Other people say that the Iglesia ni Cristo is a cult.
The word "cult" is very offensive as to labeling a "christian group" and if others believe on that, then it is very UNFAIR.
Why unfair?
Because for me, the word "cult" is same as the word "dangerous", religious groups that are labeled as cults were avoided by people, discriminated and so on .
When you say "cult" the thing that comes to your mind first is "harmful" and to apply that word to the INC is contrary to the truth.
Because the INC never commanded or taught its members to do evil things and the INC never been harmful to its members that cause them to be evil. If there are some who does "bad or evil" things, it should not be blamed to the church but to theirselves.
Never did the INC say "Brethren, do something evil" or "Brethren, do bad things others" or "Brethren, let us commit mass suicide" or "If there is someone who will leave the church let him be killed" or "Anyone who disobey our command will be killed".
There are no such things.
Contrary to what they say, there are many who testify that joining the INC will have positive changes on your life and will make you a better person.
If you only make a visit and attend even just one worship service in the church you will notice that the lessons delivered by the ministers are always about life and family like for example, they always remind us that we should not practice live-in, interfaith marriage, pre-marital sex, should stop vices and so on, always do this and that (positive things) for us to attain salvation...
What "CULT" means
Now, let us know what "cult" is:
Cult noun
1. a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
2. an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult.
3. the object of such devotion.
4. a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
5. Sociology . a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.
source: dictionary.com
The true meaning and definition of "cult" is POSITIVE and its all about worship.
Let us consult wikipedia:
The term "cult" first appeared in English in 1617, derived from the French culte, meaning "worship" or "a particular form of worship" which in turn originated from the Latin word cultus meaning "care, cultivation, worship," originally "tended, cultivated," as in the past participle of colere "to till the soil".
In French, for example, sections in newspapers giving the schedule of worship at Catholic churches are headed Culte Catholique; the section giving the schedule of Protestant churches is headed culte réformé.
The meaning "devotion to a person or thing" is from 1829. Starting about 1920, "cult" acquired an additional six or more connotatively positive and negative definitions that are separately discussed in the article Cult.
source: wikipedia
If you insist the INC is a cult, then i will also insist that Catholic Church and Protestant churches are also CULTS as in french newspapers, Catholic churches is said to be Culte Catholique and protestant churches as culte réformé!
But "cult" as "worship" is not what nonmembers refers to when saying INC is a cult, they are talking about THEOLOGICALLY, it is the negative meaning of "cult". Ive found an interesting article about cult and i will answer some of it as nonmembers applys it to the INC.
From essortment.com, here it is (red):
People Tend give the label cult to any group they dont understand. But what exactly a true cult is?In our modern world of the new millennium, the word "cult" has become largely overused and is now a catch-all for any group, religion or lifestyle which someone doesn't understand, or with which they happen to disagree. This is a dangerous trend, as many of the organizations labeled a cult by dissidents are truly legitimate groups. Once the taint of the term "cult" is applied to a particular group, it is often difficult to change that image to the public.
To avoid careless labeling which could be harmful to a group and its adherents, it is important to know just exactly what a cult is, and how it is defined. A cult, by modern standards, is any group that incorporates mind control to deceive, influence and govern its followers. Although most people think of cults as being religious, they can also be found in political, athletic, philosophical, racial or psychotherapeutic arenas.
This is true, there are people who ABUSE the word "cult" and apply it to religious groups, mainly christian groups that they are not familiar with. It happened on the INC, it is in the time the news about the hectares of land in South Dakota was bought by the church, and the news spread from different media websites and from different countries around the word, im surprised that those people who doesnt have any knowledge about the church said it is a cult.
Why i am surprised?
As i observed, all new religious groups (they are not familiar with) are labeled as cult abroad.
Then the detractors of the INC took the chance to make misinformation on those websites so that many will have a bad impression about the church which is very UNFAIR.
The mind control, or brainwashing, exerted by cults often take the form of at least several of the following elements:
A totalitarian control over the lifestyle and time of its members - Many cults tend to dictate exactly what its followers should read, eat, how and with whom they should spend their time, and even what they should do in off hours. This totalitarian control is necessary for the leaders to indoctrinate the followers in everything they do, and is also an attempt to separate them from anything not associated with the cult. This is why cults often live together in groups.
These does not happen in the INC, ministers do not dictates members about the said things. The INC do not meddle to members on the things which is not related to the church like what to dress, when to eat and so on.
That is called MIND CONTROL, dictating members what to do specifically in EVERY THING. The INC is not like that, the only concern of the church is about the spirituality of the members.
A charismatic, self-appointed leader with complete authority - Cult members are taught not to question the teachings, practices, or ideas of the leader. Many cult leaders truly are charismatic people, and are able to influence people to believe them. It is common that a cult member is not told everything up front when joining the group, but that they are taught increasingly controlling ideas and teachings as they go.
In the case of some of the more well-publicized cults that have come and gone, it is also common that the leader's ideas and demands evolve over time, becoming increasingly controlling and restrictive. One very clear identifying element dealing with the leader of a cult is that the leader will always focus the attention and veneration of the members upon himself or herself. At the heart of a cult usually lies a very self-centered and self-seeking person.
This element doesnt describe the INC and its leadership.
First of all, INC ministers and leaders doesnt say "dont question our ideas and teachings!". We are relying to what the bible is saying what to do to our religious leaders and not to their "personal ideas or personal commandments". All the teachings of the church were all in the bible (Ill answer this below the article im quoting).
Members are indoctrinated and informed about the whole thing first before becoming a member, it is estimated as 6months (continued attendance in worship services and bible studies) before getting baptized, so theres no thing in the INC that members are "not told everything up front when joining the group, but that they are taught increasingly controlling ideas and teachings as they go."
More on this element, in about.com it is stated:
"Loyalty and adoration are often significantly directed toward the leader rather than some outside force. Because of this extreme focus on the leader, dangerous cults are commonly led by their founders, and few dangerous cults survive the death of the founder, since he or she was the focus of adoration and loyalty."
The INC does not teaches to respect only the executive minister or church administration, but all duty officers whom God placed in the church like ministers, deacons, deaconess, finance officers, secretaries, and so on.
We recognize Bro. Felix as God's last messenger and not as a charismatic leader or founder that has an overall control to its members. All witnessed (even priests and protestant pastors) that when Bro. Felix died, it did not end the church, contrary to what the priests predicted that the church will vanish, the church achieved its phenomenal state and international expansion in the time of Bro. Erano Manalo, the successor of Bro. Felix, which was voted by district ministers to be the next executive minister.
Even Bro. Felix died, the church did not vanish because it is God who used him as an instrument on preaching the true gospel and he was not "self appointed", meaning, Bro. Felix Manalo as "the focus of adoration and loyalty" is not true and did not happened in the church.
A focus on withholding truth from non-members - Many cults teach their followers to be completely open and truthful within the group, while at the same time they are encouraged to be secretive and evasive when questioned by people outside of the group. This is another form of mind control-instilling guilt in the members if they hold anything back within the group.
The members are taught that outsiders wouldn't understand or that they would only make fun of the ideas and practices and requirements for living within the group. Only specially-commissioned members are appointed to recruit members from outside. New members are usually encouraged to keep silent or even lie, especially to their families and close friends.
The INC doesnt teach us to be secretive and evasive, if youre talking about is when you ask a member about church doctrines, its not being secretive if we will address you to the ministers, because it is them who studied and knows fully about it and not us.
If we will answer you in our own explanation and if there will be some mistakes then it will reflect the church as whole, its something that we are avoiding.
All members can and encouraged to invite people who ever is interested about the church and not "Only specially-commissioned members". The church doesnt teach new members to "keep silent or even lie, especially to their families and close friends ", there's no such thing that happened in the INC.
Finally, I can now answer some questions about the negative impression of nonmembers that the church administration does overall control to its members and so on.
Why do we obey, follow and trust the Church Administration?
"Obey your leaders and follow their orders. They watch over your souls without resting, since they must give to God an account of their service. If you obey them, they will do their work gladly; if not, they will do it with sadness, and that would be of no help to you." Hebrews 13:17
It is in this reason that we submit our trust in the Church administration because what they do and their decisions is not for us to be harmed but for our own good. Others didnt know about this that's why they keep on saying the members are "brainwashed" and like "puppets" of the Church admin. which is obviously WRONG.
It is but a truth that they are jealous that INC members do obey and follow, while in their church, they are not taught to obey and follow their leaders.
Should we obey and follow them always or only in their presence?
Let us consult the bible:
"Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;" Phil. 2:12
Obedience is not only in their presence, or if they see us but we should obey them always.
As we obey God, we do not see him but we do obey and follow his teachings.
Is the Church Administration's decisions "of God"?
Christ himself said:
"Truly I tell you, whatever you forbid and declare to be improper and unlawful on earth must be what is already forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit and declare proper and lawful on earth must be what is already permitted in heaven.
Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree (harmonize together, make a symphony together) about whatever [anything and everything] they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by My Father in heaven." Mat. 18:18-19 Amplified bible
Clearly, the decisions of the Church administration are permitted by God, the Father in heaven. This authority extends even to the expulsion of the members who do evil:
"God will judge those outside the church. So you must put that sinful person out of your church." I Cor. 5:13
Is the Church Administration appointed by God?
As what Apostle Paul said:
"I have become its minister, according to God's administration that was given to me for you, to make God's message fully known" Col. 1:25 Holman Christian Standard Bible
It is therefore they should be trusted, obeyed and followed because their authority is of God.
It is in these reasons why we submit ourselves to them so that we will become UNITED. As what the Apostles appealed:
"By the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ I appeal to all of you, my friends, to agree in what you say, so that there will be no divisions among you. Be completely united, with only one thought and one purpose." I Cor. 1:10
What does the bible tells us about our leaders?
"Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith." Hebrew 13:7
Bro. Felix is remembered as Bro. Erano Manalo also. As you have noticed, they are featured in the Pasugo Magazine in the month they are born and died. It is the bible that said we should remember them and IMITATE their faith also.
One of the things they considered cult is that "cults" have strange doctrines and practices.
The INC is labeled as "cult" of the detractors because it is said to have "strange doctrines" or doctrines which is not in mainstream Christianity. Doctrines like Trinity and so on, but the thing is, what "strange" really means?
unusual, extraordinary, or curious; odd; queer: a strange remark to make.
source: dictionary.com
But if we analyze thoroughly, what is the REAL STRANGE?
A. Christian religions that have doctrines and practices which are not found in mainstream Christianity
B. Christian religions that have doctrines and practices which are not found in the Scriptures
What religions should be labeled as CULT, is it A or B?
If A, then you also say that people with disabilities are also strange because they are different with the normal people. You judge them because of what you see and observe, not because of who they really are, then, thats what we call "discrimination".
If B, then correct, because strange is not those people who have disabilities, only because they may have no arms/fingers/hands/feet and so on that makes them different with normal people, but what strange is a half human-half alien or half human-half animal or should i say, OUT OF THIS WORLD.
Meaning, if there are churches that do have doctrines and practices which are not found in the Holy Scriptures, besides being strange, they are false religions!
Labeling a religious group as CULT
Here are some advice that we should remember on labeling a Christian religion or a religious group as "dangerous cult":
Religions and belief systems different from our own are often threatening to us, but we should refrain from highly derogatory labels such as dangerous cult unless they are truly deserved. The following things are not generally considered reason to objectively label a religion as dangerous:
Beliefs Contrary to Your OwnSome groups consider beliefs contrary to their own to be cultish. Because these beliefs are considered wrong and/or heretical, they are spiritually dangerous. However, this is not the same as groups that are investigated by law enforcement for dangerous behavior.
"Fringe" ReligionsJust because a religion is not well known and doesn't have many followers does not make it a dangerous cult. It doesn't even make them wrong. All religions start out small, and some religions simply function better on a smaller scale.
Selective MembershipChristianity has developed an expectation within Westerners that all religions should want to embrace everyone and gather as many followers as possible. That is certainly one way for religions to function, but it is not the only way. Some religious groups only want a certain type of person, and see mass congregations as actually detrimental to the functioning of their religion.
Condoning Minor Legal InfractionsWhile felonious behavior gets a group labeled a dangerous cult faster than just about anything, minor infractions such as civil disobedience or use of prohibited substances is generally not sufficient to label a group as dangerous.
"Weird" BehaviorWeird is subjective. Humans have a tendency to label people different from ourselves as the enemy. Just because a group does something you do not agree with does not make them dangerous.
Occult ConnectionsThe word occult has a lot of inaccurate stereotypes associated with it. There are a wide variety of occult groups or occult-influenced groups that are perfectly harmless to both members and others.
SecrecyPeople often presume that only bad people keep secrets. Thus, any religion that does not make its beliefs and practices fully public must be hiding sort of nefarious activity. In truth, there are plenty of non-malevolent reasons to keep secrets, including the simple desire for privacy.
source: about.com
As i always say that im not bias, i will answer the question of many in a very honest way.
Is Iglesia ni Cristo a CULT?
answer: YES AND NO
Yes, if they define cult as what stated in allaboutcults.org:
"Simply, a cult is any religious group that deviates from the fundamental teachings of the historic, Bible-based, Christian faith as confirmed through the ancient ecumenical creeds. Generally, if a religious organization follows Jesus Christ, but denies or distorts essential Christian doctrines such as the Trinity, the resurrection, or salvation by grace alone, that organization is considered a cult. Traditional examples are the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, the Unity School of Christianity, and the Way International."
If they say the Iglesia ni Cristo is a CULT because it does not follow the main doctrines of mainstream Christianity like Trinity and salvation by grace alone, then be it. The INC is a cult in their own terms only because it did not adopt their unbiblical doctrines such as Trinity, Jesus is God, salvation by grace alone, and others.
But the Iglesia ni Cristo is NOT A CULT if they mean like this:
INC is not a cult that do things like mass suicide, brainwashing, mind control, abuse to members, harm to members and the like.
Very good bro!
ReplyDeleteCOngratulations Readme! your blog has now 1,000+ like on facebook!
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Dati po akong INC kaso naisip isip ko po na bakit nila kini claim na sila ung "iglesia" na binabanggit sa Roma 16:16. e Samantalang 1914 A.D. lang po naitatag ung Iglesia ni Manalo.
ReplyDeleteAt ung sulat nmn po na iyon ni Pablo para sa Roma ay nung taon pang 55~ A.D.?
clark jasper laysico,
DeleteAkala ko ba dati kang INC member, eh bakit di mo alam ang explanation diyan? Hindi ba yan itinuro ng ministro sayo o tulog ka ng mga panahon na yon?
Saka walang IGLESIA NI MANALO, non existing yon.
Meron ay Iglesia ni Cristo na itinatag ni Kristo noong 1st century na kalaunay natalikod kaya nga itinatag itong muli sa pamamagitan ng sugo ng Diyos.
Ayon sa ROMA 16:16 na sinabi mo, magbatian daw ng banal na halik, dahil binabati sila ng mga IGLESIA NI CRISTO at hindi ng mga KATOLIKO.
Readme, I attended one of the doctrine lesson of INC, the minister wanted to ask me question so I asked, what year did this Apostasy started and he answered "I don't know, it's not clear because it was an on going process". You see, INC had no historical support for this "Apostasy". If we would say that it started on 107 AD where St. Ignatius named the church "Catholic" and the Christian persecution ended on 313 AD, who were these Christians killed during the Roman Empire that ended on 313 AD? Where are the records of your brethren in the early church?
DeleteThere are none, Christians of the early church were Catholics, victims of the persecutions were Catholics, St. Ignatius for example, he was thrown to the lions because he preached the Gospel, if there would be any man you can mention that was also victim of Christian persecution, will you tell me that he is one of your bretheren?
Riel Lopez,
Deleteso you attended ONCE. okay. thank you for the clarification, because you always brag that, like you attended our bible study, and other activities in the church...
The minister answered you right, THERE IS NO DEFINITE DATE OF THE APOSTASY. Because every changes and additions to your church doctrines is turning away to the true gospel.
Apostasy started when the Catholic Church invented and changed so many doctrines.
The 1st century Christians vanished, as they were tortured and even killed. Those who embraced the apostatized church with its invented doctrines are what we now call the CATHOLICS. Because Christians are CHRISTIANS, they are not and were never called CATHOLICS. It is Ignatius who invented the term, and thats in the history.
INC has historical support for APOSTASY.
List your church doctrines from the 2nd century up to the present with the date it was universally accepted, either through council or whatsoever. And thats the very proof of the history of APOSTASY.
A cult is defined by the control a religious organization holds over its members. If you cannot freely leave the religion and remain in relationships with the people who remain in the religion then you are in a cult.
DeleteIf ONE person is responsible for a "unique" revelation that guides the doctrine ... it's a cult!
How do you know if you belong to a cult?
DeleteIf you or a loved one leaves a cult ... they will be cut off. Members will be discouraged to continue any relationship. If they have jobs with any 'church' members they will be fired or encouraged to leave if they cannot legally fire them.
If a single person came up with the whole "unique religious dogma" ... it's a cult!
The word CATHOLIC literally means "universal," as in "the universal church." It originally was applied to all Christians because we are all part of the universal church in the way that we are all members of the Body of Christ. The Latin word is catholicus, and in Greek it is katholikos, from the Greek phrase meaning "on the whole, according to the whole or in general." The word in English can mean "including a wide variety of things; all-embracing," or "of the Roman Catholic faith," or "relating to the historic doctrine and practice of the Western Church.”
ReplyDeleteThe Catholic Church has many historical facts not written in the Bible itself. You cannot understand the Bible based on our time. It needs the real context of Jews tradition, culture, lifestyle and others. Like us Filipino we cannot easily understand other culture if we do not study thier own historical background. How they came out with their own terms of language, practice and other sources. How are sure they change and invented doctrine when your doctrine has no bases from historical sense.
Delete"The Catholic Church has many historical facts not written in the Bible itself".
At least you admitted that indeed most of the teachings of Catholic Church are not founded in the Bible, in fact further oppose whatever the Bible teaches us to attain eternal life. Can I cite some examples of those teachings of Catholic Church which could not be found in the Bible?
1. Celebration of Christmas, Easter Sunday, Halloween, Valentine's day, etc.
2. Apostle Peter was the first Pope.
3. Mary is the Mother of God
4. Holy Trinity
5. Baptismal of the infants
6. Purgatory
7. Holy Rosary
8. Praying for the dead
9. Novena
10. Confession
Teachings of the Catholic Church which are against the teachings of Christ, of the Apostles and of God:
1. Worshiping graven images
2. Forbidding to marry
3. Following/observing feasts and TRADITIONS
4. Signing of the cross
5. Addressing somebody "Father" in this world aside from God who is the only Father.
6. The Pope as Christ's replacement in this world.
You are right in saying that we cannot understand the Bible based on our time, THAT IS WHY A TRUE MESSENGER IS A MUST otherwise none could deliver to us the purest gospel of God (Romans 10:15).
The Bible is enough to teach us what we must do, follow and adhere to for us to be saved from God's wrath on judgment day. In other words the Bible by itself CAN STAND ALONE. No need for traditions, cultures, and the like which are purely invented by man and trying to show the same as if they come from God. God has nothing to do with these man-made traditions and whoever believes and follows these traditions does not please God but pleases his fellow man who is not capable of rewarding him an eternal life on appointed time. Both of them shall die.
"BUT IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP ME, TEACHING AS DOCTRINES THE PRECEPTS OF MEN.' Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men.He was also saying to them, "You are experts at setting aside the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition.…" ~ Mark 7:8-9.