"Ipaglaban mo nang puspusan ang pananampalataya. Panghawakan mong mabuti ang buhay na walang hanggan, dahil diyan ka tinawag ng Diyos nang ipahayag mo sa harap ng maraming saksi ang iyong pananalig kay Cristo." I Tim. 6:12

November 24, 2009

Whose are more of business?

Roman Catholic Church

The number of Catholic institutions as of 2000 Institutions
Primary and secondary schools 125,016
Universities 1,046
Hospitals 5,853
Orphanages 8,695
Homes for the elderly and handicapped 13,933
Dispensaries, leprosaries, nurseries and other institutions 74,936
source: wikipedia
Seventh day Adventist

The following Statistics are as of December 31, 2007
Companies 61,361
Total Schools 7,442
Tertiary Institutions 107
Worker Training Institutions 42
Primary Schools 5,716
Secondary Schools 1,577
Food Industries 24
Hospitals and Sanitariums 168
Nursing Homes and Retirement Centers 130
Clinics and Dispensaries 433
Orphanages and Children's Homes 33
Airplanes and Medical Launches 10
Media Centers 10
source: Adventist.org
Jehova's witnesses

Owned businesses:
≡ Advance Book Bindery Ltd.
≡ American Travel Bethel Tours
≡ Bethel Tours
≡ Bible Songs
≡ C & H Bookbinding
≡ Joel VandenBerg Custom Book Binding
≡ JP Productions
≡ Majestic Software
≡ McKenna Bookcovers
≡ Ministry Ideaz
≡ MJC Products
≡ MyFieldService.com
≡ New World Songs
≡ R.J. Schneider Bookbinding
≡ Rosemead Guest House (England)
≡ Service Supplies
≡ Stoops Manufacturing Company
≡ Theocratic Bookbinding
source: jehova.to/links.htm

The Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints
“…About ten percent of its funding also comes from income on investments and real estate holdings…” 
The church's holdings include:
  • AgReserves Inc. - the largest producer of nuts in the United States (circa. 1997)
  • Hawaii Reserves, Inc. - Miscellaneous church holdings in Hawaii. When combined with the Polynesian Cultural Center (the leading paid visitor attraction in Hawaii) and Brigham Young University-Hawaii, LDS Church-related entities generated revenue of $260 million for the Hawaii economy in 2005.
  • Farmland Reserve Inc. - 228,000 acres (923 km²) in Nebraska,; 51,600 acres in Osage County, Oklahoma; and over 312,000 acres (1,260 km²) in Florida (dba Deseret Cattle and Citrus).
  • Bonneville International Corporation - the 14th largest radio chain in the U.S.
  • Deseret News - a daily Utah newspaper, second-largest in the state of Utah.
  • Beneficial Financial Group - An insurance and financial services company with assets of $3.1 billion.
-Brigham Young University,
-Brigham Young University–Idaho (formerly Ricks College),
-Brigham Young University Hawaii, and
-LDS Business College.
source: wikipedia
Members church of God international
Registry of Deeds
Province of Pampanga
San Fernando Branch

On the basis of documents furnished us, the land subject of this appraisal consists of eighteen (18) contiguous lots containing an aggregate area of 90,816 sq. meters more or less, technically identified as follows:
Lot no.
Area (Sq. M.)
Registered Owner
2107-F-1-B, Psd-03-10
2107-F-1-C, Psd-03-10
211-F, (LRC) Psd-113664
Portion of lot B, Psd-03-071575
1. Psd-03-016835
2. Psd-03-016835
Eliseo F Soriano
Eliseo F Soriano
Eliseo F Soriano
Eliseo F Soriano
Eliseo F Soriano
Eliseo F Soriano
Eliseo F Soriano
The above Transfer Certificates of Title, Deed of Absolute Sale and Deed of Conditional Sale were issued in favor of their respective owners by the Registry of Deeds for the Province of Pampanga.

Dito nakatirik ang mga gusaling ADD Convention Center, La Verdad Christian School, ADD Apartments, ADD Medical Pavillion, Hotel, ADD Cooperative Office, ADD Cooperative Stores, ADD Foundation Orphanage, Administration office, ADD Museum and ADD Sizzling House
Eliseo Soriano’s properties
-10-hectare fishpond
-MORNING STAR auto supply - Sucat Parañaque
-DSR photo studio - Roosebelt Ave. dito sa Q.C
-DSR Ent. - Apalit Pampanga
-ADD farm - Hermosa Bataan
-Morong Beach Resort - Bataan
-ADD on life water refilling station - Sampaloc Apalit Pampanga.
-LINAMNAM fastfood restaurant - Roosebelt Ave. Q. C.
-EFS General Merchandising - Sucat Parañaque
-Apalit POULTRY SUPPLY - Apalit Pampanga
-ADD apartment - Apalit Pampangga
source: jesus-is-savior.com

Detractors of the INC always says that the church is only a corporation owned by Manalos,  they also say that INC is just a business of the Manalos.  

But, what's this? Whose are more of business?!

 Youre the one to judge!   
But after i end this, to be fair, lets include the list of the INC's: 

Iglesia ni Cristo

New Era General Hospital

source: wikepedia

November 7, 2009

The house of worship

"...build the Temple. Then I will be pleased
with it and be honored," says the
Lord" haggai 1:8

Nonmembers attacks the INC doctrine about building houses of worship. These people will quote Acts 17:24 and II Chro. 2:6, argue that the house of worship cannot be the dwelling place of God:

"The God who made the whole world and everything in it is the Lord of the land and the sky. He does not live in temples built by human hands."

"But no one can really build a house for our God. Not even the highest of heavens can hold him. How then can I build a temple for him except as a place to burn sacrifices to him?"

Clearly stated in the said verses that god does not dwell in temples made by man. And, the builder of the first temple, king solomon of Israel, says that heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain god.

QUESTION: As this case, in what sense is the house of worship the house of God?

ANSWER: Lets read II Chr. 7:16 that says,

"I have chosen this Temple and made it holy. So I will be worshiped there forever. Yes, I will always watch over it and love it."

There is no saying the fact that no house or temple can contain the creator, but there is a house that he has chosen and consecrated for himself. It is in this house, the house of prayer or house of worship, where his name, eyes and heart will dwell forever. It is here where his glory dwells, as said by King david:

"Lord, I love the Temple where you live, where your glory is." Ps. 26:8

Another attack is that for them, it would have been better for the church to course her resources to the improvement of the livelihood of her members, or just donate it for the charity rather than spend them on building houses of worship.

The reason some people think this way is that they believe that serving God can be performed anywhere a person chooses. They suppose that the construction of houses of worship is a thing of the past since they claim that christ and the apostles neither built nor commanded the building of these during their ministry.

Contrary to that belief, the Church of Christ upholds that the houses of worship are essential in serving god even in the Christian dispensation. The undying endeavor of the church in building majestic houses of worship, through the joint efforts of her leadership and her members, is solidly based of the BIBLE. That's why even our detractors do efforts just to show to others about their view that building houses of worship is not so important, INC continues the constructions of the houses of worship in the country and all around the world...





And in 90 other countries...


"Don't worship the Lord your God that way, but look for the place the Lord your God will choose—a place among your tribes where he is to be worshiped. Go there,...Be careful that you don't sacrifice your burnt offerings just anywhere you please. Offer them only in the place the Lord will choose. He will choose a place in one of your tribes, and there you must do everything I am commanding you." Deut. 12:45, 13:14

God's commandments that Moses taught were very precise. God should be worshiped in the way and in the place he chose. This proves that services to God should not be performed anywhere a person chooses. That's why God instructed his early nation to make a sanctuary or tabernacle for him (Exod. 25:8-9). The Tabernacle that God commanded his nation to make is the place where God promised to dwell. It is not his nature or being that dwells in the house of worship for, as testified by King Solomon, neither heaven nor the heaven of heavens can contain God
(I kings 8:27). What dwells in the house of worship is God's name (I kings 8:27-29) and glory (Ps. 26:8). Thus, the house of worship is properly called the house of God (I Chr. 28:6, Isa. 2:3, Luke 2:49).