"Ipaglaban mo nang puspusan ang pananampalataya. Panghawakan mong mabuti ang buhay na walang hanggan, dahil diyan ka tinawag ng Diyos nang ipahayag mo sa harap ng maraming saksi ang iyong pananalig kay Cristo." I Tim. 6:12

October 18, 2011

How was Trinity created?

This is i think the deepest research ive done in my history of blogging^^ Finally, we will now know how they formulated TRINITY. Finding how trinity evolved is not so easy, i used 3 Encyclopedia Books (@1971 & @1974) for subjects: "Trinity", "Christianity" and "Creed". I also made a research here in the internet. (Note: if ive written a statement here that is not accurate, you can correct me.^^)

This will be a long post, but if you dont mind, please read them all, for us to be enlightened.

Let's start!

What is Trinity?

"The Christian doctrine of the Trinity defines God as three divine persons (Greek: ὑποστάσεις): the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. The three persons are distinct yet coexist in unity, and are co-equal, co-eternal and consubstantial (Greek: ὁμοούσιοι)." source: wikipedia

What religions believe in Trinity?

"Trinitarianism, belief in the Trinity, is a mark of Roman Catholicism, Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy as well as of the "mainstream traditions" arising from the Protestant Reformation, such as Anglicanism, Baptist, Methodism, Lutheranism and Presbyterianism. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church describes the Trinity as "the central dogma of Christian theology". source: wikipedia

Is Trinity Biblical?

All of us knows that the answer is no. Church authorities knows and confesses that it is really not biblical. Read all Encyclopedia books in the world and you cannot find that "Trinity" can be seen in the bible, and that it is explicitly taught in the bible. We cannot see the word "Trinity" in any bible translations and versions.

When this doctrine showed?

All of us knows, it showed only in the 4th century, in 325 A.D, First Council of Nicaea. (note: after the death of the apostles)

Evolution of Belief

Apostles creed is said to be older than Nicene Creed(325 A.D), some says it dates back on the 3rd century (source: ehow.com) other says it dates back on 2nd century (source: google) and says it is the oldest one (source: reformed.org).

Apostles Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

Nicene Creed (325 A.D)

We believe in one God the Father All-sovereign, maker of all things.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father, only-begotten, that is, of the substance of the Father, God of God, Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten not made, of one substance with the Father, through whom all things were made, things in heaven and things on the earth; who for us men and for our salvation came down and was made flesh, and became man, suffered, and rose on the third day, ascended into the heavens, and is coming to judge living and dead.

And in the Holy Spirit.

And those that say 'There was when he was not,' and, 'Before he was begotten he was not,' and that, 'He came into being from what-is-not,' or those that allege, that the son of God is 'Of another substance or essence' or 'created,' or 'changeable' or 'alterable,' these the Catholic and Apostolic Church anathematizes.

Nicene Creed also called Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (381 A.D)

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father.

Through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven.

By the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried.

On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended in heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father.

With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.

We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Athanasian Creed also called Quicunque vult

Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic Faith.
Which Faith, except a man keep whole and integral, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly.

Now the Catholic Faith is this: that we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity.
Neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the substance.

For there is one person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Ghost.

But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost is all one, the glory equal, the majesty co-eternal.

For such as the Father is, such is the Son, and such is the Holy Ghost.

The Father uncreate, the Son uncreate, the Holy Ghost uncreate; the Father incomprehensible, the Son incomprehensible, and the Holy Ghost incomprehensible; the Father eternal, the Son eternal, the Holy Ghost eternal. And yet, there are not three eternals, but one eternal.

As also there are not three uncreated, nor three incomprehensibles; but one uncreated, and one incomprehensible.

So likewise the Father is Almighty, the Son Almighty, and the Holy Ghost Almighty.
And yet there are not three Almighties, but one Almighty.

So the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God. And yet there are not three Gods, but one God. So likewise, the Father is Lord, the Son is Lord, and the Holy Ghost is Lord.

And yet there are not three Lords, but one Lord.

For, as we are compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge every Person by Himself to be God and Lord; so we are forbidden by the Catholic religion to say there be three Gods or three Lords.

The Father is made by none, neither created nor begotten.
The Son is of the Father, not made, nor created, but begotten.
The Holy Ghost is of the Father, and of the Son; neither made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding.

So there is one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons; one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts.

And in this Trinity none is before or after the other.

None is greater or less than another, but the whole three Persons are co-equal and co-eternal together.

So that in all things, as is aforesaid, the Unity in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity is to be worshiped.

He therefore that will be saved, must thus think of the Trinity.

Furthermore it is necessary unto eternal salvation that he believe rightly the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

For the right faith is, that we believe and confess, that our Lord Jesus Christ is God and man. God of the substance of the Father, begotten before the world; and Man of the substance of His Mother, born into the world.

Perfect God and perfect Man, of a reasonable soul and human flesh subsisting. Equal to the Father as touching His Godhead, and inferior to the Godhead as touching His Manhood.

Who, although He be God, and Man, yet He is not two, but one Christ.

One altogether, not by confusion of substance, but by unity of Person.
For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man, so God and man is one Christ.

Who suffered for our salvation, descended into hell, rose again the third day from the dead.

He ascended into heaven; He sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.

At whose coming all men shall rise again with their bodies, and shall give account for their works. And they that have done good shall go into everlasting life, and they that have done evil, into everlasting fire.

This, then, is the Catholic Faith, which except a man believe faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved.


See those differences?

The beliefs in the past were not stable, if you will look what was on Apostles Creed, it is simple as accepting God as the Father Almighty. On Nicene Creed (325) the creation or formulation of the Trinity began, but as you can see it doesnt say more about the Holy Spirit. On Nicene Creed (381) on the other hand, Christ was "incarnated" and was "made man" instead of saying "born on Virgin Mary", while the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father. On Athanasian Creed, a much detailed beliefs, said that the Holy Spirit then is "of the Son" and "of the Father" instead of "proceeds from the Father" only.

Origin of beliefs

Antiochene school vs. Alexandrian school

"Historically in the Alexandrian school of thought (fashioned on the Gospel of John) Jesus Christ is the eternal Logos who already possesses unity with the Father before the act of Incarnation. In contrast, the Antiochian school views Christ as a single, unified human person apart from his relationship to the divine." source: wikipedia

Antiochene school

"From the beginning of the church different interpretations of the person of Jesus have existed alongside one another. The gospel according to Mark, for example, understands Jesus as a Man upon whom the Holy Spirit descends at the baptism in the Jordan and who is declared the Son of God through the voice of God from clouds. All later Christological attempts of the theological school of Antioch have followed this line of interpretation. They proceed from the humanity of Jesus and view his humanity divinity in his consciousness of God, founded in the divine mission that was imposed upon him by God through the infusion of the holy Spirit."

Alexandrian school

"Another view is expressed by the Gospel to john, which regards the figure of Jesus Christ as the divine Logos become flesh. Here, the divinity of the person of Jesus is understood not as endowment of the man Jesus with a divine power but rather as a result of the descent of the divine logos--a pre-existent human being- into the worl: Logos taking on human body of flesh so as to be realized in history. This view was adopted bu the cathedral school of Alexandrian theology. "

"Thus, it was that the struggle to understand the figures of Jesus Christ created a rivalry between the theologies of Antioch and Alexandria. Both schools had a wide sphere of influence, not only among the contemporary clergy but also in monasticism and among the laity. Characteristically, Nestorianism (a heresy founded in the 5th century) with its strong emphasis upon the human aspects of Jesus Christ, arose from the Antiochene school, whereas Monophysitism (a heresy founded in the 5th century) with its one sided stress upon the divine nature of Christ, emerged from the Alexandrian school of theology."

Gospel According to John vs. Gospel According to Mark

"According to the theology of the Gospel According to John, the divinity of Jesus Christ constituted the departure point for understanding his person and efficacy. The Gospel According to Mark, however, did not proceed from a theology of incarnation but instead understood the baptism of Jesus Christ as the adoption of the man Jesus Christ into the Sonship of God, accomplished through the descent of the Holy Spirit. The situation became further aggravated by the conceptions of the special personal character of the manifestation of God developed by a way of the historical figure of Jesus Christ; the Holy Spirit was viewed not as a personal figure but as a power and appeared graphically only in the form of the dove and thus receded, to a large extent, in the Trinitarian speculation." Encyclopedia

NOTE: The origin of beliefs about the Trinity is really difficult to trace because there are many influences about the concept of God. I will cite some examples, that influenced those people whom formulated Trinity:

  • Neoplatonism/Platonism "is the philosophy of Plato or the name of other philosophical systems considered closely derived from it." source: wikipedia
  • Hellenism "is a term used to describe the spread of ancient Greek culture, and, to a lesser extent, language." source: wikipedia


Arian Controversy

"The controversy over Arianism began to rise in the late 3rd century and extended over the greater part of the 4th century and involved most church members, simple believers, priests and monks as well as bishops, emperors and members of Rome's imperial family. Yet, such a deep controversy within the Church could not have materialized in the 3rd and 4th centuries without some significant historical influences providing the basis for the Arian doctrines." source: wikipedia

Who is Arius? and what Arius believe?

"Arius belonged to the Antiochene school of theology, which placed strong emphasis upon the historicity of the man Jesus Christ. Arius was interested in maintaining a formal understanding of the oneness of God. In defense of the oneness of God, he was obliged to dispute the sameness of essence of the Son and the Holy Spirit with God the father, as stressed by theologians of the Neoplatonically influenced Alexandrian school." Encyclopedia

Arius' concern

"The basic concern of Arius was and remained disputing the oneness of essence of the Son and the Holy Spirit with God the Father, in order to preserve the oneness of God. The Son, thus became a"second God" under God the Father--he is God only in figurative sense, for he belongs on the side of creatures, even if at their highest summit. Here Arius joined an older tradition of Christology, which had already played a role in Rome in the 2nbd century--namely, the so called Angel-Christology. The descent of the Son to earth was understood as the descent to earth of the highest prince of the angels, who became man in Jesus Christ; he is to some extent identified with an angel prince Michael.

In old angel-christology the concern is already expressed to preserve oneness of God, the inviolable distinguishing mark of the Jewish and Christian faiths over against all paganism. The Son is not himself God, but as highest of the created spiritual beings he is moved as close as possible to God. Arius joined this tradition with the same aim--defending the idea of the oneness of the Christian concept of God against all reproaches that Christianity introduces a new, sublime form of polytheism." Encyclopedia

First Council of Nicaea (Nicene Creed 325 A.D)

"By 325, the controversy had become significant enough that the Emperor Constantine called an assembly of bishops, the First Council of Nicaea, which condemned Arius' doctrine and formulated the original Nicene Creed of 325." source: wikipedia

TRUE: the purpose of having the "First Council of Nicaea" is because of Arius' controversy, and it is in that time the doctrine of the trinity born. They say the council just DEFINED the teachings of the church, but agree about the formulation of the doctrine.

The formulation of something such as a policy or plan is the process of creating or inventing it. source: dictionary.reverso.net

What happened in the first council?

"The Nicene Creed's central term, used to describe the relationship between the Father and the Son, is Homoousios, or Consubstantiality, meaning "of the same substance" or "of one being". (The Athanasian Creed is less often used but is a more overtly anti-Arian statement on the Trinity.) The focus of the Council of Nicaea was the divinity of Christ.

Arius taught that Jesus Christ was divine and was sent to earth for the salvation of mankind but that Jesus Christ was not equal to the Father (infinite, primordial origin) and to the Holy Spirit (giver of life). Under Arianism, Christ was instead not consubstantial with God the Father since both the Father and the Son under Arius were made of "like" essence or being but not of the same essence or being.

Ousia is essence or being, in Eastern Christianity, and is the aspect of God that is completely incomprehensible to mankind and human perception. It is all that subsists by itself and which has not its being in another, God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit all being uncreated.

According to the teaching of Arius, the preexistent Logos and thus the incarnate Jesus Christ was a created being; that only the Son was directly created and begotten by God the Father, before ages, but was of a distinct, though similar, essence or substance from the Creator; his opponents argued that this would make Jesus less than God, and that this was heretical. Much of the distinction between the differing factions was over the phrasing that Christ expressed in the New Testament to express submission to God the Father. The theological term for this submission is kenosis.

This Ecumenical council declared that Jesus Christ was a distinct being of God in existence or reality (hypostasis), which the Latin fathers translated as persona. Jesus was God in essence, being and or nature (ousia), which the Latin fathers translated as substantia.

Constantine is believed to have exiled those who refused to accept the Nicean creed—Arius himself, the deacon Euzoios, and the Libyan bishops Theonas of Marmarica and Secundus of Ptolemais—and also the bishops who signed the creed but refused to join in condemnation of Arius, Eusebius of Nicomedia and Theognis of Nicaea." source: wikipedia

Continuing Controversy

The Arian Controversy doesnt end in the First Council, and about the formula of the Nicene Creed on the relationship of the Father and the Son, that's why there are more councils convened because many disputed the formula:

  • Synods of Antioch 264-269, councils rejected the term homoousios
  • Egyptian Council of Alexandria (318 or 319).
  • Council of the party of Alexander of Alexandria at Nicomedia (c. 325).
  • Council of the party of Alexander of Alexandria at Antioch (325).
  • Nicaea (more than 300 bishops) (325).
  • Church trial of Eustathius of Antioch at Antioch (c. 330).
  • Council of Nicomedia (250 bishops) (c. 335).
  • Church trial of Athanasius of Alexandria at Tyre (335).
  • Council of Jerusalem (335).
  • Church trial of Marcellus of Ancyra at Constantinople (336).
  • Church trial of Athanasius of Alexandria at Antioch (338).
  • Council of Antioch (Council of the Dedication) (90 bishops) (341)
  • Another Council of Antioch (341).
  • Western Council of Rome (342).
  • Mostly Western Council of Sardica (342 or 343).
  • Eastern Council of Philippopolis (342 or 343).
  • Eastern Council of Antioch (344).
  • Regional Council of Jerusalem.
  • Mostly Western Council of Mediolanum (345).
  • Mostly Western Council of Mediolanum (347).
  • Council of Sirmium (347).
  • Egyptian Council of Alexandria (c. 351).
  • Council of Sirmium and church trial of Photinus at Sirmium (351).
  • Council of Arelate (353).
  • Mostly Western Council of Mediolanum (more than 300 bishops) (355).
  • Council of Sirmium (357).
  • Council of Ancyra (358).
  • Fourth Council of Sirmium (359).
  • Western Council of Ariminum (about 300 or more than 400 bishops) (359)
  • Eastern Council of Seleucia (about 160 bishops) (359).
  • Council of the Homoians at Nike (c. 359).
  • First Council of Constantinople (360) (360).
  • Church trial of Eunomius of Cyzicus at Constantinople (c. 360).
  • Church trial of Eustathius of Sebaste at Gangra.
  • Council of the Anomoeans in Constantinople (c. 361).
  • Local council at Constantinople (c. 361).
  • Council of Antioch (361).
  • Council of the Anomoeans in Constantinople (c. 363).
  • Council of the party of Theodosius of Lydia (c. 363 or 364).
  • Local council at Antioch (c. 381).
  • Council of Constantinople (381 or 383).
  • Council of Toledo (Of the churches in Hispania) (589).
source: wikipedia

Formulas (about the relationship of God the father and Christ) debated for the doctrine:
  • Homoousia- the Son is of the same substance as the Father, i.e. both uncreated.
  • Homoiousia- the Son is of a similar substance to the Father.
  • Homoia- the Son is similar to the Father, either "in all things" or "according to the scriptures," without speaking of substance.
  • Heteroousia- the Son is of a different substance from the Father, i.e. created.
  • Marcellus of Ancyra and Photinus of Sirmium- Christ was a mere man.
source: wikipedia

Second Ecumenical Council also called First Council of Constantinople

(Nicene Creed 381 A.D)

"In 381, at the Second Ecumenical Council in Constantinople, a group of mainly Eastern bishops assembled and accepted the Nicene Creed of 381,which was supplemented in regard to the Holy Spirit, as well as some other changes. This is generally considered the end of the dispute about the Trinity and the end of Arianism among the Roman, non-Germanic peoples." source: wikipedia
"The Council of Nicaea did not end the Arian controversy which it had been called to clarify. By 327, Emperor Constantine I had begun to regret the decisions that had been made at the Nicene Council. He granted amnesty to the Arian leaders and exiled Athanasius because of Eusebius of Nicomedia. Even during numerous exiles, Athanasius continued to be a vigorous defender of Nicene Christianity against Arianism. Athanasius then famously said "Athanasius against the world". The Cappadocian Fathers also took up the torch; their Trinitarian discourse was influential in the council at Constantinople.

Up until about 360, theological debates mainly dealt with the divinity of the Son, the 2nd person of the Trinity. However, because the Council of Nicaea had not clarified the divinity of the Holy Spirit, the 3rd person of the Trinity, it became a topic of debate."

As a New Version of Nicene Creed 325 A.D

"This council condemned Arianism which began to die out with more condemnations at a council of Aquileia by Ambrose of Milan in 381. With the discussion of Trinitarian doctrine now developed and well under agreement to orthodox and biblical understanding, it led to Christology, which would be the topic of the Council of Ephesus of 431 and the Council of Chalcedon of 451. At the Council of Chalcedon (451) a new version of the Nicene Creed was produced and attributed to this council of 381."

"The version that became attributed to the council of 381 added an explicit statement of the Father's generation of the Son 'before all ages', a mention of the Virgin Mary, and a full article on the Holy Spirit, describing Him as "the Lord, the Giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, and Who spoke through the prophets". The statement of proceeding from the Father is seen as significant because it established that the Holy Spirit must be of the same being (ousia) as God the Father. This gave explicit expression to the concept of the Trinity." source: wikipedia

Athanasian Creed

"The most likely time frame is in the late fifth or early sixth century AD – at least 100 years after Athanasius. The theology of the creed is firmly rooted in the Augustinian tradition, using exact terminology of Augustine's On the Trinity (published 415 AD)." source: wikipedia

"Thus, each person of the Trinity is described as uncreated (increatus), limitless (Immensus), eternal (æternus), and omnipotent (omnipotens). While ascribing the divine attributes and divinity to each person of the Trinity, thus avoiding subordinationism, the first half of the Athanasian Creed also stresses the unity of the three persons in the one Godhead, thus avoiding a theology of tritheism. Furthermore, although one God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct from each other. For the Father is neither made nor begotten; the Son is not made but is begotten from the Father; the Holy Spirit is neither made nor begotten but proceeds from the Father and the Son (filioque)." source: wikipedia

Athanasian creed is believed to be an account of Athanasius, the great defender of the doctrine trinity, but it came to question by scholars and then believed that he is not the author of it. And the origin of the creed is untraceable, it is estimated to be in existence between late fifth or early sixth century.

Athanasian Creed contains more detailed beliefs about the concept of their God, if you will compare that to Original Nicene Creed 325 A.D and to Nicene Creed 381 A.D. If you also noticed, it is in this creed, said that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and Son (filioque), and contradicts the Nicene Creed 381 A.D which is stated that the Holy Spirit proceeds only from the Father.


Development of the doctrine Trinity

As we may notice, this doctrine only showed in the Nicene Creed 325 A.D, the next formulation dated on Nicene Creed 381 A.D that resulted many debates about the relationship of God the Father to Christ, and to define about the Holy Spirit. It took them 56 years formulating (other words: CREATE or INVENT) this doctrine. And the idea of filioque, that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son also, only showed in the Athanasian Creed (time frame is in the late fifth or early sixth century AD) means the complete "definition" (as they claim) or FORMULATION of the doctrine trinity took 100 years and more!

Key People on the development of the doctrine Trinity
and etc.

What they say about the formulation of the doctrine

On Platonism/Neoplatonism

"Platonism influenced Christianity through Clement of Alexandria and Origen, and the Cappadocian Fathers. St. Augustine was heavily influenced by Platonism as well, which he encountered through the Latin translations of Marius Victorinus of the works of Porphyry and/or Plotinus." source: wikipedia

"In the Johannine understanding, Christ as the logos, under the influence of Neoplatonic Logos philosophy, became the subject of a speculative theology; there thus developed a speculative interest in the relationship of the oneness of God to the triplicity of his manifestations." Encyclopedia

On Hellenism
"Hellenistic thinkers, who influenced Christian theologians, had already been attracted by the emphasis in later Judaism on monotheism and transcendence. this tendency was sketched out earlier in Plato and later Stoicism, but it came to its mature development in Neoplatonism in the 3rd centuryA.D. In the first century Philo of Alexandria had interpreted the old testament concept of God in terms of the logos idea of Hellenistic philosophy, but this Hellenization led to a characteristic tension that was to dominate the entire further history of ideas." Encyclopedia

"During the 19th century, protestant historians, notably F.C Baur and Adolf von Harnack, sought to show that the Trinity was a result of "Hellenization of the gospel" while Friedrich Schleiermacher declared that a species of modalism was the only meaningful version of the doctrine. " Encyclopedia

"Initially, both the requirements of the monotheism inherited from the Old Testament and the implications of the need to interpret biblical teaching to Greco-Roman paganism seemed to demand that the divine Christ as the Word or Logos be seen as subordinate to the Supreme Deity. An alternate solution was to interpret the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as three modes of the self-disclosure one God, but not as distinct within the being of God itself." Encyclopedia

“It was when Christianity spread out into pagan world that the idea of jesus as a savior God emerged.” (The meaning of the dead Sea scrolls)

On Nicene Creed 325 A.D
"Under Constantine's influence, this belief was expressed by the bishops in what would be known thereafter as the Nicene Creed." source: wikipedia

"The Emperor carried out his earlier statement: everybody who refused to endorse the Creed would be exiled." source: wikipedia

"In fact, Constantine had little theological understanding of the issues at stake, and did not particularly care which view of Christ's nature prevailed so long as it resulted in a unified church." source: wikipedia

"Saint Athanasius, who was a participant in the Council, stated that the bishops were forced to use this terminology, which is not found in Scripture, because the Biblical phrases that they would have preferred to use were claimed by the Arians to be capable of being interpreted in what the bishops considered to be a heretical sense." source: wikipedia

“The council could not agree and after two years, impatient at the delay, the emperor Constantine appeared and addressed the assembly, ordering them to agree on the divinity of Christ…” (Challenge of a liberal Faith)
“Once this “Nicene Creed” had been publicly signed by all the bishops and promulgated by Constantine, it became the official creed for all Christians. To deny the divinity of outside of the Christian community and was a crime against the state.” (The emerging Church: Part one)

"The victor at Nicaea was not the Church, but an Emperor who believed in the sun god as one of several deities, and who did not mind twisting Christianity to conform to his own ideas."

"As one Church Historian, Bernhard Lohse, writes in Motive im Glauben (Motivation for belief): 'Arius remind us that Jesus, as he is described in the Gospels, was not a God who walked this earth, but truly a human being. Of course, by his very humanity Jesus proved his full community with God'"

"Arius desired nothing else, but the Church chose a different road; as it had done so often, it condemned what was right and retained what was false" (Lehmann, Johannes. The Jesus Establishment. Garden CIty, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc, 1974)

"The decision of the council did not terminate the controversy, but was rather only the beginning of it. A settlement found upon the Church by the strong hand of the emperor could not satisfy and was also of certain duration. It made the determination of the Christian faith dependent on imperial caprice and even on court intrigues." (Berkhof, Louis. The History of Christian Doctrines. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Barker Book House, 1981)

"The Council of Nicaea set many precedents. The Emperor called it, influenced its decision-making and used his civil power to give its decrees virtually status of imperial law. The Council introduced a new kind of orthodoxy, which for this time gave non-biblical terms critical importance. The Creed's own form of expression was influenced by the heresy outlawed..."

"Nicaea was followed by more than half century of discord and disorder in the Eastern CHurch , which at times spilled over into the West." (Dowley, Tim, et al. [editors]. Eerdmans' Handbook to the History of Christianity. Carmel, New York, USA: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1997)

On Nicene Creed 381 A.D

"It was not until the 4th century that the distinctness of the three taught by subordinationism and their unity taught by modalism were brought together in a single orthodox doctrine of one essence and three persons." Encyclopedia

"But Augustine also developed a trinitarian theme that was to become the most important dogmatic difference between the Eastern and Western Churches: the idea that the Holy Spirit proceeds both from the Father and from the Son (filioque) ,rather than from the Father only, as the East maintained." Encyclopedia


"Some nontrinitarians also find a link between the doctrine of the Trinity and the Egyptian Christian theologians of Alexandria, suggesting that Alexandrian theology, with its strong emphasis on the deity of Jesus, served to infuse Egypt's pagan religious heritage into Christianity. They charge the Church with adopting these Egyptian tenets after adapting them to Christian thinking by means of Greek philosophy.As evidence of this, they point to the widely acknowledged synthesis of Christianity with Platonic philosophy evident in Trinitarian formulas appearing by the end of the 3rd century. Hence, beginning with the Constantinian period, they allege, these pagan ideas were forcibly imposed on the churches as Catholic doctrine rooted firmly in the soil of Hellenism." source: wikipedia


It is true that in the early centuries, Christians had many interpretation about Christ, one of the many example is the different formulas debated for the doctrine trinity (see above). Others believe that Christ is mere human, some says he is God and so on. Meaning, before the first council of Nicaea (325 A.D) every bishops/priests/teachers or whatsoever taught Christians different interpretations about Christ (see above) depends on their understanding about it. As to unite these divisions, Constantine I formed the first council of Nicaea (325 A.D), to "define" the relationship of God the father and Christ. Then, how they come up with the interpretation that the Father is of the same substance with Christ? And the result of all the debate, that the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit is equal and so on, IF, again, IF, they had different interpretations about it?

Then, i therefore conclude that it is because of the things that influenced them, like Hellenism, which is the spread of Greek culture and so on. And the influence of Plato, also called as Platonism/neoplatonism about the Logos. It is also the result of the wrong understanding quoting John's statement: "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God".

If trinity is really a belief that can be traced in the 1st century, that the early christians believed that Jesus is God, Father is God, Holy Spirit is God and so on, then there will be no heresies /different interpretations about Christ in the past!

The complete "definition" of this doctrine took them 100 years and more, and this is now what MOST CHRISTIANS believe nowadays. Remember: Christianity is a monotheistic religion, meaning: is the belief in the existence of one and only one god. (source: wikipedia)

The God in the Old Testament is also the God in New Testament. Ask yourself: Is it Christ the God in both Testament?

It is written in the bible that there is only ONE GOD, the FATHER.

Articles that may help you:
Who said that Jesus is God?
The original belief of the early christians to Jesus
Authoritative testimonies on Trinity


  1. ang origin nyo na tao c Kristo ay sa Jehova witnesses at Mormon, bulag kau sa pabbabasa sa
    bibliya ayaw nyong intindihin na Diyos c Hesus. ito ang pinakasimple intindihin John 1:1 " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God " . C Hesus ay tao at isa rin cyang Diyos

    1. Ganoon po ba ang pagkakaintindi nyo doon, eh di okay po, basta ako pinakita ko lang ang totoong nangyari within HISTORY, at regarding sa verse na binanggit mo:

      "In the Johannine understanding, Christ as the logos, under the influence of Neoplatonic Logos philosophy, became the subject of a speculative theology; there thus developed a speculative interest in the relationship of the oneness of God to the triplicity of his manifestations." Encyclopedia

      Antiochene school

      "From the beginning of the church different interpretations of the person of Jesus have existed alongside one another. The gospel according to Mark, for example, understands Jesus as a Man upon whom the Holy Spirit descends at the baptism in the Jordan and who is declared the Son of God through the voice of God from clouds. All later Christological attempts of the theological school of Antioch have followed this line of interpretation. They proceed from the humanity of Jesus and view his humanity divinity in his consciousness of God, founded in the divine mission that was imposed upon him by God through the infusion of the holy Spirit."

      Alexandrian school

      "Another view is expressed by the Gospel to john, which regards the figure of Jesus Christ as the divine Logos become flesh. Here, the divinity of the person of Jesus is understood not as endowment of the man Jesus with a divine power but rather as a result of the descent of the divine logos--a pre-existent human being- into the worl: Logos taking on human body of flesh so as to be realized in history. This view was adopted bu the cathedral school of Alexandrian theology. "

      "Thus, it was that the struggle to understand the figures of Jesus Christ created a rivalry between the theologies of Antioch and Alexandria. Both schools had a wide sphere of influence, not only among the contemporary clergy but also in monasticism and among the laity. Characteristically, Nestorianism (a heresy founded in the 5th century) with its strong emphasis upon the human aspects of Jesus Christ, arose from the Antiochene school, whereas Monophysitism (a heresy founded in the 5th century) with its one sided stress upon the divine nature of Christ, emerged from the Alexandrian school of theology."

      FACTS PO YAN, sa encyclopedia pa namin galing yan^^

  2. Sa totoo lang... nalilito talaga ang mga pari at iba pang relihiyon sa pagtuturo ng "trinity", kesyo yung trinity nila ay parang 3in1 na kape may asukal, creamer at coffee :-) may naririnig pa nga ako parang "itlog" daw :-) may shell, yellow na part (inner core) at may puti na part naman... hehehe para sakin hindi lang 'to basta itlog kundi itlog na maalat :-) meron pa nga akong tinanong noon sabi ko.. 1+1+1 ??? nung hindi nya masagot,
    aba ang counter ba naman sa akin 'eh 1x1x1??? sabi ko naman, ang Dios mo pala ay nagmumultiply :-) saan kaya sa biblia 'yun?

    1. There is nothing in creation that can explain Trinity because God is not his creation. God is not bound by the laws of his creation; he is distinct from his creation.




  3. bro read me, payo lang kapatid kapag nag ququote ka ng source ilagay mo po lahat ng info di lang po "wikipedia" "encyclopedia"

    dapat lagay m0 ( page, paragraph at specific name ng standard reference. ) ganyan po mag quote ng reference.

    Sa beliefs nyu din po masasabi kong kagaya lang kau ng mormons ng paniniwala at isa pa po ang silbi po ng mga Church Council ay to settle things hindi po to create things! ibig sabihin anjan na ung paniniwala kinokompirma lang po. Thanks kapatid.

    1. Salamat po sa suggestion, pasensya na po, hindi po kasi libro ang blog ko para gawin ang standard ng pagququote ng sources na dapat kumpleto, dapat may page pa, paragraph etc... pahihirapan ko pa ba sarili ko? Kaya nga with link lagi ang nilalagay ko pag may source, at kung ayaw nyong maniwala sa sources ko, may choice naman kayong wag ng magbasa ng blog ko. Its a matter of trust.

      Tama po kayo, ang church councils ay may silbi to settle things, at sa pagsesettle nga nilang ito eh nakapag FORMULATE sila ng doktrina, hindi lang basta para mag confirm ng doktrina dahil merong "FORMULA" ang TRINITY.

      Ayan nga sabi ni wikipedia oh:

      "By 325, the controversy had become significant enough that the Emperor Constantine called an assembly of bishops, the First Council of Nicaea, which condemned Arius' doctrine and formulated the original Nicene Creed of 325." source: wikipedia


      "The formulation of something such as a policy or plan is the process of creating or inventing it." source: dictionary.reverso.net

      Eh may CREATION o INVENTION palang naganap. At walang MATALINONG TAO ang tututol dito dahil nasa history na ito. Yung term na TRINITY pa lang, pagbali baligtarin man natin ang mundo, inimberto lang ito.

      ang formula sa relasyon ng AMA at ANAK na pinagdebatihan ng maraming konsilyo na "Homoousios" ay isa lang din imbentong wala rin sa bibliya.

      Sa pagsesettle nila sa problema sa paniniwala nila sa Ama at sa Anak, gumagawa o NAG IIMBENTO sila ng bagong doktrina tulad na lang ng pagkakaroon ng dalawang nature ni Kristo: Tao at Diyos noon lamang Council of Chalcedon noong 451 AD.

      Wala po akong magagawa kung naniniwala kayo na kagaya lang kami ng mormons, kahit mali ang paniniwala mo, wala akong magagawa dyan, paniniwala mo sa sarili mo yan eh.

      Maraming salamat po.

    2. Jon,

      Is it true that Mormons' beliefs are of the same with INC? Or, your "conclusion" is just a product of your "ignorance" of INC'S beliefs/doctrines or just out of your biased conclusion without scrutinizing first two parties beliefs? Let me cite some basic doctrines of Mormons and let us compare with INC if BOTH ARE REALLY THE SAME, as follows:

      Source of faith/beliefs/doctrines:
      MORMONS: Bible, Book of Mormons and collection of revelations and writings by Joseph Smith known as the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price.
      INC: Bible (alone).

      Name of the Church:
      MORMONS: Informally use the name Church of Christ in the year 1829 and formally changed it to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (by an 1838 revelation).
      INC: Church of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo) and NEVER changed it as it is the true name of the true Church built by Christ before it was apostatized in the first century and so in its re-emergence from the Far East, from the ends of the earth.

      God and Christ:
      MORMONS: "God" means Elohim (the Father), whereas "Godhead" means a council of three distinct gods; Elohim, Jehovah (the Son, or Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. The Father and Son have perfected, material bodies, while the Holy Spirit is a spirit and does not have a body
      The Father (Spirit in nature, hence no "body" and the Only True God)
      Jesus Christ (The Son of God but man in nature, hence made of flesh and bones, in other words has a "body"; and, never called by the name of Jehovah, a name only invented by man)

      MORMONS: Children of God had a pre-mortal existence.
      INC: None. A child of God has just come into a "mortal existence" once conceived by his mother.

      Want some more? Just say so and I will tell you more including how the beliefs of Mormons had changed/evolved as the years passed by from the exact period of its existence. Personally, I called it as "beliefs in-progress or under construction". In other words, like Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons beliefs/doctrines had kept on changing as one of the facts that they are not the true Church built by Christ.


  4. Go back to the writings of the Church Fathers concerning Trinity and others:


  5. http://www.home.earthlink.net/~mysticalrose/trinity.html

  6. http://www.zenit.org/en/articles/the-trinity-is-a-communion-of-love-and-light-and-man-is-its-true-image

  7. Trinity...

    Paanong magiging isa ang 3 Persona aber?

    God is Infinite,no beginning,no end.
    Christ,born from Mary,died on a cross and resurrected and ascended to Heaven.

    Sige nga,paki-explain nga?

  8. paanong naging isa kayo ng asawa mo ng ikasal kayo? Pero naniniwala kang ang AMA ay may ANAK? at yung ANAK ay naging tao?

  9. Kung sa lumang tipan ang nagpapahayag ng patungkol sa AMA ay ang mga propeta, alalahanin po natin na ang mga propeta na ito ay mga tao at walang sinuman ang magsasabing lubusang kilala nila ang AMA dahil nga po sa di sila nanggaling, nagmula, nakakita at kapling ng AMA. Tangi po lamang ang ANAK ang lubusang nagpakilala sa AMA.
    Kaya po pansin natin sa mga sulat sa matandang tipan ay binibigyan diin ng mga propeta ang AMA bagamat banaag na nila ang tungkol sa ANAK sa pamamagitan ng mga hula. Dahil sa mga dios-diosang sinasamba ng mga pagano, buong giting na ipinapahayag nila ang tungkol sa iisang AMANG Dios. Kaya naman pag babanggit ng talata sa lumang tipan ang mga ministro ng INC patungkol sa iisang DIOS natural ang pinatutungkulang ng mga sumulat ay ang AMA.
    Ngunit pagdating ng takdang panahon sa bagong tipan ano po yung bagong kapahayagan tungkol sa AMA? Nalaman natin na ang AMA pala ay mayroon ANAK. Ang ANAK na ito mismo, hindi na mga propeta ang nagsalita ng kapahayagan ng AMA. (Hebreo 1:1-2)
    At ang ANAK na ito ay nanggaling, nagmula, nakakita at kapiling ng AMA. Ang ANAK na itoy isinugo ng AMA at nanaog sa langit ng upang gawin ang kalooban ng AMA:
    Joh_6:38 Sapagka't bumaba akong mula sa langit, hindi upang gawin ko ang aking sariling kalooban, kundi ang kalooban ng nagsugo sa akin.
    Ano po yung kalooban ng AMA bakit isinugo yung ANAK?
    (Joh_3:17) “Sapagka't hindi sinugo ng Dios ang Anak sa sanglibutan upang hatulan ang sanglibutan; kundi upang ang sanglibutan ay maligtas sa pamamagitan niya.”
    Kalooban ng AMA na tayoy maligtas. Bakit po? Dahil sa PAG-iBIG niya sa atin.
    Ito po yung mabuting balita at ebanghelyo na ipinangaral ng mga Apostol tungkol sa PAGIBIG ng AMA sa atin:
    (1Jn_4:10) “Narito ang pagibig, hindi sa tayo'y umibig sa Dios, kundi siya ang umibig sa atin, at sinugo ang kaniyang Anak na pangpalubagloob sa ating mga kasalanan.”
    Kaya naman ng bumaba sa mga Apostol ang ESPIRITU ng PAG-IBIG, ito ang nag-udyok at nagsilbi nilang lakas upang ipangaral ang ebanghelyo hanggang sa katapusan ng mundo.
    Ngayon ikumpara po natin yung ebanghelyo na dala ng INC. Ang ANAK ayon sa kanila ay plano, panukala o banaag ng kaisipan buhat sa AMA tulad ng banggit sa 1 Pedro 1:20
    Ayon po sa kanila walang kapiling na ANAK ang AMA, ang ibinigay ng AMA sa atin ay yung katuparan ng kanyang plano. Kung ganuon po masasabi po ba nating totoong PAG-IBIG ito?
    Kung ang tao nga kayang ibigay para isakripisyo yung kanyang anak sa katauhan ni Abraham at anak na si Isaac, bakit ang AMA walang kayang ibigay kundi yaong kanyang plano lamang? Mas higit pa ba ang pag-ibig ng tao kaysa pag-ibig ng AMA? Ito po ba ang mabuting balita o ang ebanghelyo na tinatanggap at sinasampalatayanan ng INC?
    Ngunit alam po natin ang tunay na ebanghelyo at salamat sa pag-ibig ng AMA:
    (Joh 3:16) “Sapagka't gayon na lamang ang pagsinta ng Dios sa sanglibutan, na ibinigay niya ang kaniyang bugtong na Anak…”
    Sa kabila po ng lahat ng ito hindi po kaya nadaya sila ng diablo na sinungaling na buhat pa sa simula dahil maling ebanghelyo at hindi ang PAG-IBIG ng AMA ang kanilang ipinangangaral, kundi nakasentro sa kanilang Iglesia dahil ito daw po ay banal? Bakit po ba nabanal ang iglesia? Hindi bat dahil sa ANAK kaya banal nating masasabi ang Iglesia? Puro sila Iglesia. Iglesia, Iglesia nguit wala naman silang Kristo, Kristo at Kristo. Bakit ko po ito nasabi? Dahil po sa pagtanggi at pagkakaila nila sa ANAK na siyang Kristo.
    Sa pagtanggi nila sa ANAK maliwanag pa sa sikat ng araw ang babala ni Juan patungkol sa kanila:
    (1Jn 2:23) “Ang sinomang tumatanggi sa Anak, ay hindi sumasa kaniya ang Ama: ang nagpapahayag sa Anak ay sumasa kaniya naman ang Ama. “

  10. Bakit po ayaw nilang kilalanin ang ANAK? Dahil natatakot sila at di nila maamin na ang ANAK ng AMA ay tunay na Dios gaya ng AMANG DIOS.
    Sabi po kasi nila malalabag daw yung sinabi ng ANAK patungkol sa AMA sa Juan 17:3 tunggkol sa nag-iisang tunay na DIOS.
    Pansinin po natin na sa pagpapakilala ng ANAK sa AMA sa talata sa Juan 17:3 kaakibat nuon ang pagkilala rin natin sa ANAK. Hindi po natin mapaghihiwalay ang ANAK sa AMA at ang AMA sa ANAK.
    Dahil po ang relasyon at ng ugnayan ng AMA sa ANAK ay umiiral na duon sa sinapupunan ng AMA. (Jn 1:14)
    Bakit binibigyan diin ko po yung sinapupunan?
    Nais po ng AMA na magkaroon ng mata ng pananampalataya ang ating mga kababayang INC upang makaunawa at maliwanagan ang kanilang mga puso ng ESPIRITU ng PAG-IBIG at sa gayon ay maipahayag ng kanilang mga labi ang ANAK sa ikaluluwalhati ng AMA.
    Sa sinapupunan lalo pong nailalarawan ang kaigtingan ng relasyon at ng pag-ibig ng AMA sa ANAK at ng ANAK sa AMA.
    Lahat po tayo bilang mga anak ay nanggaling sa sinapupunan, liban na lamang kay Adan na mula sa alabok at kay Eba na mula sa tadyang ni Adan.
    Sa mga mag-asawa kelan po sila naging magulang o kailan sila tinawag na ama o ina? Tinawag silang ama o ina nang magkaroon at malaman nilang may anak sila na nasa sinapupunan. Sa sinapupunan pala nagsisimula o ang genesis ng relasyong o ugnayan ng magulang sa anak o anak sa magulang.
    Di ba po sa panahon na naglihi ang ina nanduon na iyong pag-aalaga niya at pagmamahal sa anak na nasa kayang sinapupunan? Kinakausap niya ang anak ng buong giliw at hinahaplos ang kanyang sinapupunan ng buong pagmamahal. At nalalaman natin na tumutugon yuong anak sa pag-ibig ng ina sa pamamagitan ng paglukso nito sa sinapupunan habang itoy hinahaplos.
    Maari po nating masabi na yung anak na nasa sinapupunan ay kasangkap ng kanyang ina. Di ba po sinasabi natin sa ina patungkol sa anak ay dugo ng kanyang dugo at laman ng kanyang laman? Maari nating masabi na taglay ng anak ang kalikasan ng ina at nababalot ang anak ng buong pagkatao ng ina sa sinapupunan. Bagamat tinutukoy natin ay dalawang persona ang ina at anak, sila ay hindi mapaghihiwalay dahil pinagbubuklod sila ng PAG-IBIG. Kung ang ina ay puspos ng pag-ibig sa anak, kailanman ay hindi natin mapaghihiwalay ang ina sa anak o anak sa ina. Mayroon po bang nagmamahal na ina na papayag na maihiwalay ang anak sa kanyang sinapupunan?
    Kung ang mga nabanggit na halimbawa ay posible at totoo sa tao, imposible po ba kaya ito sa DIOS?
    Ano po ang sabi ANAK: (Mateo 19:26) “… Hindi mangyayari ito sa mga tao; datapuwa't sa Dios ang lahat ng mga bagay ay mangyayari. “

  11. Sa nabanggit na halimbawa patungkol sa ANAK na nasa sinapupunan ng AMA, nagkakaroon tayo ng pananaw, namamalas at nababanaag natin ang PAG-IBIG ng AMA. At nagiging buo, nakukumpleto ang pagkakaalam natin sa pag-ibig ng AMA at tunay na maitutulad natin sa pag-ibig ng MAGULANG (ama at ina). (CCC 239)
    Itinulad ang pagsuyo ng AMA gaya ng sa ina sa kanyang bayan… Isaiah 66.13: “Kung paanong ang sinoma'y inaaliw ng ina gayon ko aaliwin kayo; at kayo'y mangaaliw sa Jerusalem. “
    Sa paghahambing sa itaas mababanaag po natin ang Santa Trinidad, bakit ko po nasabi?
    Sa kapahayagan ni Juan nagkaroon tayo ng bagong kapahayagan ukol sa DIOS. Inihayag niya na ang Dios ay pag-ibig:
    (1Jn_4:8) “Ang hindi umiibig ay hindi nakakakilala sa Dios; sapagka't ang Dios ay pagibig.”
    (1Jn_4:16) “At ating nakilala at ating sinampalatayanan ang pagibig ng Dios sa atin. Ang Dios ay pagibig; at ang nananahan sa pagibig ay nananahan sa Dios, at ang Dios ay nananahan sa kaniya.”
    Dagdag pa rito inilarawan ni San Agustin ang Santa Trinidad na: Mangingibig (AMA), Iniibig(ANAK) at Pag-ibig (ESPIRITU SANTO)
    Di ba po sa mag-asawa nagiging iisa sila sa matrimonyo dahil pinagbubuklod at binibigkis sila ng pag-ibig nila sa isat-isa lalot higit ang nagbibigkis ay ang ESPIRITU na siyang PAG-IBIG. Hindi sila mapaghihiwalay dahil taglay nila ang pag-ibig.
    Gayon din po hindi natin maihihiwalay ang MANGINGIBIG sa bukod tangi at bugtong niyang INIIBIG dahil sila ay iisa at pinagbubuklod ng PAG-IBIG.
    (Mateo_3:17) “At narito, ang isang tinig na mula sa mga langit, na nagsasabi, Ito ang sinisinta kong Anak, na siya kong lubos na kinalulugdan.”
    Bukod sa halimbawa ukol sa mag-asawa saan pa natin mababanaag ang Santa Trinidad?
    Nang hindi pa nagkakatawang tao ang ANAK, maari pala natin makita sa mata ng pananampalataya na ang Santa Trinidad ay maihahambing sa isang ina na may anak sa sinapupunan.
    (Ecc_11:5) “Kung paanong hindi mo nalalaman kung ano ang daan ng hangin o kung paano mang lumalaki ang mga buto sa bahay-bata ng buntis; gayon hindi mo nalalaman ang gawa ng Dios na gumagawa sa lahat. “
    Taglay ng ANAK ang kalikasan ng AMA sa sinapupunan at hindi sila mapaghihiwalay at nagkakaisa sila sa PAG-IBIG.
    Hindi bat ang AMA at ANAK ang nagsugo sa ating mga puso ng PAG-IBIG, kung walang PAG-IBIG (Espiritu Santo) hindi natin maihahayag na ang ANAK ay Panginoon.
    At nakikilala tayong mga anak ng Dios dahil may PAG-IBIG tayo sa isat-isa.
    Kaya pala nang batiin ng anghel Gabriel ang dalagang naglilihi na si Maria tinawag niya itong mapalad sa lahat ng babae dahil nasa sinapupunan niya ang ANAK. Banaag natin kay Maria ang larawan ng Santa Trinidad, ngunit hindi ko po sinasabi na Dios si Maria.
    Ang Cristo ay tinawag na ANAK ng TAO dahil tunay itong tao sa sinapupunan ng kanyang inang tao.
    Gayun din naman tinawag ang Cristo na ANAK ng DIOS dahil tunay itong Dios sa sinapupunan ng kanyang AMANG Dios.

  12. Magandang araw po sa iyo John Chrysostomom,

    Huwag niyo po mamasamain, sa kabila ng napakaliwanang na paliwanag ni ReadMe ukol sa paano nabuo/naimbento ang Trinidad ay pinipilit niyo pa ring ito'y nasa Bibliya. Muli, uulitin po naming mga INC, ang gayong aral ay GAWA LAMANG NG TAO, kung gayon WALANG KINALAMAN ANG BIBLIYA SA ARAL NA IYAN.

    May palagay nga ako na sadyang hindi ninyo binasa ang nilalaman ng artikulo sa itaas. Sadyang sinarhan nio na po ang inyong pag-iisip sa kung ano ang totoo at ang kasinungalingan.

    Kung may sinitas man kayong mga talata sa Bibliya, ni isa sa mga iyon ay hindi nagpapatunay na Diyos ang ating Panginoong Hesukristo. Manapa'y lalong nagpapatunay na Siya ay sinugo ng tunay na Diyos na walang iba kundi ang Ama lamang. Sana lamang kung pinipilit po ninyong patotohanan sa amin na Diyos ang Cristo, dapat patotohanan nio rin sa amin na Diyos ang Espiritu Santo. Di po ba ang Tiniidad ay binubuo ng tatlong persona? Nasaan po ang patotoo ninyo sa Espiritu Santo? Pero pinapauna ko na po sa inyo, hindi po Persona ang Ama sapagkat Siya ay Espiritu sa kalagayan (John 4:24).

    Maliwanag ang pahayag ng ating Panginoong Hesus ukol sa kung sino talaga ang dapat kilalanin na iisang tunay na Diyos (John 17:3) ngunit sa kabila nang NAPAKALIWANAG na katotohanang ito na si Cristo mismo ang nagpahayag ay tinatanggihan ninyo. Mas nais pa ninyong paniwalaan ang diyos (Trinidad) na gawa lamang ng tao.

    Tama po kayo, ang Diyos ay makapangyarihan sa lahat. WALANG IMPOSIBLE SA KANYA. Magagawa Niya ang lahat ng bagay. Pero ang isyu po rito ay HINDI IYONG KAYANG GAWIN NG AMA. Ang isyu ay KUNG GAGAWIN NIYA.

    Papayag ba o gagawin ba ng Diyos na Siyang bilang Diyos ay maging tao?

    "Hindi ko isasagawa ang kabangisan ng aking galit, hindi ako babalik upang ipahamak ang Ephraim: sapagka't ako'y Dios, at hindi tao; ang Banal sa gitna mo; at hindi ako paroroon na may galit." ~ Hosea 11:9, ADB (1905)

    At ang tao, papayagan ba ng Diyos na maging Diyos?

    "Anak ng tao, sabihin mo sa prinsipe sa Tiro, Ganito ang sabi ng Panginoong Dios: Sapagka't ang iyong puso ay nagmataas, at iyong sinabi, Ako'y dios, ako'y nauupo sa upuan ng Dios, sa gitna ng mga dagat; gayon man ikaw ay tao, at hindi Dios, bagaman iyong inilagak ang iyong puso na parang puso ng Dios; " ~ Ezekiel 28:2.

    Ngayon, tanungin po natin ang Cristo. Ano po ang pahayag ng ating Panginoon ukol sa Kaniyang sarili?

    "Datapuwa't ngayo'y pinagsisikapan ninyo akong patayin, na taong sa inyo'y nagsaysay ng katotohanan, na aking narinig sa Dios: ito'y hindi ginawa ni Abraham." ~ Juan 8:40, Ang Biblia (Bagong Tipan)

    Ayon sa ating Panginoong Hesus, siya ay tao. Kung gayon, bilang tao, mananatili siya sa gayong kalagayan sapagkat kailanman ay di papayagan ng Diyos na ang tao ay magiging Diyos.

    ~ Bee



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