A nonmember (even if this is eric) comment about my post
Church News: August 2011 regarding the "buying of properties from diff. churches of the INC", black (mine), red (his comment), here it is:
To Readme,
It seems that you really are living in a third world country, that by just seeing buying of church properties already overwhelmed you, actually, ITS NORMAL FOR CHURCHES ABROAD especially in the united states that tend to sell their property or church building being closed. here are the reasons.
Yes, we are indeed in a 3rd world country meaning from a poor country, and this church that most members can be considered as poor, ofcourse will be amazed and overwhelmed if we see that our church is
EXPANDING, meaning, being in a poor country is not an obstacle for the church to buy many properties that will be used as a house of worship. So what if its NORMAL for churches abroad to sell their properties?
WHAT'S THE DEAL?1. Church members migrate from one place to another for their means of living.
2. Church buildings are "old" enough that it requires more maintenance and renovation.
3. Church members are converted to other religions in which a church dissolves.
4. Church members tend to grow much bigger that the existing building cannot accommodate them anymore.
5. Other reasons like moving to other strategic places that could be a landmark of the said location.
All of what you have mentioned is good, i dont disagree with you, that it only happens to the Catholic and protestant sects and denominations, and did not and WILL not happen to the INC.
1) In the INC, even if the members migrated, the local congregation didnt vanish, its still there.
2) The chapels of us are well maintained even if it is 60 years old and so on. Because it is in the bible that the houses of worship should not let in despair. We value our chapels not like other churches does.
3) Here in the INC, that doesnt happen because the members are truly in their faith.
4) All churches are like that, even the INC, we buy first small ones depends on the number of the brethren, and if becomes bigger, move to another but bigger location, and so on. Until if it become a well establish congregation with 800-1000+ members, the church will then decide about building a house of worship same as the chapels here in the Philippines. The recent house of worship that was dedicated to God by our Executive minister was the local congregation of Los Angeles California.
5) INC doesnt need to do it, it will just be decided to have an extension or another place of worship.
Now, it's NORMAL for a member like you to be extremely happy, BUT for the motive of boasting and comparing your progress with other churches is wrong. its not good to boast of something EVEN YOU GAIN IT ON PERSPIRATION (i hope you got my point).
to be frank, I DON'T WANT TO SAY THAT THE INC IS SO FRUGAL, coz the way i see it, the INC before boast of their "architectural" "identical" modern Gothic designed chapels.,
BUT NOW, there's a big shift to their spending...INC NOW BUYS LEFT-OVER CHAPELS FROM OTHER DENOMINATIONS. Here are the reasons:
Yes, it is normal to feel glad especially when you know that your church is having great achievements, what do you want us to feel? sad? get mad? what? Do i wrote something that made you feel like that? Its like you want to point out that i or us are boastful, am i right? If i post about the achievements and share what i feel about it, is it being boastful? Do i stepped on to someone or something or to a particular religion? DO I?
I want to make it clear, we are not boastful, we are just proud about what the INC have because we do not expect about those progress. If there is someone affected here, why you? Are you jealous?^^
Nowadays, INC buys properties left to right, its not a big deal if those are what you call "left overs", it doesnt matter. Why it bothers you much??
1. Building Philippine-like INC chapels here in the US will be very costly! though there are attempts that they try it in the past(they learned from it).
2. LAND+BUILDING CONSTRUCTION IS FAR VERY EXPENSIVE comparing with just buying an old Church Building.
3. THE MAINTENANCE OF INC's MOST PRECIOUS GOTHIC DESIGNED CHAPEL IS VERY COSTLY TOO compared of old church buildings that they acquired from other denominations.
4. There are so many permits, documents and including different city rules and policies which gives more headache in building new churches. in short IT COST ALSO VERY MUCH. SO THAT'S WHY, JUST LIKE OTHER RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION, THE INC ADMINISTRATION BUYS THEIR LEFT OVERS, HASSLE FREE,LESS HEADACHES, AND SAVES MUCH MONEY.
No. 1 is wrong, i agree that building chapels like the chapels here in the Phil. is very costly, so much! The Central Temple with seating capacity of 7,000 is estimated about 2million dollars while the Los Angeles local congregation with seating capacity of i think about 800, cost almost 8million dollars, whoah! FYI: the INC continuous to build houses of worship just like chapels in the Phil. do i need again to say the requirements? The members should be i think 800-1000+ and so on for them to have it. See your ignorance?
2) Yes i agree with you, but i already answered about buying properties of the INC, small ones first because it will become bigger, they need to move again to another bigger venue and so on.
3) Yes, that's right but its not an obstacle for the INC not to repaint, and renovate the chapels. Whether the chapel is small or big, it is maintained because it is our responsibility to do that!
4) It doesnt matter to the INC, even here in the Phil. the chapels are being involved in charges against occupying big lots because there is a required lot measure that the government limits to sole corporations and so on. The INC is registered in many countries for legal purposes, its not a big issue.
The INC do not buy properties just to save money, work out your common sense, why would the INC in the first place build a big chapel if the members are just 20? 50? or 100?
Why do i say this, its because, I'm from First Christian Church of Chesterton that sold you our old building located in 1110 W Porter Ave, Chesterton, INDIANA..the reason?
We are GROWING IN NUMBERS!in fact, we bought a new lot and we are now starting to build a much larger church building accommodating thousands of worshipers located in a MORE STRATEGIC SITE located in southeast corner of routes 6&49.
You say these because youre bitter and jealous to the INC, its clear! Dont need to deny^^ We dont care if your church are growing in number, dont need to mention it, are you just PROMOTING YOUR CHURCH? huh? just a guess^^ Even if your church move to a biggest church building in the world, if the teachings are not of God,
Anyway, that's you opinion, I felt you fanaticism that's why you are creating a blog like this, but remember, I CAN PROUDLY SAY TO YOU, JUST LIKE MOST MORMONS SAY TO YOUR CHURCHES, THE INC USES SURPLUS CHURCH BUILDINGS..
Steve, FCC of Chesterton
Yes, ofcourse, but it is the No.1 reason why churches are closed and sold, what you have said are just some of possible reasons. Im not posting the news about the church to boast, my main purpose is for the NONMEMBERS like you know where our offerings goes because it always been criticized by them. We do not need to promote or boast our progress because it is indeed seen by all people.
No, that's your opinion, it is you who have fanaticism to your church, because you presented your opinions which is not related to what's really happening in the church. I made this blog for others have the TRUTH inside the INC, because there are so many websites and blogs that debunk the INC!
You cant say it to me, because i know even your church i guess once bought a small property from other church. The INC do not purposely buy "surplus" or "left over" church buildings abroad, it was all a START, if the members grow bigger, you will see, the magnificent and beautiful philippine like-house of worship and
i will wait to see your face shocked!^^