the Baptist.” Then he inserted “Ges Mundo (INCMinister)”. In this way, he is making the reader to believe that this “statement” is from “Ges Mundo (INC Minister)”.
This is not my words. Please read my article about this (“Felix Y. Manalo: Why He Changed His Name”), so you could see how decietful this person is. Truly, these people are “misinforming” and making “lies” to deceive the public.
His following statement in the said post again shows how deceitful this person is:
“In this article, INC apologists again assume that Felix Manalo is ranked among great prophets and sages in the Bible whose names were changed after God commissioned them as messengers.”
Does my article titled “Felix Y. Manalo: Why He Changed His Name” says such thing? This is what my article said:
"Changing name is not against the Bible: Apostle Paul was first called "Saul"; Abraham was first called "Abram"; and Israel was first called "Jacob."
It is only Catholic Defender 20000 who said that Brother Felix Y. Manalo “is ranked among great prophets and sages in the Bible whose names were changed after God commissioned them as messengers.” This is his statement and he is putting it in my mouth. What a deceitful person. Is this the kind of person that you are going to believe? Is this the kind of person that will bring you to the truth?
However, aside from this, he again invented words that he continuously making his reader believe that it is I who made such things. This is what he said:
“Comparing Felix Manalo with Paul, Abraham, Jacob is very ambitious claim and it's deceiving. Felix Manalo personally changed his name while Paul, Abraham, Jacob it was GOD himself who changed it.”
Did my article compared brother Felix Manalo with Paul, Abaraham and Jacob? Did we made such ambitions claim? How deceitful this man can get!
Now, he said that “Felix Manalo personally changed his name while Paul, Abraham, Jacob it was GOD himself who changed it.” This man is indeed ignorant of the Bible. In Acts 13:9, this is what is written:
“Then Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas and said.” (Acts 13:9 NIV)
Mr. Catholic Defender 2000, the Bible did not say that “God Himself who changed his name into Paul.” The Bible said, “Saul, who was also called Paul.” The name “Paul” was his Roman name. Even other scholars attest to this:
“[Then Saul, (who is also called Paul)] This is the last time that this apostle is called "Saul." Henceforward, he is designated by the title by which he is usually known, as "Paul." When, or why, this change occurred in the name, has been a subject on which commentators are not agreed. From the fact that the change in the name is here first intimated, it would seem probable that it was first used in relation to him at this time. By whom the name was given him whether he assumed it himself, or whether it was first given him by Christians or by Romans-is not intimated…the conjectures on this subject, it is probable:
“(1) That this name was first used here; for before this, even after his conversion, he is uniformly called Saul.
“(2) That it was given by the Romans, as being a name with which they were more familiar, and one that was more consonant with their language and pronunciation. It was made by the change of a single letter; and probably because the name Paul was common among them, and pronounced, perhaps, with greater facility…” [Barnes' Notes, Electronic Database Copyright © 1997, 2003, 2005, 2006 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved.)

NOW YOU KNOW: That Catholic Defenders employ the dirty tactic of inventing statements and claim that it came from us to make the people believe that we have erroneous teachings. If these people saying that we are teaching or saying such “thing,” you must first verify or confirm it, so that you may not be decieved.
Lies, Lies, Lies and more Lies
The other “most dirtiest tactic” of the Catholic Defenders is making lies. Because Catholic Defender asked me if where in the Bible could you read the word “Bible”, I responded: 
Tinatanong mo kung mababasa ang salitang "Bible" sa Bible? The word "Biblia" is Greek and used 14 times in the Greek Bible. Mapapahiya ka sa hinahanap mong iyan!!! LOL You don't really know the Bible. So unbiblical indeed.

He knows I am telling the truth, so instead of admitting that he is wrong, he made lies. This is his reponse:
Don't educate me on the meaning of words because it's the CATHOLIC CHURCH which name the BIBLE from Greek. The same way as the word CATHOLIC is from Greek KATA HOLOS "First, I give thanks to my God, through Jesus Christ, for you all: because your faith is spoken of in the whole world (Kata Holos)(Romans 1:7-8)

In his response, he pointed out that: (1) “it’s the CATHOLIC CHURCH which name the BIBLE from Greek”; and (2) “The same way way as the word CATHOLIC is from KATA HOLOS “First, I Give thanks to my Hod, through Jesus Christ, for you all: because your faith is spoken of in the whole world (Kata Holos) )Romans 1:7-8).”
He said that “It’s the CATHOLIC CHURCH which name the BIBLE from the Greek.” He lied. I pointed out that:
(1)    “The first time the word “ta biblia” was used to refer to the sacred books was in Daniel 9:2 of the Septuagint (the Greek Bible made in the third century BC, long before Ignatius invented the word Catholic in 110 AD).”
(2)    Apostle Paul (in his letter to Timothy) used the word “ta biblia” referring to the “Sacred Scriptures”.
(3)    “You said ‘Latin is the official lanuage of the Catholic Church, and the whole world knew that it is the Orthodox (Church) which Greek is their offical language. Now you are saying that ‘it’s the Catholic Church (which Latin is the official language) which name the Bible from Greek.’ Got you in your own words”
Catholic Defender 2000 also point out that the “whole world” mentioned in Romans 1:7-8 is “Kata Holos”. let us again see his own words:
‘…The same way as the word CATHOLIC is from Greek KATA HOLOS "First, I give thanks to my God, through Jesus Christ, for you all: because your faith is spoken of in the whole world (Kata Holos)(Romans 1:7-8)”
This is a BIG LIE. The “whole world” mentioned in Romans 1:7-8 is not “Kata Holos” in Greek. He even inserted it in the verse. However, see it for yourselves:
‎7 § pa=sin toi=$ ou@sin e)n  (Rw/mh| a)gaphtoi=$ qeou=, klhtoi=$ a(gi/oi$, xa/ri$ u(mi=n kai\ ei)rh/nh a)po\ qeou= patro\$ h(mw=n kai\ kuri/ou  )Ihsou= Xristou=.
8 Prw=ton me\n eu)xaristw= tw=| qew=| mou dia\  )Ihsou= Xristou= peri\ pa/ntwn u(mw=n o%ti h( pi/sti$ u(mw=n katagge/lletai e)n o%lw| tw=| ko/smw|. 9
       [Romans 1:7-8 from Nesrle-Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece, 27th Revised Edition]
7 pásin toís oúsin en Rhœ¡m¢ agap¢toís theoú, kl¢toís hagíois, cháris humín kaí eir¢¡n¢ apó theoú patrós h¢mœ¡n kaí kuríou I¢soú Christoú.
8 Prœ¡ton mén eucharistœ¡ tœ¡ theœ¡ mou diá I¢soú Christoú perí pántœn humœ¡n hóti h¢ pístis humœ¡n katangélletai en hólœ tœ¡ kósmœ. Romans 1:7-8
It’s “HOLO TO KOSMO” and not “KATA HOLOS” which Catholic Defender 2000 claims. Perhaps, he thought that he can get away with it because we are too dumb to look at the Greek Text of the verse (Romans 1:7-8). A BIG LIAR INDEED.
This did not only shows that the Catholic defenders are making lies in order to decieve the public, but also, that they are ignorant of the teachings of the Bible.

NOW YOU KNOW: Don’t easily accepts everything they say. Take time to confirm and study it first. They are “Big Liars”.

Not Posting Your Answer
After I send to Catholic Defender 2000 my reply that I mentioned and discussed above, this is his response:

NOW YOU KNOW: If it seems that the Catholic Defenders have “scored” and it seems that we did not respond, it’s not because we cannot answer or refute them, but it’s because that the Catholic Defenders did not post our response. Another of their dirty tactics.

These people are employing every dirty tricks in the book in order to deceive the people, to make them believe that the Iglesia ni Cristo is not the true Church.
Here, we can see that these people are way below the level of the ministers of the Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ) who are dignified gentlemen and men of great learnings. Kaya pala hindi nila pinapatulan ang mga taong ito. Hindi ibababa ng aming mga ministro ang kanilang sarili sa level ng mga taong ito.

Now You Know the Dirty Tactics and Tricks of the Catholic Faith Defenders, Let be Decieved No More.

Link: http://pristinesearch.blogspot.com/2012/12/answering-catholic-defenders-part-1.html

December 27, 2012

Nagulat si Apostol Tomas: "My Lord and My God"

Sabi ng marami tinawag daw ni Apostol Tomas si Kristo na "My Lord and My God" at ito daw ay pagsasabi ng kaniyang paniniwala tungkol sa katauhan ni Kristo.

Ngunit, totoo ba ito?

Iyan ang tanong. Sinabi ba ito ni Apostol Tomas habang nangangaral siya?

Sinabi niya ba ito dahil naniniwala siyang Diyos si Kristo?

Sinabi niya ba ito para maging isa siyang katunayan o ebidensya na ang isang apostol ay naniniwala na Diyos nga talaga si Kristo?

Pag aralan natin ngayon ang TOTOONG SITWASYON, ang TOTOONG PANGYAYARI bago natin sabihin na tama si Tomas sa pagsasabing Diyos si Kristo. Tutal, sila naman ang nagsabi na wag daw mag quote ng verse na bitin, na hindi daw iniintindi ang nilalaman ng chapter o sa kwento na yun.

Sige tutal sila naman ang mahilig magsabi ng ganyan...

Ano ba ang mga pangyayari bago sabihin ni Tomas sa John 20: 28 ang "My Lord and My God"?

Ito yung mga panahon ng pagkabuhay na muli ni Kristo, pagkatapos niyang mamatay at mailibing. Ayon kay Apostol Juan sa John 20-1-23:

The Empty Tomb

20 Early on Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been taken away from the entrance. 2 She went running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and told them, “They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don't know where they have put him!”

3 Then Peter and the other disciple went to the tomb. 4 The two of them were running, but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and reached the tomb first. 5 He bent over and saw the linen cloths, but he did not go in. 6 Behind him came Simon Peter, and he went straight into the tomb. He saw the linen cloths lying there 7 and the cloth which had been around Jesus' head. It was not lying with the linen cloths but was rolled up by itself. 8 Then the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went in; he saw and believed. (9 They still did not understand the scripture which said that he must rise from death.) 10 Then the disciples went back home.

Pagkatapos noon ay nagpakita si Kristo kay Maria Magdalena: 

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

11 Mary stood crying outside the tomb. While she was still crying, she bent over and looked in the tomb 12 and saw two angels there dressed in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had been, one at the head and the other at the feet. 13 “Woman, why are you crying?” they asked her.

She answered, “They have taken my Lord away, and I do not know where they have put him!”

14 Then she turned around and saw Jesus standing there; but she did not know that it was Jesus. 15 “Woman, why are you crying?” Jesus asked her. “Who is it that you are looking for?”

She thought he was the gardener, so she said to him, “If you took him away, sir, tell me where you have put him, and I will go and get him.”

16 Jesus said to her, “Mary!”

She turned toward him and said in Hebrew, “Rabboni!” (This means “Teacher.”)

17 “Do not hold on to me,” Jesus told her, “because I have not yet gone back up to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them that I am returning to him who is my Father and their Father, my God and their God.”

18 So Mary Magdalene went and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord and related to them what he had told her.

Pagkatapos ay nagpakita siya sa kaniyang mga alagad:

Jesus Appears to His Disciples

19 It was late that Sunday evening, and the disciples were gathered together behind locked doors, because they were afraid of the Jewish authorities. Then Jesus came and stood among them. “Peace be with you,” he said.
20 After saying this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples were filled with joy at seeing the Lord. 21 Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, so I send you.” 22 Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive people's sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” 

Ito naman ang patotoo ni Marcos o Mark sa Mark 16: 1-14 sa pareho ring pangyayari:

News That Jesus Has Risen From Death

16 The next day after the Sabbath day, Mary Magdalene, Salome, and Mary the mother of James bought some sweet-smelling spices to put on Jesus’ body. 2 Very early on that day, the first day of the week, the women were going to the tomb. It was very early after sunrise. 3 The women said to each other, “There is a large stone covering the entrance of the tomb. Who will move the stone for us?”

4 Then the women looked and saw that the stone was moved. The stone was very large, but it was moved away from the entrance. 5 The women walked into the tomb and saw a young man there wearing a white robe. He was sitting on the right side of the tomb. The women were afraid.

6 But the man said, “Don’t be afraid. You are looking for Jesus from Nazareth, the one who was killed on a cross. He has risen from death! He is not here. Look, here is the place they put him when he was dead. 7 Now go and tell his followers. And be sure to tell Peter. Tell them, ‘Jesus is going into Galilee and will be there before you come. You will see him there, as he told you before.’”

8 The women were very afraid and confused. They left the tomb and ran away. They did not tell about what happened, because they were afraid.
Some Followers See Jesus

9 Jesus rose from death early on the first day of the week. He appeared first to Mary Magdalene. One time in the past Jesus had forced seven demons out of Mary. 10 After Mary saw Jesus, she went and told his followers. They were very sad and were crying. 11 But Mary told them that Jesus was alive. She said that she had seen Jesus, but they did not believe her.

12 Later, Jesus appeared to two followers while they were walking in the country. But Jesus did not look the same as before he was killed. 13 These followers went back to the other followers and told them what happened. Again, the followers did not believe them.

Jesus Talks to His Followers

14 Later, Jesus appeared to the eleven followers while they were eating. He criticized them because they had so little faith. They were stubborn and refused to believe the people who said Jesus had risen from death.

Eto naman ang patotoo ni Lucas o Luke sa Luke 24:34-43 sa pareho pa ring pangyayari:

34 saying, “The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!” 35 And they told about the things that had happened on the road, and how He was known to them in the breaking of bread.

Jesus Appears to His Disciples

36 Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, “Peace to you.” 37 But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit. 38 And He said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39 Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.”

40 When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet. 41 But while they still did not believe for joy, and marveled, He said to them, “Have you any food here?” 42 So they gave Him a piece of a broiled fish and some honeycomb.43 And He took it and ate in their presence.

I analize natin ang mga pangyayari

Noong nabuhay na mag uli si Kristo (pagkatapos nyang mamatay at mailibing) una siyang nagpakita kay Maria Magdalena na isa sa kanyang mga alagad at sinabihan niya siyang:

“Do not hold on to me,” Jesus told her, “because I have not yet gone back up to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them that I am returning to him who is my Father and their Father, my God and their God.” John 20:17

Malinaw na malinaw, ang sabi ni Kristo sabihin daw sa kaniyang mga kapatid na babalik sya sa kaniyang Ama, na kanila din namang Ama at KANIYANG DIYOS, na kanila din namang DIYOS.

Pumunta siya sa mga alagad ni Kristo at ibinalita nga na nabuhay siyang mag uli, ngunit di sya pinaniwalaan:

"But Mary told them that Jesus was alive. She said that she had seen Jesus, but they did not believe her." Mark 16:11

Nagpakita naman si Kristo sa kaniyang 2 alagad, at ikinuwento nila ito sa kapwa nila mga alagad ngunit di rin sila pinaniwalaan:

"Later, Jesus appeared to two followers while they were walking in the country. But Jesus did not look the same as before he was killed. These followers went back to the other followers and told them what happened. Again, the followers did not believe them." Mark 16:12-13

Sa kalagitnaan ng kanilang pagtitipon (habang naka lock ang pinto) ay nagpakita si Kristo, at nagulat sila, para silang nakakita ng espirito/multo:

"Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, “Peace to you.” But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit." Luke 24: 36-37

Yun naman pala, hindi sila naniwala sa mga nagsabi sa kanila na nabuhay nga muli si Kristo at nagpakita pa nga sa kanila. Ikaw ba naman, halimbawa kamamatay lang ng kamag anak mo o mahal mo sa buhay, tapos biglang may magsasabi sayo na "uy, alam mo ba nakita ko si ____ kanina sa bahay nila ah", ano naman kaya ang magiging reaksyon mo?

a. maniniwala agad
b. hindi muna maniniwala
c. nga nga

Eh ano ba ang mga naging reaksyon ng mga alagad ni Kristo pati ang mga naunang nyang 2 alagad nung una nilang nabalitaan ito? Di bat hindi sila naniwala?

Nung biglang nagpakita si Kristo sa kanilang pagtitipon (habang naka lock ang pinto), ano ang naging reaksyon nila? Di bat nagulat sila at natakot?

Ikaw kaya, dahil hindi ka naniwala sa nagsabi sayo na nakita niya yung namatay mong kamag anak/mahal sa buhay sa kanilang bahay at biglang nagpakita sayo (habang naka lock din pinto sa kwarto mo), anong unang magiging reaksyon mo?

a. matutuwa
b. magugulat/matatakot
c. nga nga

Nagpakita si Kristo kay Tomas

Nang makita ni Tomas si Kristo eto ang sinabi niya:

Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” John 20:28

Si Tomas ba ay tama sa kaniyang nasabi? Ang kaniya bang sinabi ay dahil naniwala siyang si Kristo ay Diyos? Kung mali si Tomas, bakit hindi siya itinama ni Kristo?

Absent si Tomas

Nung nagpakita si Kristo sa unang pagtitipon ng kaniyang mga alagad, siya ay ABSENT:

  "One of the twelve disciples, Thomas (called the Twin), was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!...” John 20:24-25

At sa pangalawang pagtitipon nila (kasama na si Tomas) naniwala ba siya nung sinabi sa kaniyang NAKITA NILA ANG PANGINOON (na alam naman nyang kamamatay lang, kalilibing lang pero eto at sinasabi nila sa kanilang nabuhay siya muli at nakita pa)?

Eto ang sabi niya:

"...Thomas said to them, “Unless I see the scars of the nails in his hands and put my finger on those scars and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” John 20:25

At eto nga, sa pangalawa nilang pagtitipon, naka lock na naman ang pinto ng biglang nagpakita si Kristo sa kaniyang mga alagad, at tanging si Tomas lang ang nabigla, dahil nga nakita na nila si Kristo nung una nilang pagtitipon:

"A week later the disciples were together again indoors, and Thomas was with them. The doors were locked, but Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and look at my hands; then reach out your hand and put it in my side. Stop your doubting, and believe!”

Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” John 20:26-28

Di bat parehas ang naging mga reaksyon ng mga apostol kay Tomas? Para silang nakakita ng multo/espirito dahil nung una, hindi sila naniwala at eto nga, sila na mismo ang nakakita kay Kristo, at may sinabi siya:

Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, “Peace to you.” But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit. And He said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts?  Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.” 
When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet. But while they still did not believe for joy, and marveled, He said to them, “Have you any food here?”  So they gave Him a piece of a broiled fish and some honeycomb. And He took it and ate in their presence." Luke 24:36-43

Dahil nga napagkamalan siyang espirito/multo sinabi ni Kristo na tignan nila ang kaniyang kamay at paa, na siya nga iyon at wala ng iba. Sabi pa niya kung gusto daw nila eh hawakan pa sya at pagmasdan, katunayan na siyay TAO at hindi ESPIRITO/MULTO.


God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." John 4:24

Eh si Kristo, ano bang sinabi niya, siya bay ESPIRITO? o tao ring MAY LAMAN AT BUTO?

"Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have. Luke 24:39

Sinabi niya ang mga katagang ito dahil hindi nga sila maniwala na nabuhay siya muli, at ganun nga rin si Tomas, binansagan nga diba siyang "doubting Tomas" dahil syay skeptic, dahil nag aalinlangan siya, hindi sya madaling makumbinsi o sa madaling salita, hindi siya naniniwala agad agad, kaya nga kinailangan pa ni Kristo na sabihing:

 "Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and look at my hands; then reach out your hand and put it in my side. Stop your doubting, and believe!” John 10:27

Ano nga ulit ang naging reaksyon at nasabi ni Tomas?

Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” John 20:28

Ang tanong, TAMA BA SI TOMAS at TAMA BA ANG MARAMI na PANIWALAAN ang kaniyang nabanggit nang magulat siya kay Kristo ( na alam niyang namatay, inilibing pero eto at nabuhay uli at nagpakita sa kanya)?

Balikan natin ang pinapasabi ni Kristo kay Maria Magdalena na sabihin sa kaniyang mga alagad:

 “Do not hold on to me,” Jesus told her, “because I have not yet gone back up to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them that I am returning to him who is my Father and their Father, my God and their God.John 20:17


Kung totoong ang Diyos ni Apostol Tomas ay si Kristo, eh di mali pala ang kaniyang sinasampalatayanan dahil si Kristo na mismo ang nagsabi na ang Diyos niya ay Diyos din nila!

Sino ba itong Diyos na ito?

“After Jesus finished saying this, he looked up to heaven and said, ‘Father, the hour has come. Give glory to your Son, so that the Son may give glory to you. … And eternal life means to know you, the only true God, and to know Jesus Christ, whom you sent’.” John 17:1, 3

Yun naman pala. Ang tunay na Diyos na sinabi ni Kristong "the ONLY TRUE GOD" ay walang iba kundi ang kaniyang Ama na Ama rin nila.

Eto pa:
"Don't all of us have the same father? Hasn't the same God created us? Why are we unfaithful to each other? And why do we dishonor the promise given to our ancestors?" Malachi 2:10

Kaya wala pong dahilan para mapagkamalian nating si Kristo ay ang Diyos ni Tomas, dahil ang Diyos ni Kristo at ang Diyos ng lahat ng nilalang sa mundo ay IISA LANG, ang DIYOS ng OLD TESTAMENT at DIYOS ng NEW TESTAMENT-> ang AMA.