On a catholic defender blog, he tackles my post about the Rosary. He said that I am quoting articles from other faith that contradicts my belief. It is a childish thing to think that because I quote an article from other faith, means that I am supporting also their whole beliefs. RIGHT? 1 is not equals to 100, remember that Mr. Catholicdefender2000!
In his post entitled “An Iglesia Ni Cristo member quoting anti-catholic articles which believes Christ is God ”
He said these:
”…."Read me" wanted to make a score thinking that by posting such an article that attacks the Catholic Church would advance the Iglesia ni Cristo's teachings against the Catholic Church. The said anti-Catholic article is about the Holy Rosary which is a devotional prayer for Catholics to the Mother of the Lord.
As I was about to post a comment, at the end of his post, I found out that he provided his/her source which he took from godsonlygospel.com. Checking his source, the site is just one of the many anti-Catholic protestant owned sites which also espouses the belief that the Lord Jesus Christ is God (a teaching they so dispised). Iif I'm "readme" I'd rather shy away or stop quoting from some sources that contradicts my belief as a devout Iglesia ni Cristo.
If "read me" thought that by posting an anti-Catholic article would advance his cult's claims against the Catholic Church, I am sorry but he quoted from a wrong source from a wrong reason.What a shame!”
FYI: I quote the article about the Holy Rosary from godsonlygospel.com not because, like what ive said, I ALSO SUPPORTING THEIR WHOLE BELIEFS! Again, what ive quoted was an article exposing the truth behind the Rosary. Is it wrong? To say the TRUTH that the rosary is really came from PAGAN PRACTICES?
So, if you say that it is not from pagan, so tell me, show the PROOF about the HISTORY of USING ROSARY. Okay?^_^
Lets go back to the topic, why do I said that he contradicts himself? Because HE, HIMSELF also QUOTES or show LINKS FROM OTHER FAITH!!!
In his other post entitled “The secret behind Felix Manalo’s Ordination”:
“This topic was never taught or discussed in any of Iglesia ni Cristo® forums, meetings or "Pamamahayag". What's behind the secret of his ordination? Try to discover it by reading Ms. Emily Jordan's exposition.
Note: Ms. Emily Jordan is not a Catholic. However her expository research are comprehensive and professionally done.
God bless Ms. Emily..”
And the funny part is, what is the Emilyjordan blog is all about anti-INC articles. Why? Very simple. The author of the blog is a member of MCGI of Eli Soriano (if Im not mistaken)…
And now, what he had done? Confessing that the link was not of a catholic member! And you will notice that he write also a note, FOR WHAT? So that he will not be attacked (maybe) coming from me or from others. Tsk. Tsk.
Let us try to edit one of his post (the post that says that I am quoting articles from other faith),
"....I came across a very interesting rhetorical anti-INC article which was posted by a member of the apostatized Church, the Roman Catholic Church. The owner's name was hidden by the penname "Catholic Defender" whose blog is found at http://catholicdefender2000.blogspot.com/2010/01/secret-behind-felix-manalos-ordination.html
"Catholic defender2000" wanted to make a score thinking that by posting such an article that attacks the Iglesia Ni Cristo would advance the Catholic Church’s teachings against the Iglesia Ni Cristo. The said anti-INC article is about they say “Secret on the ordination of Bro. Felix Manalo” that is a big imagination of the writer.
As I was about to post a comment, at the end of his post, I found out that he provided his/her source which he took from other faith. Checking his source, the blog is just one of the many anti-INC owned. If I'm "Catholicdefender2000" I'd rather shy away or stop quoting from some sources that contradicts also my belief as a devout Catholic.
"Catholic defender2000" wanted to make a score thinking that by posting such an article that attacks the Iglesia Ni Cristo would advance the Catholic Church’s teachings against the Iglesia Ni Cristo. The said anti-INC article is about they say “Secret on the ordination of Bro. Felix Manalo” that is a big imagination of the writer.
As I was about to post a comment, at the end of his post, I found out that he provided his/her source which he took from other faith. Checking his source, the blog is just one of the many anti-INC owned. If I'm "Catholicdefender2000" I'd rather shy away or stop quoting from some sources that contradicts also my belief as a devout Catholic.
If "Catholicdefender2000" thought that by posting an anti-INC article would advance his cult's claims against the Iglesia Ni Cristo, I am sorry but he quoted from a wrong source from a wrong reason.
What a shame!.....”
Yes Catholicdefender2000, you are right, WHAT A SHAME!
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