"Ipaglaban mo nang puspusan ang pananampalataya. Panghawakan mong mabuti ang buhay na walang hanggan, dahil diyan ka tinawag ng Diyos nang ipahayag mo sa harap ng maraming saksi ang iyong pananalig kay Cristo." I Tim. 6:12

December 23, 2014

Erano Manalo: A billionaire preacher?

There is a magazine that made a report about Bro. Erano Manalo, when he was still living. This malicious magazine said that Bro. Erano Manalo was a BILLIONAIRE PREACHER. And of course, without a doubt, it was used by detractors of the INC to attack the church.

So we will examine if what was written in the said report is TRUE.

Lets start!

Well, i noticed that the big problem with the author of the article is that the Church is described as a BUSINESS INSTITUTION, which is the cause of saying Bro. Erano Manalo was a billionaire preacher.

FYI: Iglesia ni Cristo is a CHURCH, its a religious organization and not a BUSINESS ORGANIZATION or COMPANY that purpose to make money.

If the INC is a business organization, then it is right for them to say Bro. Erano Manalo was a billionaire, like saying the president of ABS-CBN Gabby Lopez is a billionaire, the president of San miguel Corporation is a billionaire, the president of the Jollibee Foods Corporation is a billionaire and so on.


How can we say that a person is a millionaire or a billionaire?
Wikipedia has the answer:

"A millionaire (originally and sometimes still millionnaire) is an individual whose net worth or wealth is equal to or exceeds one million units of currency. It can also be a person who owns one million units of currency in a bank account or savings account."

"A billionaire, in countries that use the short scale number naming system, is a person who has a net worth of at least one billion (one thousand million) units of a given currency, usually the United States dollar, euro, or pound sterling."

We can see in the photo above that the reason why Bro. Erano Manalo was called "billionaire" is only because of the monies collected by the church from the CONTRIBUTION of the members. Ill quote it:

"Erano Manalo, known as Ka Erdie to his followers, head and controls the biggest money making institution in the country with an estimated gross annual income of 23 billion and approximate yearly net earnings of 1 billion."

If the Bro. Erano Manalo was called "Billionaire" only because of the offerings in the INC, then it should be also that leaders of Christian religions especially religions bigger than the INC be called millionaires, billionaires and trillionaires.

Apollo Quibolloy of Kingdom of Jesus Christ is a millionaire

Thomas Monson of LDS church is a billionaire

Pope Benedict XVI of the Catholic Church is a trillionaire

Now its fair^^

Back to the topic...

I will quote some statements from the article:
"Inquiries made reveal that members are persuaded to contribute atleast a percentage of their income which average around 10% (more or less) depending on the economic conditions of each locality."

This is a malicious report. There is no doctrine in the INC that commands its members to give high offerings, or with a fix amount, or 10% tithing. We give our offerings without the dictates of someone.

"Though INK, through Ka erdie has gained substantial following, several religious organizations have accused him of taking advantage of INK's dedicated members' trust and confidence. Some of the allegations are: He has been using the organization as a political arm by throwing its support to the former President Ferdinand Marcos in elections and in return securing favors and contracts for his business friends. Living in a luxurious mansion with several mercedes benzes and Presidential guards courtesy of the former President. Allowing some of his children to engage in the importation of goods which are not really needed by the church.Awarding the construction of church buildings to close associates and so on.

Critics and detractors also charged that Ka Erdie has been closely associated with retired Colonel Cuevas of Amalgamated Motors Corporation which had won several government contracts from the previous administration."

I think i dont need to explain and answer these ACCUSATIONS because even if i will, still close minded people will not accept the truth. Let us just continue reading the last sentence on the quoted paragraph:

"Nevertheless these accusations remain unproven and has not been substantiated."

SEE? i dont need to explain and answer those accusations as all of it were not PROVEN, meaning, those are baseless accusations, and meaningless.

"Many believe that Ka Eride has attracted a lot of critics because of his fast-rising and following. Despite the unfounded charges, the over seven million strong faithful of INK has been multiplying by the day and are all ready to support and follow him."

The people that attacks Bro. Erano and the church are none other than the jealous ones, because as we all know, the church gained more achievements and the church expands around the world in the time of the leadership of Bro. Erano Manalo.

"One thing is for sure though, and that is for as long as Iglesia ni Kristo and Manalo family can keep its member's faith glowing, it will remain the biggest and most successful local institution in business terms."

On the last part of the article, as what ive said earlier, the author had a big problem as to describing the CHURCH as a business institution, which he/she clearly then made a false conclusion.

Finally, we can now tackle about the allegations about the "Manalo family"...

Are former executive ministers Bro. Felix, Bro. Erano Manalo and the present executive minister Bro. Eduardo Manalo should be called "BILLIONAIRES"?

A hard to accept truth for nonmembers, the answer is NO. Because all the offerings of the members around the world go to the bank account of the Iglesia ni Cristo and not to the bank accounts of the "Manalo family" because if that will be the case then there will be missing monies. Which is contrary to the truth, because the monies are well spent by the church, one of the many example is the building of the billion peso projects in Ciudad de Victoria, for the centennial celebration of the church.

It should not be "Bro. Eduardo or Bro. Erano Manalo are billionaires", it should be "Iglesia ni Cristo is a rich church" because the offerings are spent for the church and not for the "Manalos". As what written in a foreign newspaper:

Is the "Manalo family" having a luxurious life? living in mansions?

Bro. Felix did not had and lived in a mansion as well as Bro. Erano Manalo. People cannot prove that Bro. Eduardo Manalo does have and so living in a mansion. People cannot have evidences that the "Manalo family" or "children of Manalo's" or "relatives of Manalo's" are having a luxurious life. The church will be celebrating its 100th anniversary on July 27, 2014 still no one, even the Investigative journalism and whatsoever in the philippines will claim that Manalo's does have mansions, because if those are true then the pictures of "mansions" or "expensive things or cars" of "Manalo's" are now in the internet.

They are just ordinary persons like you who live and have an ordinary life. Any evidence? Yes. I Have. On what they are calling "children of Manalo's":

Their three children began studies at New Era University (NEU) before matriculating at UP.

Dorothy Kristine graduated at U.P with Bachelor's degrees in Philosophy and Law and has been teaching at NEU since 2005.

Gemma Minna, having graduated with a bachelor's degree in Music Education and currently pursuing a second degree in Choral Conducting, teaches music at NEU and is a choir member.

Angelo Eraño is a senior majoring in European Languages and is also a fifth-year Bachelor of Evangelical Ministry (BEM) student at the College of Evangelical Ministry (CEM).

Pasugo october 2009 issue

So what's being special on studying at U.P and New Era University? Is teaching at New Era University and being a minister, is that having a luxurious life?

If they do not have mansions, where do they live?

Oh, its a confidential question, but let me share to you what my source told me. The executive minister is living inside the Central Complex, they have their house, not a mansion. The "children of Manalo's" who are married, lives in their own houses from their own money not from the money in the church. And those who are not yet married, lives with of course, the executive minister.

I investigate it myself where in the Central Complex does the Executive Minister live, just to show you that they are not living in a mansion. I havent seen it because theres so many houses in the Central Complex, but one thing i can assure you, there's no MANSION in the Central Complex!

Try google map. I have tried it already but i found no mansion.


This is the truth: It is not Bro. Eduardo Manalo and his family who does have a luxurious life and does have expensive things and so living in mansions, but these pastors who abuse members' monies:

Eliseo Soriano of MCGI mansion in Brazil

Apollo Quiboloy of Kingdom of Jesus Christ mansions on Davao Philippines

Photos? click here.


- Benny Hinn
- Frederick K.C. Price
- Creflo Dollar
- Jan and Paul Crouch
- K.A. Paul
- Joyce Meyer
- Paula And Randy White
- Mike Murdock
- Kenny Copeland
- Rod Parsley


want more? Click here.

The above are just some of the many examples, search these keywords in google, "Pastor mansion" so you may know the truth.

One last statement that i will quote from the article of the malicious report:

"Based on the studies conducted by the foundation, the Iglesia ni Kristo or INK for short has several thousands of churches all over, 25 radio stations, real state properties and other assets amounting of no less than 16 billion"

SEE? It is the Iglesia ni Kristo who has properties, and not Bro. Erano Manalo or Eduardo Manalo, meaning to say, it is a fact that what should we say is that the "Church is RICH" and not "Manalo family is rich"!


  1. thanks again for sharing this info readme...
    pati ako nun iniisip kung san nakatira cna ka eduardo, pero alm ko na wala talaga sila mansion kya lng mahirap ipaliwanag sa mga taong ewan na bakit daw wala picture o makita silang tirahan nila ka eduardo---syempre for safety din ng family nila,lalo at cla ang nanngangasiwa ng iglesia,madami ang mga masamang tao na inggitero at baka may maisip gawing masama sa pamamahala...
    but we always pray na patuloy na gabayan ng Diyos ang pamamahala...

  2. SINCERE AND PURE! No evil and wrong thoughts added. More blessings to come.

  3. yep yep thats true! galing mo bro :) continue lng po :) astig tlaga tong blog mo :) salute bro and to all breathrens :)

  4. Salamat sa pagtatanggol sa pamamahala ng Iglesia kapatid. Happy Centennial!!!

  5. IGLESIA NI CRISTO is a RICH CHUCH.., not because of it's members.., but because of God's HELP & Guidance.., the truth is ang IGLESIA NI CRISTO ay hindi nangangailangan sa tao.(that has no understanding) instead.., ang TAO ang nangangailangan sa IGLESIA NI CRISTO para maligtas!

  6. This is an impressive refute from the INC critics regarding the recent monetary standing of your Executive Minister. However, I have a question to you. Why can't the position of "Executive Minister" of INC can't be passed out outside from the Manalo family? Is it because this has been foundered by the Manalos and the Manalo dynasty has already been created to hold the inheritance since the foundation of the church?

    1. I will ask you a question.
      Why does the Popes claimed that they came from Apostle Peter?
      Why are they Europeans not Israelis or Jews?
      Why are they never sharing their funds to the poor,and needy?

    2. @Rex Rafael Collado Aside from your very poor grammar, you have a very stupid analogy. There is one obvious answer: POWER. I feel sorry for you in the INC where from an outsider's (non-christian) perspective, I see a family business disguised as a religion. The members are kept under control by rules and twisted (biased) Bible interpretations. What kind of church praises or ridicules a follower depending on their "contribution?" They even have "leaderboards" for that where everyone can see who is contributing and who is not. What kind of religion votes for certain candidates during national elections? Is it because of the INC ministers (Manalo Family) had a divine revelation of some sorts? This is totally BS! Did God tell Manalo to choose Marcos who later brought turmoil to the Philippines? Did God tell Manalo to choose Estrada who later was brought the Philippine economy down and was also charged with plunder? Did Got tell Manalo to choose Arroyo who later became responsible for a lot of extrajudicial killings? Did God tell Manalo to choose Aquino who has been too incompetent that the Philippines has gone down as one of the most corrupt countries in the world? Tell me INC?! So God handpicks a potential leader who can at least aid in the Philippines' improvement?

      Another thing of concern is that only the ministers are allowed to interpret the Bible. Why?! CONTROL. A biased/filtered interpretation of scripture used to "tame" the followers. So God reveals Himself only to the Manalos and his ministers that they have the right or "guided" minds to interpret what is written? Simple answer: Hell NO!!! People are people, no matter what. An interpretations with claims of divine guidance are nothing different from any other interpretation. If someone believes that his interpretation is the only and sole truth, then that is obviously not to be taken seriously, unless it is something that speaks for itself like gravity pulls objects down or that the color of a red rose is red. Simple logic can refute this. "Only followers of the INC will receive salvation..." Now what is this? So you mean to say that God is cruel and that all the other billions of people will never be saved? What about all those people who existed BEFORE the INC was founded? Why is the INC only in the Philippines and is just but a spec of religious dust in the entire world compared to even Islam or Buddhism, with billions of followers? So those people, since they have not received the "Word of God" according to Manalo and his ministers are not worthy of salvation? Face Palm!!!

      Lastly, I feel sorry for all of you who have been indoctrinated in this "business" so whatever you say in your defense is not going to hold true in the very basic foundation of all arguments: LOGIC.

    3. Haterofhaters999:

      1. If there are rules in the INC it is all coming from the Bible.
      2. If you have any information regarding the rules/doctrines implemented by the INC which
      is not coming from the Bible please specified..
      3. What verse/s of the Bible allegedly twisted by the ministers Of INC? please specified..
      4. Regarding to your question "What kind of religion votes for certain candidates during
      national elections?"


      INC, pilit ngang ginagaya eh.. eh hindi magaya binatikos nalang...But this particular
      doctrine is also coming from the bible.

      I Cor, 1:10
      Ngayo'y ipinamamanhik ko sa inyo, mga kapatid, sa pamamagitan ng
      pangalan ng ating Panginoong Jesucristo, na kayong lahat ay mangagsalita ng isa
      lamang bagay, at huwag magkaroon sa inyo ng mga pagkakabahabahagi, kundi kayo'y
      mangalubos sa isa lamang pag-iisip at isa lamang PAGHATOL.

      ayon sa Biblia tinuturuan ang mga kristiyano na huwag magkaroon ng
      pagkakabahabahagi kundi mangalubos sa isa lamang pag iisip at isa lamang paghatol.

      PAGHATOL synonymous ito sa pagboto kaya karaniwan na nakikita sa telebisyon
      tuwing eleksyon " ang HATOL NG BAYAN ".

      FOR THIS TIME, these are the the few answers to your some questions.. if any in this
      text grammar inconsistencies i appreciate your corrections..

  7. it can't be and never will be passed out outside the Manalo family.. INC is owned by the Manalo so they will never allow it to be taken from them. INC is registered as Corporation Sole, meaning the Executive Minister is the rightful owner of all the assets and properties of INC...

    1. King David of Israel passed his throne to Solomon,then Solomon passed it to Rehoboam and until the last King of Judah is in David's line.

      While your Popes claim that they are in Apostle Peter's line....Why are they not look like Semitic?

  8. thetruthbeliever, let us examine in the case of King David of Israel. Pagkatapos ba nya maghari, meron bang pumalit na Hari na hindi galing sa angkan nya? Kung mapapansin mo halos lahat na naging Hari sa Israel ay nanggaling sa angkan nya. Ang INC ay halos kapareho ang pamamahala sa pamamahala ng panahon ni King David. Medyo mahirap mo itong maintindihan pero yan ang kalooban ng Panginoong Diyos kung paano nya itataguyod ang kanyang kinikilalang sariling bayan. By the way, ang Roman Catholic Church din naman, naka-registered sa S.E.C. as Corporation Sole. FYI

    1. A king is different from a religious leader in many ways. Or are you implying that they should be the same? In other words, your religious leaders are your superiors. I clearly don't see any connection in the succession between the kings of Israel and the Popes of the Catholic Church that you can compare both. Kings are succeeded by their descendants unless a usurper or another power conquers them. Popes are succeeded through election after the previous pontiff steps down or dies. "Medyo mahirap mo itong maintindihan", you say. Well I've got news for you @Men Sahe, YOU are the one who does not understand the simple logic behind your own words... Or is this what your ministers, your superiors have successfully indoctrinated in you? Obvious answer from an outsider's perspective.

    2. In INC, being a minister or an executive minister, for that matter, is not a position but a sworn duty. Do not mistake the office of the executive minister of INC as similar to any offices of governments and business institutions. In INC, we believe that sworn duties in the church came fom God. The first executive minister, Felix Manalo, for instance, did not choose himself, but was chosen by God to lead his church in these last days as suggested by many prophecies in the Bible. In believing that Felix was commissioned by God, we also believe that whoever he choose to succeed him and help him accomplish the task given to him by God is also God's will as he was given authority over the administration of the church (Matthew 18:18). On the otherhand, the kingships of Israel was similar with the office of the executive minister, by virtue of divine duty and not by position. Just like the succession of kings in the old kingdom of Israel, we also believe that the authority pertaining to the administration of the church was given by God to the executive minister and whom he chooses. Now you might ask, But why choose within the bloodline of Felix Manalo? Why not? Afterall, if there is anyone who is most suitable to lead the church, it is best that he has a direct line, both in blood and in authority, from the one whom we consider as the last messenger of God in these last days. I hope these answers your questions.

  9. Believe in the bible. . . . and that matter most

  10. To those CFDs.
    Where is the rosary Raffy Tulfo gave in Piat?
    Where are Janet Napoles's millions of "Love Offerings" that came from the PDAF scam?

    In your bishop's pockets of course.
    Then you tell Manalos are millionaires?

    Why don't you inquire at Vatican Bank,the Catholic Church's official bank,where the thieves and Mafias control it.



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