Let us review the post of “FR. ABE”, a priest in the country, the author of one of the most visited blog entitled “The Splendor of the Church” as he compared the Catholic Church and the Church of Christ in terms of achievements/contributions or what things can they be “proud of”. The title of his post was "IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH HAVE SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF? Question from an Iglesia ni Manalo
"Anonymous said...
I really don't think you know what you are talking about. What you have written is nothing more but embellished personal opinions about the Church. Your fanciful words and phrases are not convincing at all. The Catholic Church have nothing to be proud of, so much history of corruption. Read up on the history alone of the Catholic Church and see why many catholics such as myself have converted to the Church of Christ.
November 22, 2009 5:02 AM
Fr. Abe, CRS said...
[The Catholic Church have nothing to be proud of]
Really? The great civilizations of the West were achieved with the contributions of the Catholic Church:
1. Education: The earliest Universities in Europe were established by the Catholic Church. Until now, your New Era University is a piece of junk in comparison with Ateneo, La Salle and University of Sto. Tomas here in the Philippines. In U.S. alone the Jesuits have at least 21 Universities and Colleges.
2. In Charitable Works: Orphanages, Leprosarium and Home for the Aged were pioneered by the Catholic Church. Even the establishments of Hospitals were copied from the medical centers of charities formed by Catholic Saints who worked to serve the sick free of charge and using their personal resources.
3. In Science, there are many Catholic scientists yet there is no single scientist from the Manalos. Will you please name a Manolista scientist for me? I want to see if they will be at par with Newton, Descartes, Pasteur, Marconi, Volta and other Catholic Scientists.
4. In Arts, we produced the Michelangelo, Raphael and Da Vinci and countless more. The INC arts are piece of junk in comparison to Catholic Arts. The Vatican Museum houses one of the greatest collections of the greatest Obras and masterpieces in the world competing with Louvre of Paris, Metropolitan Museum of New York and the London Museum. What have you got? Illusions!!!
5. In Music, the Titans of Music such as Beethoven, Mozart, Bach were inspired by the Catholic Church. How about Vivaldi, Palestrina and others? That is why they composed Missa Cantata and Oratorios still being used for Catholic worship until now.
6. In Architecture, the designs of Hagia Sophia and our Basilicas and Cathedrals are unmatched by INC. Your so called Temple in Diliman cannot even match the beauty of the bodegas in Sistene Chapel.
Dream on Anonymous. The Manalos are the one who have nothing to be proud of. We have everything to be proud of......"
First of all, QUESTION: How old the CATHOLIC CHURCH nowadays? Huh? How about the Church of Christ, Iglesia ni Cristo?
What kind of mind is that? Why will you compare a very old institution to a new one?
Can you call yourself an intelligent man if you do that? Hmmmm? Only childish people would do that^_^ Lets proceed.
See also the title of his post, it is said... "question from an Iglesia ni Manalo". tsk. Tsk. QUESTION: is there any church titled "Iglesia ni Manalo?", so if there's none, what does that mean? Simple. HE IS LYING! a Catholic priest/apologist lies and attacking the INC for saying "Iglesia Ni Manalo". That's how they make a game. Just to pull down the INC, they will make lies like this. Tsk. Tsk. Very poor! What kind of Priest is that? very RUDE!
Because of the concern of the church administration for the educational needs of the people, that’s why New Era University was launched and also for the would be ministers in the Iglesia ni Cristo, the College of Evangelical ministries in its 35 years.
Sir Abe, are you being proud of in the business of your Church? People worldwide know how many Universities and Schools the Catholic Church contributed, but as a BUSINESS, you shouldn’t be proud of it. The New Era University, as also being recognized because of the discipline of the students, and no gang or fraternities/sororities involved as I know.
Yes. I have no doubt the charitable works formed by the Catholic Church really helps people. But the involvement to others, the foundations and etc. Are you proud HOW the money was raised and collected? How about the money came from Casinos, gambling, raffles and etc? Nowadays, because of the concern of the Church administration for the health of the people, the New Era General Hospital was created. And a socio-civic project of the Iglesia Ni Cristo called LINGAP SA MAMAMAYAN (Aid to Humanity) offering free medical and dental services and relief goods to those who in need, be the members or nonmembers.
In Science, Arts, Music and Architecture.
Yes. There are many catholic scientist in the past and nowadays, how about the scientist involve and became a victim in the Inquisition?^_^ I am amazed how a RELIGION PRODUCE ARTISTS! But I think what the Catholic Church produce were bad people. Corrupt government officials, snatchers, kidnappers, and many more! (NOTE: Let us face it, it is real that everyday we witness in the television, radio, newspaper news about killings, violence, corruption and etc. I does not say ALL adherents are bad, just most of it. It is my opinion, as like what is happening here in our country as the CC claimed for about 90-98% of the population were catholics, then? Who will do those bad things? The adherents of the minority religions? Hello?^_^)
And now, on being proud of having adherents who are scientist and etc. This is the QUESTION: ARE THEY SURE THEY WILL BE IN THE NEAR SALVATION? People do recognized their efforts and works here on earth, BUT CAN THEY STILL HOLD AND GET THOSE title, money, richness WHEN THEY ARE DEAD? Hmmm?^_^
In architecture, NONMEMBERS were always amazed whenever they see a chapel of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, because even there are “hindrances” (as they say: most are poor members, came from the 3rd world country and being a minority) Iglesia Ni Cristo is able to BUILD big houses of worships especially for the glory of God. Those places of worships are being renovated, repaired and repainted whenever it have problems and the cost of it for a house of worship were hundreds of thousands. The said Catholic chapels nowadays are looks very old, the new and modernize chapels (here in the country), some are BUILT (contributed/ donated) by the rich families or politicians or artists and etc. Architectures of the houses of worship are undeniable amazing and beautiful, im not the only one who says that, but most, the nonmembers^_^
QUESTION: How old the CATHOLIC CHURCH nowadays? Huh? How about the Church of Christ, Iglesia ni Cristo?
What kind of mind is that? Why will you compare a very old institution to a new one?
Can you call yourself an intelligent man if you do that? Hmmmm? Only childish people would do that^_^
I think, not to be biased, there are something for the Catholics to be proud of but MOST events, the history tells how the Church had been put to shame because of SCANDALS and etc. The past were the Inquisition and the present were the scandals made by the priest doing abusive things.
John Paul II proves it:
“In calling for a church-wide purification of memory, john paul acknowledged the mistakes and cruelty imbedded in church history, including the INQUISITION, the FORCED CONVERSIONS OF NATIVE PEOPLES IN AFRICA, AND LATIN AMERICA, AND SUPPORT OF THE CRUSADES, WHOSE VICTIMS INCLUDED JEWS, MUSLIMS, AND MEMBERS OF THE EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH.” (Today. March 15, 2000)
So, are you 100% proud to your Church Sir Abe?
Think again.
Think again.
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