"Why there is a symbol of freemasonry on your logo?"
"Freemasonry is satanic, then INC is satanic!"
"Felix Manalo your God is a freemason that's why there are masonic symbols there" and etc...
These are just some of the reactions and attacks of nonmembers to the INC. I dont still have the official explanation or meaning of the symbols in the INC logo but i just wanted to end the misconceptions of nonmembers to our logo once and for all.
Before I explain the alleged "mystery" of the INC logo, i want to show you first when and how the issue that the "INC logo is satanic" came. I found the one who created this very BIG LIE that other faiths who wanted to attack the INC borrowed his created "research" about the similarities of the INC logo and that of the Freemasonry.
The word 'same' in the literal since refers to something identical, however, 'similar' is indicative of something different, but sharing one or more common characteristics. source: wiki.answers.com

Apocalypto (username), a debater on thebearens.net forums, probably a Christian/born again. The thread which he created for the INC symbol is here.
This is not surprising, because most self claimed "Christians" do something like this, for example, doing websites, blogs, joining forums and so on "TO EXPOSE FALSE RELIGIONS" (as what they are claiming). They make researches and proofs on "debunking" established religions, as some do not believe on "religion/church" while others wanted people to be convinced and join their church.
As we can notice on the thread he created, he is asking for the meaning of the symbols on the INC logo on his first post. Then in July 28, 2007, the second post, he posted the edited pictures that he maligned, gave different meaning to the symbols of the INC logo, and intended to associate or relate INC logo symbols to the symbols in Freemasonry to make INC logo and the church itself SATANIC.
This was his post (red=my response):
After doing much research, I have gathered evidences which points the INC logo to be of Freemasonry origin. The elements of the symbols of Freemasonry can be found on the logo, to my amazement. Though subliminally hidden, it can be brought out by simply making a study of how they conceal the symbols. Quite ingenious actually, but careless.
(As we can see, he really did a "research" to intently RELATE INC logo to the Freemasonry logo just to show INC is satanic, then this is deception and a very great tactic of him!)
The very fact that the square and compass symbol is obviously shown, reveals that they have no qualms in showing that in public as if to show the institution is proudly owned by Masons. Felix Manalo is probably a 22 degree Mason of the order of Knight of Royal Axe. He and his leaders are probably members of the Order of the Amaranth and the Order of the Eastern Star.
(We should know the fact that the official symbols of Freemasonry logo are only two: Compass joined with the square, which are architect's tools and are used in Masonic ritual as emblems to teach symbolic lessons. source: wikipedia
While in the INC logo, there is only a compass, there was no square joined with it.)
Kindly download the pictures below and magnifying it in order to read the words clearly.
(Clearly, he is the one who created these pictures that nonmembers are very happy spreading the lie Apocalypto made, which is not surprising because evils will never show you the TRUTH, what they do is to spread lies and deception!)
What actually disturbs me is that Freemasonry is always associated with Witchcraft and Luciferan doctrines. Former members of the INC allegedly accuse the institution of Satanism. (Please find the user here - Cult Buster and her testimony.)
(As i searched the web, here is how they describe Cult Buster:
For the utmost efforts in making long and winding essays if not boring monologues which contains blazing hatred towards INC. His most obvious fascination of making INC members angry to the extreme limits makes him the most amusing poster of all time. These were the traits Eminentissimum (remarkable) and unique:
1. Delusion of Superior Intelligence (Sophomania) – in order to convince the readers, he tries his best to choose the best exotic words to discredit INC, while doing so he tells the world the he is credible because he is Cum Lau de. Making it so illogical to the sensible group of people because if we follow his lines of argumentation 99.99% are liars just because they were not graduating Cum Lau De?
2. Delusion of Grandeur – a state of mind wherein a person believes he has overflowing wealth.
This is his way of shouting to the world he gave too much offerings while inside the INC on the premise his family belongs to the rich group of people. Again this pattern of lying by over-emphasizing has been debunked. Police and many other lie detection experts encountered these statements countless times. 3. Undeniably Cult Buster postings reflect Insensibility – the thoughts are bizarre and untouched to the reality. Busted Cult Buster’s techniques in writing: (no need to explain)
1. lying
2. projection
source: network54.com
I think there is no reason to believe her[Cult buster] about saying INC is satanic.)
At the heart of Masonry is a secret Luciferian doctrine which a Mason only comes to understand as he reaches the higher levels
And according to a former Wiccan Witch high priests and 32 degree Freemason:
"A: Both are built on a foundation system of three degrees, with a few forms of Wicca offering some higher degrees after the third degree has been achieved.
B: Both are secret societies in that both membership rolls are secret, and secrets are kept from the general populace (to a greater or lesser degree) by both religions. Both generally meet in secret, except for rare open and public events.
C: Both have highly ceremonial initiations to pass from one degree to another, including sworn oaths.
D: Both have ceremonial purgings and purifications of their ritual space before commencing any ritual work.
E: The precise similarities between the two groups are that both groups:
1. Cause candidates to strip off all secular clothing;
2. Cause the candidate to be divested of all metal;
3. Hoodwink (blindfold) the candidate and ceremonially tie ropes around him (though the form of the tying varies);
4. Cause the candidate to stand in the Northeast corner of the 'temple' in the first degree;
5. Challenge the candidate by piercing their naked chest with a sharp instrument (witches use a sword, Masons, the point of a compass);
6. Challenge the candidate with secret passwords;
7. Lead the candidate blindfolded in a circumambulation (walking round) of the temple; and
8. Require the candidate to swear solemn oaths of secrecy before being given custody of the secrets of the group...
9. Both have a ceremonial unhoodwinking of the candidate, following the oath, before lighted candles that is intended to bring 'illumination'.
10. Both convey to the new initiate the "working tools" pertinent to that degree, and each of their uses are taught to them.
11. In both, the tools have correspondences both in the ceremonial realm and in similarities to human reproduction.
12. Both, in the higher degrees, take the initiate through a ritual death-and rebirth experience in which the initiate acts the part of a hero (heroine) of the craft.
13. Both cause the candidate to endure (while being blindfolded) being picked up, spun around, carried around, being jolted or struck from person to person. This is supposed to produce an 'altered state of consciousness'."
William J Schnoebelen states in 'Beyond The Light' (p. 215), "he [the Mason] is spiritually connected to an organisation whose rites can effortlessly slide into witchcraft and devil worship and fit beautifully! If Freemasonry is so godly, how can it possibly be interchanged by both witches and satanists so freely?"
That has actually have led me to decode the logo even more and to my bewilderment and outmost shock, Freemasonry and Witchcraft are closely interlinked, if not, the same.
(I think "decode" is not the right term but "malign". Now, let us repeat his statement: "That has actually have led me to malign the logo even more and to my bewilderment and outmost shock, Freemasonry and Witchcraft are closely interlinked, if not, the same.")
Freemason Apron
The logo of INC also conceals something really devious, which is truly unbelievable!!
Kindly download the images:
The Verdict:
It would be most inappropriate for me to conclude, however, in light of things, you be the judge
(After the lies he created he said "It would be most inappropriate for me TO CONCLUDE" therefore, this statement only means that he admitted that all of those are NOT TRUE and cannot be considered as FACTS! He then said, "you be the judge" meaning, it is you who will make the decision if you will believe his lie or not.
NOTE: A truth-seeker will never believe on a LIE!)
Una po kasi mga kaibigan, anong mapapala dyan sa tinutumbok ninyo? (Firstly my friends, what will we get unto what youre pointing?)
Ikalawa, kung sasabihing "wala lang" hindi naman kayo matatahimik. (second, if we will say "its nothing" still you all will not be silent.)
Ikatlo, kung ibibigay ang paliwanag NAMIN sa AMING LOGO, tatanggip nyo ba? Palagay ko hindi, dahil ang dami nyo ng sariling paliwanag e...kagaling nga ng iba mag-analyze...pero may halong imahinasyon. (Third, if we will give you the explanation of our logo, will you accept? I think not, because you have already many explanations about it. Others are great how to analyze but with imagination.)
A baptist replied to Apocalypto:
Apocalypto, it seems that your quotes pertain directly to Freemasonry but nothing is explicity directed at the INC. Perhaps it is some coincidence? In the case of the Mormons, Joseph Smith was a documented Freemason, and many of the actual LDS rituals, handshakes and passwords are clearly adapted from Masonry. I actually read somewhere online a description of the INC logo and its meaning, but I have not found it again. I am still looking for it so I can give a link in the interest of fair play.
This baptist is also the one who posted the true INC logo meaning in that thread by quoting truthfinder's website.
And on the last post of the thread, "Born Again" closed the thread saying:
The meaning of that LOGO has been posted in reply #30. http://www.geocities.com/truthfinder_inc/incsymbol.htm Unless kung may prove kayo na legitimate (galing sa INC) ang mga ibang ibinibigay ninyong meaning nito ay pwedi kayong magbukas ulit ng ganitong topic para i-question ang mga meaning nito.
Sorry guys but this thread is now closed.
Meaning to say, the TRUE MEANING of the INC Logo has been posted and so the question about the explanation of INC logo was ANSWERED that's why the thread was closed by the username "Born Again".
The origin of this lie was closed and, i hope nonmembers who still spreads the pictures about the INC logo connected to Freemasonry be STOPPED because they are showing they are devil's instruments, never did a person claimed to be of-god will spread wrong infos especially lies, he/she should be the one to proclaim TRUTH!
Here is the INC logo meaning from Truthfinder's website, though this is unofficial, this is more accurate and closest like-meaning than the adulterated INC logo meaning from a NONMEMBER.
The logo is for official use within the Church and is found on the front of the chapels;
the INC flag "green, white, red with the mennorah" is for the general use of the members.
the italian flag had nothing to do with the colors
green = love; white holiness; red = courage
the menorrah is the Jewish symbol of enlightenment and in the book of revelation
the symbol of the seven churches -- the INC the seventh
Here is the meaning of the various symbols on the logo of the Church:
The shield ---- is the shield of faith
the various colors = green is love; white is holiness; red is courage
the upsidedown triangle means the equality of the members or brotherhood (Mt. 23:8);
the crown is the crown of eternal life
the flame is the light of salvation
the scale represents the equiality of the justice of God;
the book is the Bible
the two scrolls seen in the BIble represent the OT and NT;
the lamb is the Lord Jesus Christ
the bird at the top is the dove or Holy Spirit
The logo of the INC has been used since 1919 but only appeared on its buildings of worship since the 1950s
source: truthfinder
I remember on a sermon of a minister in our locale, he mentioned about the meaning of the 3 colors, i think he said that green- Faith, white- hope, and red- love. (Pananampalataya, Pag-asa at Pag-ibig) It is also the title of a program in Net25.
Is Bro. Felix Manalo once a Freemason?
The truth is NO. Try to check the biography of Bro. Felix in the National Historical Institute of the Philippines and you will discover that he is NEVER been a Freemason, or have any connection with Freemasons. It is Joseph Smith, the founder of the LDS church and Gregorio Aglipay, the founder of Philippine Independent Church who became Freemasons and not Bro. Felix Manalo.
Is it true that symbols in the INC logo are of Freemasonry?
No. The creator of such lie (Apocalypto) intended to relate symbols of the INC to the Freemasonry. What he did is he made a research about symbols in the Freemasonry and tried to connect it with the INC.
The only SIMILARITY about the two logos is the use of COMPASS, that's it. Because the official logo of Freemasonry has only a compass with a square, sometimes with the letter "G" in the middle, sometimes with an eye above the compass and sometimes with light rays in the background.

Does the designer of the logo intended to hide the "true meaning" of it as what Apocalypto claimed?
No. Though, frankly, i will tell you that the designer and the official meaning of those symbols in the INC still unknown and as i made a research, i think ministers and evangelical workers doesnt know about that, i think only senior ministers and pastors of the church knows it. And that doesnt automatically mean the logo is satanic and that the Church Admin. "HIDE" the truth from members only because there is no official explanation about it. Logo is just a logo. Later i will show you the use of the logo...
Colors green, white and red are colors of the flag of italy, what is the connection of it to your church?
Again, these 3 colors have nothing to do with the INC, in the first place ITALY doesnt own those colors that if used by an organization or an individual will make him Italian. We should know that there are also countries that used the 3 colors on their flags:
Red, white, and green
Mexico with other color symbol
Wales - (Country of the United Kingdom)
source: wikipedia
That's why it should not be associated with the INC, because that is nonsense.
Is the INC "satanic"?
Obviously No. From the word itself, it means evil and demonic. When we say satanic, it is believing to Satan, maybe as a deity or something higher on us, veneration on Satan and etc. The INC do not have a single doctrine about venerating the devil especially worshiping him, what we only worship is God, the father and his son, Jesus Christ for the glory of the Father.
Why do nonmembers FOCUS so much on the INC logo and not to the doctrines of the church?
That is the very thing we members wonder, because again, Logo is just a logo, it doesnt explain the beliefs of the church, it doesnt contain more details about the church and logo is not used in rituals in the INC, so why do they focus on it instead of knowing doctrines of the church?
Should we relate INC logo to the Freemasonry?A good explanation ive got from wiki.answers.com:
Both contain a pair of compasses. The use of the compasses by Masonic organizations predates the founding of the Iglesia ni Cristo by about 200 years. Unlike the founders of the Mormon Church, the founder of Iglesia ni Cristo did not appear to have been a Freemason, and since Freemasonry is not a religion and does not have a religious agenda, there would have been no reason to incorporate a Masonic symbol into the church logo.
It is likely just a coincidence.
Understanding what LOGO is all about...
What is a "LOGO"?
A logo is a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. Logos are either purely graphic (symbols/icons) or are composed of the name of the organization (a logotype or wordmark) source: wikipedia
What is Logo Design?
Logo design is an important area of graphic design, and one of the most difficult to perfect. The logo (ideogram), is the image embodying an organization. Because logos are meant to represent companies' brands or corporate identities and foster their immediate customer recognition, it is counterproductive to frequently redesign logos.
Color is considered important to brand recognition, but it should not be an integral component to the logo design, which could conflict with its functionality. Some colors are formed/associated with certain emotions that the designer wants to convey. For instance loud primary colors, such as red, are meant to attract the attention of drivers on highways are appropriate for companies that require such attention. In the United States red, white, and blue are often used in logos for companies that want to project patriotic feelings. Green is often associated with the health and hygiene sector, and light blue or silver is often used to reflect diet foods. For other brands, more subdued tones and lower saturation can communicate reliability, quality, relaxation, or other traits. source: wikipedia
What is the use of a Logo?
To understand what a logo is, we must first understand what it is for.
A logo is for… identification.
A logo identifies a company or product via the use of a mark, flag, symbol or signature. A logo does not sell the company directly nor rarely does it describe a business. Logo’s derive their meaning from the quality of the thing it symbolises, not the other way around – logos are there to identify, not to explain. In a nutshell, what a logo means is more important than what it looks like.
To illustrate this concept, think of logos like people. We prefer to be called by our names – James, Dorothy, John – rather than by the confusing and forgettable description of ourselves such as “the guy who always wears pink and has blonde hair”. In this same way, a logo should not literally describe what the business does but rather, identify the business in a way that is recognisable and memorable.
It is also important to note that only after a logo becomes familiar, does it function the way it is intended to do much alike how we much must learn people’s names to identify them.
The logo identifies a business or product in its simplest form.
source: justcreativedesign.com
What should we know about designing a Logo?
Before you design a logo, you must understand what a logo is, what it represents and what it is supposed to do. A logo is not just a mark – a logo reflects a business’s commercial brand via the use of shape, fonts, colour, and / or images.
A logo is for inspiring trust, recognition and admiration for a company or product and it is our job as designers to create a logo that will do its job.
One must know what a logo is before continuing.
Now that you know what a logo is supposed to do, and what it should represent you now must learn about what makes a great logo aka; the basic rules and principles of effective logo design.
1. A logo must be simple
A simple logo design allows for easy recognition and allows the logo to be versatile & memorable. Good logos feature something unexpected or unique without being overdrawn.
2. A logo must be memorable
Following closely behind the principle of simplicity, is that of memorability. An effective logo design should be memorable and this is achieved by having a simple, yet, appropriate logo.
3. A logo must be timeless
An effective logo should be timeless – that is, it will stand the test of time. Will the logo still be effective in 10, 20, 50 years?
4. A logo must be versatile
An effective logo should be able to work across a variety of mediums and applications. For this reason a logo should be designed in vector format, to ensure that it can be scaled to any size. The logo must work in just one colour too.
5. A logo must be appropriate
How you position the logo should be appropriate for its intended purpose. For example, if you are designing a a logo for children’s toys store, it would be appropriate to use a childish font & color scheme. This would not be so appropriate for a law firm. source: justcreativedesign.com
Summarizing the use of the Logo...
The logo is used to IDENTIFY an organization, business and so on. As we can read, it is not used to EXPLAIN or DESCRIBE about the whole thing. Logo is like a trademark, for example, you saw a big yellow letter "M" on the road, what thing comes to your mind?Yes. MCDONALDS. It functioned as for people to REMEMBER a particular product, organization, business and so on.
Like the INC logo, it is placed in FRONT OF EVERY CHAPELS for people will identify what church is that building. It is not there for people relate it to the FREEMASONRY, and for people will say it is SATANIC.
Logo is said to "reflect" the organization, meaning if you say the logo is satanic then the church and members is also satanic. If thats the case, can you show any proofs that the INC does have doctrines that says "let us venerate Satan!" or "Let us worship Satan!"?, if none, then the INC and its logo is not SATANIC.
Here are some examples that organizations and so on uses logo on their establishments for identification:




Meaning of the symbols in Logo depends on the Logo Designer/maker
Interpreting a symbol depends on these associations:
- Personal: We all have associations with things in our experience. One person may have strong affection for dogs while another person may fear them intensely.
- Cultural: Different symbols may have quite different meanings in different cultures. A lion can represent Christ in Christian culture; in Sumerian culture, the sun represents the god Marduk. In Chinese culture, dogs represent devotion and faithfulness; in Islamic culture, they represent impurity.
- Universal: Jungian psychology, along with other theories, argues that some symbols have universal meaning. Lions suggest deity in a variety of cultures, for instance. Trying to discern and express the universal meaning of a symbol is tricky.
See? It always depends on how a person thinks, for you maybe the compass is demonic, but in Freemasonry it means judgment.
Meaning of Symbols depends on the Logo designer/maker, its like an art, for example, if we will see an abstract painting we cant see and understand the message clearly the artist want to show, but surely the artist has an explanation about its meaning and the emotions behind it.
A symbol doesnt have one specific meaning, symbols have many and different meanings, as what stated on a site with a list of symbols with their meaning, on radioliberty.com here is what stated in the introduction:
Keep in mind that some of these symbols have double meanings. For example, the pentagram has been used to transmit occult power in all kinds of rituals for centuries, but to Christians the same shape may simply represent a star -- a special part of God's creation. The image of a fish may mean a sign of the zodiac (astrology) to some, but to Christians it has meant following Jesus and sharing the message of His love. We will continue to delight in the cross, while recognizing that others use the same image to represent their dark forces.
Please don't pass judgment on those who happen to wear these symbols. Instead, let us seek God’s will and discernment so that we might all honor Him with our lives. Remember, "each of us shall give account of himself to God. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block. . . in our brother's way." (Romans 14:12-13)
Giving different meaning to the INC logo of nonmembers is like seeing this optical illusion:

To the eyes of nonmembers, they see a pentagram and compass with t-square in our logo, while we, dont see any masonic and demonic symbols.
Do you now get what i want to mean?
Compare the optical illusion above with these two pictures. On the optical illusion picture, one can see a duck, while the other may see a rabbit.
What does nonmembers saw-called?
If one still insist that the INC logo is satanic only because it has a compass, then i should also insist:
The Catholic Church and Catholics are satanic (Notice the "all seeing eye")

More photos? Click here and here.
U.S.A and people who use american dollars are satanic

And other organizations and so on who uses the symbol "all seeing eye" are also satanic.
East Germany/German Democratic Republic (now part of Germany) was once satanic (Notice the compass)

MCGI of Soriano and its members are satanic
- The anchor in Freemasonry means hope (source: themasonictrowel.com)
- The (star in the background logo, above) or pentagram [five pointed star] in the Freemasonry is linked to Witchcraft (source: symboldictionary.net)
- The book is similar to the bible of Freemasonry in this picture.
- The cord is similar to the cord in Freemasonry in this picture.
- The hebrew characters YHWH in the book or God, similar to the belief of Freemasons about the "G" sign in Freemasonry logo.
- The torch with the pentagram same as to this picture of the baphomet.
- The torch with pentagram with circle is same as the picture of baphomet created by members of the Church of Satan.
And because im not bias, i will show you the true meaning of their logo. (cant be posted, go to their website)
Above are just some examples that if you insist that INC logo is satanic, only because it has a compass, then i will insist that above are also satanic! Just to make it fair^^
"(After the lies he created he said "It would be most inappropriate for me TO CONCLUDE" therefore, this statement only means that he admit that all of those are NOT TRUE and cannot be consider as FACTS! He then said, "you be the judge" meaning, it is you who will make the decision if you will believe his lie or not." <<< you are concluding lies? the person was just doing a researh, and he was trying to be nice to INC by saying to the viewers that they be the judge. Yet here you're saying that he is a liar.
ReplyDeleteCheche bureche,
ReplyDeletehi, i advice to please read my article again so misunderstanding like this would be avoided^^ If you read it and understand, he is the ONE, the source of this very big lie about the meaning of INC LOGO that nonmembers spread it in the internet and say those were TRUE.
His claimed "research" is not about for the truth, but for associating INC logo symbols to the symbols in Freemasonry that makes INC members masons and the church satanic. Ive already showed there the TRUE MEANING of our logo, is far different from the created "RESEARCH" of him, which makes it a LIE therefore not a fact.
when we mean LIE, of course its not the truth, so i dont think i am wrong if i said his research was a big LIE. thanks for your concern^^
am a nonmember, but i do have a question? What is the meaning of the so called compass they are referring to. Is it simply there without meaning?e-me at blaxandsparx@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteits just used to draw circles
Deletethey make it as a compass, because if they make it as a stand, it would look like a cross...
ReplyDeletethere is actually no compass on the logo, but lets say that for the sake of argument, granting without conceding, it "is a compass", since it is an instrument to draw a circle, it signifies that one day, the INC will ENCIRCLE the GLOBE.
ReplyDeleteIf you will look at the broader perspective, the logo of INC has a circular shape, which signifies the globe. Thus, the circular shape of the logo and the compass suggests that INC will become a WORLDWIDE and GLOBAL CHURCH.
Now, we have seen that the "futuristic statement" has been fulfilled!
first of all why there is compass? so there is a similarity to the logo of free masons..it means the INC is trying to have a connection to that..if your goal is trying to be different so why give a point to be as close as this..so if people can see your logo first thing that wd come up on their mind is that..oh! maybe it's a member of masons because it looks similar..pls explain..
Deleteit is very obvious that the designer of your logo is just revising the logo of free masons..it is very clear that the designer is full of awareness about the logo that he took..
DeleteRica Rosalis,
DeleteIts very obvious that you did not understand the post above, and its very obvious that you do not want the truth. Then, its your problem after all.
Worldwide, global, how much I love that terms. Did we not hera that somewhere else alreaddy?
DeleteThe website owner should also do his research, ask your ministers about the "real" meaning of each symbol in the logo, especially the compass, this way everyone will not speculate, unfortunately since there are no official explanations, the only thing we see are compasses, inverted triangles, and similarities from the Masons. -- timekeeper777
DeleteThis is not a website, this is just a blog. I already did my research, as what i said, i asked a friend to ask regarding the meaning of the logo to the ministers whom she knew, but none of them knows it thats why we came to the conclusion that only the pastors of the church (or senior ministers) that do know it. Though the official meaning of the logo is still unknown, dont you think it is evil to speculate, and believe to the lies that was spread by a certain "apocalypto"?
Again, we do not force everyone to believe us. everyone has the freedom to believe whatever it is, but what i can advice to all is that believe to the TRUTH and not to LIES.
The lies are of the devil:
"You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies." John 8:44
so be careful...
To Brother Pristine Truth,
DeleteThanks for your comment. (though i decided not to publish it because it may be used by INC detractors, hope you understand.)
I just want to make it clear, my research regarding this has limitations. We ask a bem student, and two different ministers whom my ATE knows.
I am not saying that we have no official explanation of the symbols in the INC logo. Its just that, when i made a research, (thru internet, reading pasugo, and asking to them, ministers) the information on the EXACT explanation or OFFICIAL explanation of those are still unavailable as far my research is concern.
I dont think it was an insult to ministers and workers, and i will not insult their authority or skills or whatsoever in any way. Yes. They may explain it to me or you, but maybe not the OFFICIAL explanation.
I am not an apostle, i am not a church teacher, i do not PREACH. I just do researches.
This blog is just a blog of an INC MEMBER.
I cannot say in public here that the TRUE and OFFICIAL explanation of the INC logo are the ones in your post in your blog because i did not hear it directly to a minister or read it to the Pasugo Magazine. I have commented on that article of yours and have asked you if those are the OFFICIAL explanation of the INC logo, but didnt reply. If that were the OFFICIAL explanation of the church logo then i will post it to my blog and i can edit this post which maybe for you or for some is an insult to ministers or church workers.
I made this post not to insult anyone, but to show the truth about what logo is all about. For them not to SPECULATE and continue believing the lies of nonmembers as what was spread by them in the internet, saying it is of freemason origin and it is santanic.
i am not against you or anyone here, i just made things clearer. again, thanks bro for you comment.
Bro. Pristine truth,
Deleteuna po sa lahat humihingi po ako ng tawad kung nainsulto ko man po kayo o kahit sino, mga ministro at mga manggagawa. im just a member. malinaw po sa blog. at lahat po ng nilalaman nito ay base lang sa aking pagreresearch sa internet, pagbabasa ng pasugo, at pagtatanong sa ibang tao. malinaw din po na hindi naman 100% accurate sa lahat ng usapin ang aking mga post dahil hindi naman ako nag aral sa pagkaministro etc... i built this blog para sa lahat, myembro at hindi myembro na malaman ang katotohanan, yung TRUTH sa mga bagay bagay sa Iglesia ni Cristo.
muli, lilinawin ko lang po ang aking sinabi, lalo na tungkol dito sa "INC logo". gumawa ako ng research about this, kung ano ang use ng logo etc... kahit na ang mga ibig sabihin ng symbols nito, dahil sa atake nila na kalat na kalat sa internet na masonic daw ito, sa demonyo, etc.
may nahanap akong explanation, from truthfinder's website na dating active na INC defender bago pa po ako sumulpot sa internet. na satingin ko eh sa ministro din naman galing ang explanation, pero sa tingin ko eh hindi pa ito ang pinaka OFFICIAL explanation noon, lalo na nung ikinumpara ko sa post sa blog nyo ang iba sa mga ito, may ilang pagkakaiba. tulad nung sa inverted triangle at 3 colors.
nagkomento ako sa post na iyon kung ito na ba ang OFFICIAL, ang punto ko lang po kasi ay yung "OFFICIAL". wala naman akong sinasabing hindi ito kayang ipaliwanag ng mga ministro, ang punto ko po sa pagsasabing
"i asked a friend to ask regarding the meaning of the logo to the ministers whom she knew, but none of them knows it thats why we came to the conclusion that only the pastors of the church (or senior ministers) that do know it. Though the official meaning of the logo is still unknown,"
ay yung pinaka OFFICIAL tlaga dahil hindi ko nga alam kung alin ba sa dalawa ang mas tama, yung sa truthfinder o yung sa pristine truth. I said we came into the CONCLUSION na senior ministers lang siguro ang nakakaalam dahil nagtanong nga po kame pero parang hindi sila pamilyar doon, may isa nga po ang akala ang tinatanong namin eh yung paliwanag sa centennial logo, pero sabi namin INC logo... again, we came into the conclusion that MAYBE senior ministers lang ang may alam kaya sa mga senior ministers sanakami magtatanong kung makakatagpo kami.
yun ang resulta ng AKING research. hindi ko po sinasabi na LAHAT sila ay hindi alam iyon. sana po ay huwag nyong mkita o mamasama ang mensahe ko dahil kailan man ay wala po akong nilayong masama o layuning insultuhin sila. Sinasabi at shineshare ko lang ang kung ano mang aking natutuklasan o nalalaman. malinaw na malinaw sa blog na ito ay researck KO lamang at hindi research ng Iglesia ni Cristo o ng isang ministro etc... malinaw din po na akoy myembro lang at akoy hindi nangangaral.
sana po ay hindi sumama o bumaba ang tingin nyo sakin dahil lang sa aking nasabi sa isyu na ito ng logo, nagpapakatotoo lang po ako at ito ay AKING opinyon na base sa aking naging research na hanggang ngayon ay hindi naman natatapos ang aking research sa bagay na ito.
saka ako na mismo ang magtatanong sa inyo, yung explanation po ba na nasa inyong blog ay ang official explanation ng INC? dahil kung oo, ay walang pag aalinlangan kong babaguhin agad o iuupdate ko agad ang post kong ito para sa katotohanan na gustong malaman ng lahat pati na ako para sa ikalilinaw ng aming mga isipan.
salamat pong muli sa inyong komento.
para po sa akin ok lang naman po ang explanation na ginawa ni readme.. nang sa gayon ay hindi po malihis sa masamang interpretasyon na ginagawa ng mga di kaanib tungkol sa ating logo.. di rin naman po yata sinabi ni readme na itong blog niya ang OFFICIAL o mas makatotohanan na explanation dahil ang kanya po lamang ay maibahagi ang nalalaman niyang angkop na paliwanag kesa sa ginagwa ng mga maninira sa INC.. sana sa iba pong kapatid.. maging malawak po sana ang ating pang-unawa sa mga blogsite na tulad nito ng sa gayon ay walang pagkakabaha-bahagi o pagtatalo na mangyayari sa loob ng Iglesia, di po ba? marahil kaya nga po humihingi ng opinyon si readme sa mga mas nakatataas para malaman kung ano talaga ang TUNAY na OFFICIAL explanation.. gaya ng mga kumakalat na text na nagmumula minsan sa kapatid na may katotohanan minsan ang pinapakalat na text subalit kailangan muna natin ng OFFICIAL confirmation galing sa nakatataas di po ba? Nawa'y gabayan tayong lahat ng Panginnong Ama sa tulong ng ating taga-pamagitan ng Panginoon Jesus.. ^_^
ReplyDeletewhy did you throw back the acquisition to the catholics, U.S.A and people who use american dollars, and the East Germany/German Democratic Republic as being satanic... your job is only to defend your INC not to accuse others, too in return. :(
ReplyDeleteHe defended his turf and others must defend theirs from attack.So what's your rant about?
DeleteDid you read the post with UNDERSTANDING???
ReplyDeleteThis is what i said, ill quote it:
"If one still insist that the INC logo is satanic only because it has a compass, then i should also insist:
The Catholic Church and Catholics are satanic (Notice the "all seeing eye")
More photos? Click here and here.
U.S.A and people who use american dollars are satanic
And other organizations and so on who uses the symbol "all seeing eye" are also satanic.
East Germany/German Democratic Republic (now part of Germany) was once satanic (Notice the compass)
MCGI of Soriano and its members are satanic
The anchor in Freemasonry means hope (source: themasonictrowel.com)
The (star in the background logo, above) or pentagram [five pointed star] in the Freemasonry is linked to Witchcraft (source: symboldictionary.net)
The book is similar to the bible of Freemasonry in this picture.
The cord is similar to the cord in Freemasonry in this picture.
The hebrew characters YHWH in the book or God, similar to the belief of Freemasons about the "G" sign in Freemasonry logo.
The torch with the pentagram same as to this picture of the baphomet.
The torch with pentagram with circle is same as the picture of baphomet created by members of the Church of Satan.
And because im not bias, i will show you the true meaning of their logo. (cant be posted, go to their website)
Above are just some examples that if you insist that INC logo is satanic, only because it has a compass, then i will insist that above are also satanic! Just to make it fair^^ "
I did not ACCUSE the Catholics and the like who have symbols of freemasonry but is you and other who ACCUSE that CHURCH that the logo is SATANIC.
If i will accuse Catholics and the like, it means that you ACCUSE the church logo is SATANIC. Then who accuse who?
It is never my job to only DEFEND the CHURCH but more importantly, to show the TRUTH to everyone. That's my purpose of creating this blog.
That EYE is called, the EYE of GOD or the Divine Providence. It is not a SATANIC SYMBOL. unless God is the other way around.
Deleteyou were indirect pointing it
Read Me is correct in his explanations. He was trying to balance what he mentioned about this blog topic.
ReplyDeleteIf each part of the logo means exactly as indicated then let the meaning of the each part be so.
However, the problem was what the Freemasonry stands for, their mission or ultimate goal and their ways of achieving their goals. Since Freemasonry is branded as devilish their logo then is the symbol of what they are branded for.
As far as the INC's logo is concern, whoever made it if he was someone else other than the one who instructed how to design it, then he was just an instrument in the design. The one who had it designed was the only one who has the answer. Whatever he had in mind was kept secret. So this maybe the reason why ministers cannot explain. Perhaps the way to find out is to raise the question directly to the head of the church thru the minister as a matter of protocol.
I agree on Readme's suggestion - Create a blog for the church that contains TRUE INFO's that they should know about the INC. This would be the right approach rather than injecting any attack mode towards other Christian denominations.
all praise and glory to GOD!
ReplyDeleteyour explanation is vague and bulky, this is not facts, this is just your own opinion, these are lies
ReplyDeleteIts not compass...its the holder of the scale made that way to form the star of David (not pentagram). The star of david is the symbol of Israel. Iglesia ni Cristo being the Israel in the Christian Era used such symbol.
ReplyDeleteDear Readme;
ReplyDeleteI am surprised that you know little about the logo..i think, they are questioning about the compass. Here is I think the official answer:
If it is a compass, its not there to imitate or signify Freemasonry. But it can also be just a mere holder of the scale, made that way to form a Star of David. Yes you read it right. It is a Star of David which is one of the symbol for Israel. Iglesia ni Cristo(the Church of Christ)according to the Bible is the New Israel (or Nation of God)in Christian Era.
Detractors of the INC usually see a pentagram in order to relate it to Freemasonry and Satanism but the truth is, it(the compass, the inverted triangle, the bible and the scrolls, altogether)forms the Star of David representing the Church. Just like in the flag of INC, where the menorah represents the INC being the Church of Christ at the seventh seal or the seventh period of the Christian Era i.e. the Church of Christ that emerged at the "ends of the earth" or at the last days.
According to http://www.ehow.com/info_8412005_difference-between-star-david-pentagram.html:
"The Star of David is a six-pointed star made of two interlocking triangles. It's also called the Magen David, Hebrew for "Shield of David."
Visually, the Star of David has six points, while a pentagram only has five. A prominent symbol for modern Jews, the Star of David appears on many Israeli objects including the Israeli flag and Israeli ambulances. Because the symbol references David's shield, Jewish people view it as a symbol for trusting in their Almighty God."
On the other hand:
"A pentagram is a symmetrical five-pointed star. It usually appears in an upright form so that one point is facing upward. Upright pentagrams have been used by many religions and cultures in history, including pagans, Christians and Wiccans, according to ReligiousTolerance.org. For example, a pentagram has been used to symbolize the Star of Bethlehem shining over the stable where Jesus was born, and is also the shape of the stars on the American flag. Ancient Hebrews used the pentagram to represent the five books of the Torah."
In the INC logo there are six pointed star formed but Apocalypto who was so biased with INC (with hidden devilish agenda) make it to appear as a five pointed star. Such a liar!
Typos corrected ...
ReplyDeleteIn addition to the interpretation of "readmeiglesianicristo.blospot.com" ... The symbol of the compass and square are "symbolic projection of Masonic principles, such as restraining ones passions and desires within ethical boundaries, and staying within the square of virtue in thought, spirit and action." The compass in the INC logo has no other measuring instrument (which typically symbolizes an designer, an architect, the matrix), hence, the compass by itself represents restraint, i.e., staying within the confinements of the Holy Scriptures; of which the symbol of Jesus (the Lamb) is the focus of the old and new testament. The triangle when pointing upwards, represents dominance, aggression, the male phallic symbol. The inverted triangle represents the submissiveness of Jesus Christ all within the law (scales of justice) for the purpose of salvation (the torch). The rays represent heavenly inspiration; further enhanced by the symbol of the dove (again with the rays) represents enlightenment by the Holy Spirit. (The colour green is representative of peace/hope.)
There is no auch thing as coincedence.
ReplyDeleteAlways remember that satan is the father of lies
The World Church System is Satanic - the "Devil who deceives the whole world" ....but my real beef with the INC is their substitute version of the "message" - who, as in Acts when the Christ returns it will be to the west (!) AS the SON rises in the EAST, the SON will SET in the West. As John the Baptist fore ran the First Coming of Christ, a Prophet unto the gentiles will appear in the WEST and indeed he did so! THUS SAITH THE LORD, Pillar of Fire VINDICATED prophet - came with a Ministry that went around the world (except for the Philippines) - doing the works of John 14:28 as in miraculous healings, vision, prophecies, and introducing the "SHOUT" - which is God Almighty himself appearing with a vengeance in the Arizona desert and appearing over the skies of Arizona on Feb 28, 1963. Nothing can debunk or top the Power of God Almighty, except the work of the devil to deceive - such as the INC!!!!WORKS OF THE DEVIL!! These "faithful" members are taught to shut their ears to the truth and only take INC "teachings" as Gospel. Especially when it comes to Mr EVM speaking, (as seen on the the 5th estate) to a Regina congregation telling them what to believe. This huge financial empire is a global force - and as Lucifaians believe they must first "tell" their victims - or make it obvious what they are entering into - will stop at nothing in order to protect their business, even illegal detention of its members who wish to speak out, and/or allegation of death to those who cannot be silenced. In this writers opinion, INC is one of the most ANTI-CHRIST ORGANIZATIONS IN THE WORLD! "Come out of her my people, be not partakers of her sins" I personally urge INC members to open your eyes and ears, think for yourself. The Masonic symbolism just another sign. The appearance of evil has no place with God!