"Ipaglaban mo nang puspusan ang pananampalataya. Panghawakan mong mabuti ang buhay na walang hanggan, dahil diyan ka tinawag ng Diyos nang ipahayag mo sa harap ng maraming saksi ang iyong pananalig kay Cristo." I Tim. 6:12

September 28, 2011

A deceiver deceives MANY!

Our instructor for now about "How to deceive" is Catholicdefender2000, author of the blog http://catholicdefender2000.blogspot.com. I am amazed how he do it, what's he's secret?

But i dont want to BE like him, creating lies just to attack me and the INC. How poor isnt it? Is that what a catholic apologist does?

He is a catholic defender. And now shame on to most of them if their tactics and doings are like him, because this man is not of god but really of-the-devil.


Ill just post some example.

Spreading his created lies saying:

i am a minister:

"INC Minister "readme" tried to justify the presence of Felix Manalo's statue at their Central Temple in Diliman, Quezon City (Philippines)." source

"Mr. readme said...
That’s what im talking about, before this post, he said I AM JUST A MEMBER, but most of the time he recognize me as a MINISTER for he cannot accept that im just a college student for I have a greater knowledge THAN him, (haha) or greater skills in arguments maybe he’s so jealous. By the way, what is the truth MR. Catholicdefender2000?

And we all know who does CREATE LIES!!

Because you are a Minister disguising as a member." source

his false and poor instinct:

"Catholic Defender said...

Nagsabay pa ang bagong post ni readme sa blog niya sa Anonymous comment dito hahahaha...

Malas nga ng New Era, tingnan mo ang produkto niya sa iyo ^_^" source

we(INC defenders and even ministers) are paid by the Church by doing all of these:

"I am defending the Catholic Church for free. No priest told me to do so. I am not receiving any single cent for doing this. Unlike your defenders, they are paid, just like your Ministers, they are paid workers." source

i "readme" and "resbak" of Bro. Conrad are one:

"The Ang Dating Daan have ONCE exposed ACCURATELY the fake "truthcaster" and his REAL NAME, they could be also saying the truth by claiming "RESBAK" and "README" are ONE and the same. (read HERE) they could be saying the TRUTH about the IDENTITY of CONRAD alias RESBAK and README at webupon.com/web-takl:" source

my blog is not updated?^^

"...lahat ay sinubukang kalabanin ni Conrad J. Obligacion sa Resbak.com at ng nagpapakilalang README sa readme.blogspot pero ngayon ay naghihingalo na sa kanilang mga blog at halos hindi na makapag-update. Dahil wala nga silang ma-QUOTE officially from Central Office, kaya para lamang may mapag-usapan, tira na lang ng tira sa mga aral ng mga Katoliko." source

Still, he stand on his created lie:

"unless readme admits he is Conrad J. Obligacion, or a minister of the Iglesia, then maybe I can consider his blog legitimate and worthy of believing.." source

"Ibig bang sabihin ay si README INC ay HINDI STUDYANTE kundi isang TAGONG MINISTRO na nagpapanggap lamang na ordinaryong INC member eh halos ang mga INC ay umaasa sa kanyang mga rebutal sa blog?

Aminin niyo na kasi kung sino talaga ang katauhan nitong si READMEINC para naman sulit namin siyang i-quote at least kilala namin kung sino itong taong ito-- MINISTRO ba o isang ordinaryong INC member tulad ko.

O baka si README ay siya rin si RESBAK, halos iisa ang tabas ng dila eh." source

But all of a sudden, recognize me as a member:

"Happy New Year" greetings from an Iglesia ni Cristo member (readme) at http://readmeinc.blogspot.com/2011/01/happy-new-year.html" source

"Readme (an Iglesia ni Cristo member) was claiming 2 Thessalonians 2:3 as his biblical evidence that there was such an occurrence like "Total Apostasy" or "Complete Disappearance" of the Church founded by Christ." source

These are just some of the lies he created about me, how about the lies he created for the INC?
There are MANY. One example is about quoting Pasugo Magazine, misunderstands it and interpret it the way it shouldnt be. Just visit his blog(thank me CD2000 for promoting your blog! hehe^^).

And his latest lies:

Just click here: Philippine Arena: To be the biggest indoor arena in the world

Because of these, i then now believe:

"You are the children of your father, the Devil, and you want to follow your father's desires. From the very beginning he was a murderer and has never been on the side of truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he is only doing what is natural to him, because he is a liar and the father." John 8:44

"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." Mat. 7:20

so, BEWARE in reading articles (especially his created ANTI-INC articles) before believing to it!

September 20, 2011

INC always support "present administrations"?

Detractors of the INC always say that the INC support "present administrations" and maintain relationship with them, for an exchange of something and so on.
Ive found a similar opinion from a nonmember regarding this:

Dominique - July 9, 2006 9:00 am
INC’s track record shows that they support whoever is in power that will serve their interest. It’s a religion of vested interest. Manalo supported Marcos, Estrada, and now Arroyo.

The thing is: The INC NEVER been biased with present administrations even before, especially if it is contrary to mass' interest.
How can i say that?
Because even those presidents were supported by the INC in elections, its not a reason for the INC to support them even it affects the country so much.
Many may ask: Is there any evidence?
Ofcourse! I do not clear things without any proofs, because i always present the TRUTH!

Ferdinand Marcos (1965-1986)
Many knows and even claim that the INC have a lasting relationship with Ferdinand Marcos and even support Marcos until he was ousted in 1986 (source: wikipedia). Martial law was came into force on Sep. 22, 1972, and even before the popular People Power Revolution came, INC had already made a protest:
"Feb. 14, 1975: Protest march of 50,000 Iglesia ni Cristo brethren against martial law human rights abuses." source: Pasugo issue September 2009

Cory Aquino (1986-1992)
Even though the INC did not vote for Cory Aquino, it doesnt mean that INC is against with Cory Aquino. But because of soaring prices, on July 22, 1991, the INC planned a rally "to appeal to the government to listen to the nationwide clamor for the rollback of the prices of petroleum products and other commodities." But called off because "the government reached by presenting a proposal for price reduction. " (source: Pasugo issue July-August 1991)
"There's a lesson somewhere on the triumph of the Iglesia ni Cristo on the issue of oil prices reduction. The INC position was simply stated: the church wanted a 'reasonable' reduction of oil prices. When it was met, INC Executive Minister Erano Manalo called off its mammoth rally. And after that, total silence. No breast-beating,. No post mortem analysis... The INC knows when to talk, and knows when to stop."
(Carlos Monteverde, "Scanner", People's Journal, july 25, 1991)

Gloria Arroyo (2001-2010)
INC supported Gloria Arroyo when she ran for senator, vice president, president and now as congresswoman. (source: mb.com) But that doesnt mean that INC will support Arroyo in everything, because the INC is not bias. That's why on the known Edsa III:
"The rebellion aimed to remove Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo from the presidency and to reinstate Estrada." source: wikipedia

Again, the INC is never been biased with the government, just to have a good relationship with it. The INC knows when an event is too much and so on.
So, it is not true as what the nonmembers alleged, like saying the INC always support present administrations because of personal interests. WRONG! and this judgment is again very UNFAIR.

INC on impeachment of Gloria Arroyo (2005)

On searching again about the INC, i have read a news putting INC again in the bad light to the public. A politician again, accusing the INC about "intervening" on the issue of impeachment of former president Gloria Arroyo on September 2005. Even this is an old news, i always want to clear the name of the INC in issues on politics.
I was saddened by these news especially the INC do no really made the "moves" or actions on these issue that made the public again and again, make a bad impression to the INC.
Here is the report:
INC tipped balance for GMA, says solon
First posted 01:35am (Mla time) Sept 07, 2005
By Philip C. Tubeza, Gil C. Cabacungan Jr.
Inquirer News Service
PRESIDENT GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO might have implored divine intervention in the most serious political crisis of her four-year administration but it was the hand of the influential Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) that ensured that the impeachment process would be decided in her favor, administration officials said yesterday.
Albay Representative Joey Salceda said the INC tipped the balance in favor of the President when the religious sect decided to flex its muscles and called on members of the House of Representatives whom its flock helped get elected in 2004.
“The Iglesia came in at a crucial moment last week by putting the brakes on the signature campaign (by the pro-impeachment camp) just when it was starting to snowball,” Salceda said.
The President’s economic adviser noted that the common denominator among those who were absent or those who abstained from the voting was their debt of gratitude to the INC.
“The (INC) helped her (President Arroyo) not once, but twice,” said Salceda in reference to the crucial role played by the sect in Ms Arroyo’s victory over the king of Philippine movies, Fernando Poe Jr., in the 2004 elections.
Tears of joy
A Malacañang source confirmed the INC’s role in holding the fort for the President, who was grateful for the religious sect’s support.
“The President was brought close to joyous tears when she learned that it was Ka Erdie Manalo (INC’s spiritual leader) who was calling the lawmakers one by one,” the source said.
Salceda said that the INC was a prime believer in the status quo and that this was not an opportune time to be rocking the boat in the face of the crises facing the country.
But while the INC proved to be the President’s trump card, Salceda said the opposition should not look beyond itself for losing the impeachment battle because of their “big-ticket blunders.” source: ellentordesillas.com

The question is: Did the INC really have a role in junking the impeachment case of Ex. Pres. Gloria Arroyo?

Here it is:

Friday, October 14, 2005
Hortaleza: Salceda's gambit on Iglesia role
By Behn Fer. Hortaleza Jr.

WE'VE always believed manipulators are a dime-a dozen in this world. No, Representative Joey Salceda, the Bicol congressman, who has practically dragged the Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC) into President Arroyo's impeachment by claiming that the religious sect had convinced some would-be pro-impeachment congressmen either to vote No or just stay away from the exercise during the House justice committee vote may not be that manipulator. In all probability, somebody else fed him the dope that the INC indeed used its influence to "save" the President from her tormentors. Either that, or he's engaging in wishful thoughts and nothing more.

That Executive Minister Erano G. Manalo of the INC would take the trouble and stoop so low as to be personally calling up congressmen just to convince them to vote whatever way already taxes credulity; only a non-INC member like Salceda would believe a tall tale like that. In fact, we daresay, even the real manipulator wouldn't think of even buying that crap, granting that the manipulator really knew the character of Ka Erdie. What's this, a new "Hello, Congressman..." version of that controversial wiretap?

The more plausible reason why such a crap was ever foisted on the public is that someone had wanted to pit the INC against the Catholic church by so timing the congressman's "news" with another expose on the bishops' receiving Pagcor "sin money" for their projects. Good guy-bad guy gambit, a favorite investigative tactic of the police to make a suspect talk. The INC becomes a savior, a "good guy" while the Catholic church is made to look like a "bad guy" - all in the dirty name of politics.

The truth is, and many Filipinos believe this, something much more convincing than any church leader's persuasive appeal, swayed many congressmen's votes for the saving of the president. The party line, and whatever unspoken but vicarious benefit that goes with it, was of course the main reason for the "overwhelming rejection" in the House of the doomed impeachment move. No one can deny that the House is one big, political den and everyone who watched the House justice committee proceedings on TV and saw the strident defense of the President by the administration coalition allies instantly knew where the wind would blow, come the nominal voting.

Until and unless the INC, thru its duly authorized spokesmen, decides to dignify Salceda's news on the sect's alleged role in the thrashing of the impeachment complaint - which we honestly don't think is forthcoming, going by the INC's reclusive attitude on such mundane issues - we can all just treat the Bicol lawmaker's foray into crystal ball-gazing as just that: amusement. source: network54.com

Now i can conclude that POLITICS is really DIRTY. That some took advantage of accusing and claiming that the INC always intervene in politics especially the INC is not always "giving attention" to these malicious claims of those politicians.

INC was again put to bad light, and it is indeed UNFAIR!

INC on Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez

Numerous articles from media came out when an ALLEGED report from Iloilo Rep. Niel Tupas that the INC is supporting Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez, that made many people give negative comments on the INC as "intervening" in the issue.

Here is an example of those reports:

MANILA, Philippines?All means are being exhausted to stop the looming impeachment of Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez in the House of Representatives lest former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo end up on trial, a senator said Sunday.
Ahead of this week?s vote, a high-ranking official of Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) had been calling House members to kill the impeachment complaint, according to Iloilo Rep. Niel Tupas Jr., chair of the justice committee.
?All efforts are being undertaken to abort the impeachment of Gutierrez because in effect it will be GMA (Arroyo) on trial,? Sen. Franklin Drilon said in an interview, referring to the former president, now a Pampanga lawmaker.
Drilon said the charges in the impeachment complaints?the P728-million fertilizer fund scam, the $329-million NBN-ZTE deal, and the Mega-Pacific contract?were linked to Arroyo, her husband Jose Miguel and their cronies.
?Even if it is Merceditas Gutierrez who will be the respondent in an impeachment, it will be in effect GMA on trial. All of the allegations are connected to her and her husband and her cronies,? said Drilon, a colleague of President Benigno Aquino III in the Liberal Party.
The House is set to vote in plenary this week on whether to approve the justice committee?s finding of probable cause to impeach Gutierrez and send the articles of impeachment to the Senate for trial.
Gutierrez has been accused of inaction on a number of cases, particularly the scandals that marred the Arroyo administration, and of betraying public trust and violating the Constitution.
A lawmaker, who asked not to be named, said Gutierrez appeared to have the backing of the INC.
INC lawyer
Proof of this was the fact that she was represented in the House by former Justice Secretary Serafin Cuevas, who acted as counsel for the INC a number of times, the lawmaker said.
?Serafin Cuevas indicates the hand of Iglesia ni Cristo. He is known to be the lawyer of Iglesia ni Cristo,? the lawmaker said. ?Merci has the full support of Iglesia.?
In the face of intense INC lobbying, members of the ruling Liberal Party remain positive of getting the one-third vote, albeit below the initial target of at least 150 votes or more than half of the House.
?The phone calls made by a high-ranking official of Iglesia ni Cristo to kill the impeachment case may affect the vote of some House members but we are still confident that we will get the required number of votes to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate for trial,? Tupas said in a text message.
A House source, who requested anonymity, said the INC was egging some lawmakers to call in sick or leave after the roll call.
?That?s a game changer. The evidence of that (INC intervention) is so manifest. Last week, the proponents were boasting of a slam dunk. Today, they are now prefiguring that the battle will be tight,? said Isabela Rep. Georgidi Aggabao of the Nationalist People?s Coalition.
Bayan Muna party-list Rep. Neri Colmenares, whose group is one of the complainants in the impeachment case, said the INC stand would have a minimal impact on the voting ?because it would be difficult for a congressman to be absent because all eyes are on us.?
Solon upset
Akbayan party-list Rep. Walden Bello was upset that the INC would intervene in the business of Congress.
?Why are religious blocs crossing the line dividing the church and state, the INC in the case of the impeachment issue and the (Catholic) Church on reproductive health? Can?t these pressure groups stay on the sidelines and allow Congress to do its work?? asked Bello, whose group is the second complainant in the case.
Zambales Rep. Milagros Magsaysay, a member of the minority, found nothing wrong with the INC?s intervention. ?Everyone is a stakeholder in this,? she said.
Cavite Rep. Joseph E.A. Abaya, a key Liberal Party official in the House, said the vote could ?go either way.?
Mr. Aquino?s deputy spokesperson, Abigail Valte, shrugged off reports that the Palace would withhold the pork barrel of lawmakers who would not support the impeachment of Gutierrez.
?It?s not the policy of the administration to use the pork barrel to sway (lawmakers) one way or the other,? Valte said. source: inquirer.net

But the question is: Does the alleged calls from a "high ranking" official of the INC to kill the impeachment TRUE? Did the INC really made the alleged "moves" on junking the impeachment case of the Ombudsman?


I will quote some:

"She refused to comment on the alleged protection given by the Iglesia ni Cristo, insisting that it was the black propaganda that brought her to where she is now." source: abscbnnews.com

“Maybe the INC just wants to remind Tupas that ours is still a government of laws and that hearings should be done with due process and that everybody should be afforded his right in accordance with the Constitution. In this way, lawmakers will at least be given a wake-up call,” said Davao del Sur Rep. Marc Douglas Cagas IV." source: journal.com

"PINABULAANAN ni Akbayan Party-list Representative Walden Bello ang balitang kumikilos ang Iglesia Ni Cristo upang hindi matuloy ang impeachment laban kay Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez.
Sa interview ng Radyo Mo Nationwide, sinabi ni Bello na may naririnig syang balita mula sa kanyang mga kapwa mambabatas na may nangyayaring gapangan mula sa nasabing grupo hinggil sa kaso ni Gutierrez sa nasabing grupo pero wala siyang personal na natanggap na abiso.
Hindi rin kinumpirma ni Bello ang balitang maging ang palasyo ay naghihimasok rin sa kaso ni Gutierrez." source: tatakrmn.com

“The Iglesia is following the issues in the House very closely because they are concerned that whatever decision that is made by the House affects the country,” said Marcoleta, the INC’s only member in the house.
“But it is never its policy to dictate on the House members. If indeed the calls were made, it was to urge the lawmakers and appeal to them to vote based on evidence, conviction and conscience.”
Marcoleta admitted that he, too, was asked by the Iglesia officials about the impeachment process, and if indeed there was “damning evidence” that could prove that Gutierrez “betrayed the public trust” as charged by rival leftist groups Akbayan and Bayan Muna in their impeachment complaints.
“I was reminded by the Iglesia that if I find damning evidence against Ombudsman Gutierrez and she is guilty of the charges, then I should vote for her impeachment,” Marcoleta said. source: manilastandardtoday.com


As always, the INC was pushed in the bad light making nonmembers give opinions negatively about this. By these FALSE REPORTS from people who always want to pull the INC down, it is indeed VERY UNFAIR!

Even if the INC really support that Ombudsman, it is the INC's VOICE, its her OPINION, because the INC do not in anyway intervene in issues in POLITICS. Not what the Catholic Church is doing in the issue of RH BILL, what they do is undeniably called "INFLUENCING POLITICIANS".

To nonmembers who always accuse the INC of whatsoever they read on the news, VERIFY FIRST THE NEWS IF IT IS TRUE then, thats the only time for you all to make your OPINIONS!

As what Atty. Batas Mauricion said:

LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “…You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor…” (Exodus 20:16, the Holy Bible).

LAWMAKERS MUST APOLOGIZE TO INC: Now that the House of Representatives finally impeached Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez, 212-46, and set her up for trial by the Senate on charges that she betrayed public trust, Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman and Iloilo Rep. Niel Tupas should both apologize publicly to the Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC).

It appears that the INC, known for its political clout because of bloc voting among its members, should not have been dragged by the two, after all, in the House impeachment proceedings, for the simple reason that both of them knew there was no such move by INC leaders, officials and members, and yet they kept on repeating it.

Falsely saying something is a violation of the Ten Commandments of God, as indicated in our Life’s Inspirations, and that is what Lagman and Tupas appeared to have done with respect to their claims against the INC. source: batasmedia.yolasite.com

September 16, 2011

What they say... July 22 as Erano Manalo day (1991)

"...the twenty-second day of July might well be known as Erano Manalo Day, both a secular and a religious public holiday."

"We will explain to our progeny that it is a day specifically set aside for the nation to acknowledge the great gift of a nationalistic religious sect, which in the nick of time saved millions of poverty-stricken Filipinos from cruel, lingering death at the hands of the multinational oil companies in partnership with a foreign creditors-owned administration."

"We will tell future generations, moreover, that July 22, 1991 was when this nation's most Catholic leadership to date was brought to its knees by a threatened mass action of more than two million Iglesia ni Cristo members and sympathizers, thus confirming that denomination's extraordinary hold on our economic, social and political affairs."
(Rodolfo E. Dula, "Erano Manalo Day", Malaya, July 22, 1991)

"By the same token, we should credit Mister Manalo and the other leaders of the Iglesia for their willingness to listen, their understanding of the government's financial predicament and their flexibility on the few centavos that separated what the government was willing to give from what they demanded."
("A victory for all", Editorial, Manila Standard, July 19, 1991)

"Their backing off from today's protest rally was the right move. It shows that no matter their disagreement with various issues of the present administration, the INC leadership are still concerned about the welfare of the majority of Filipinos."
(Ma. Dulce Reyes, "Women Talk", People's Journal, July 22,1991)

"...the INC had proven its point: that in unity there is strength; that if the followers of the INC can be united and disciplined under one head, why not the entire nation?"

"Also, the INC had served notice to the government and the country's leaders that public service and welfare could be properly dispensed without exorbitant cost and that graft could be weeded out in any institution. The hope for change for the Filipino people can be galvanized and realized if the national and local leaders would emulate the social commitment and institutionalized discipline of the Church of Christ."
(Cesar T. Mella, "Church Militant", Philippine Graphic, August 5, 1991)

"What perhaps served as a safety net for the administration was the decision of the three million strong Iglesia ni Cristo to call off its planned rally. As the group's leader noted, the fuel price cut--an average of P1 per liter--which the administration endorsed,was enough. To be sure, the INC has its own experts, equipped with the right information and data, to arrive at such a conclusion. In the process, the INC was able to maintain its reputation as a group of law abiding, peaceful citizens. God-fearing, reasonable,dependable, hardworking citizens."
("Walking a tight rope", Editorial, The Philippine Star, July 20, 1991)

"There's a lesson somewhere on the triumph of the Iglesia ni Cristo on the issue of oil prices reduction. The INC position was simply stated: the church wanted a 'reasonable' reduction of oil prices. When it was met, INC Executive Minister Erano Manalo called off its mammoth rally. And after that, total silence. No breast-beating,. No post mortem analysis... The INC knows when to talk, and knows when to stop."
(Carlos Monteverde, "Scanner", People's Journal, july 25, 1991)

"The Iglesia rally is simply an endorsement of an almost universal clamor for the rollback of oil prices to the pre-december 1990 level, which means reduction of not less than P7 per liter of gasoline. Manalo believes that his church has a duty not only to secure a better life for his flock, but also to heed the popular clamor for an oil price rollback to give the masses some economic relief in the face of skyrocketing prices of commodities."
(Emil P. Jurado, Manila Standard, July 19, 1991)

"Symbolically, the dentist who pulled out the rotten tooth from the nation's sore mouth is the Iglesia ni Cristo, which has proven the biggest and the strongest homegrown religious sect since its organizer, Felix Manalo preached his apocalyptic vision on the Isla de Punta Sta. Ana in 1914."
(Cesar T. Mella, "Church Militant", Philippine Graphic, August 5, 1991)

source: Pasugo issue July-August 1991

"The Church decided to stage a mammoth rally at the Liwasang Bonifacio, Manila, on July 22, 1991, to appeal to the government to listen to the nationwide clamor for the rollback of the prices of petroleum products and other commodities."

"Numerous organizations from various sectors pledged their support and proposed their participation to the mass action to be led by the church."

"Thus, four days before the mass action, the government reached by presenting a proposal for price reduction. The church then called off its planned rally."

"Executive Minister Erano Manalo 'accepted as reasonable by the government position of oil prices reduction which included substantial reduction of premium and regular gasoline, kerosene, diesel, and fuel oil.' He also stressed that the planned rally was called off 'because the INC understands the financial predicament of the government.'" Editorial

September 15, 2011

When and how was the APOSTASY occurred?

One of the doctrines of the INC is that the true church of Christ was apostatized as it becomes the Catholic Church that come up with so many new doctrines that are not found and even contradicts the bible.

They say: "If that happened, CAN YOU GIVE US THE DATE WHEN IT HAPPENED? If you cannot then theres no apostasy that occurred!"

One thing we can sure about this:
The Catholic Church will never be the same 1st century church of Christ as of its doctrines!

Here is what a nonmember said:

Please note that the INC preach apostasy of the early Church as whole. This includes the Church hierarchy, its clergy and all members. However, a difficulty for INC is that they can't say exactly when the apostasy took place. According to Pasugo throughout the years, they have identified not one, but several points in history for the occurrance of the Great Apostasy:

1. 400AD plus. Pasugo Feb. 1959, p.1.

2. 1870 Vatican I. Pasugo Aug. 1962 as well as Pasugo March 1956. p.25.

3. 400AD.Roman Empire. Feb. 1952, p.9.

The current magazines appear to now claim apostasy occurring after the death of the last Apostle. If the INC is God Inspired, why can't they figure out when the apostasy took place? source: network54.com

Another thing we can be sure about this:

"Walang IISANG petsa ang pagtalikod ng Iglesia Katolika. Bawat pagbabago sa aral ay PAGTALIKOD." Pasugo issue march-april 1980


It is true that it is hard to find the DATE when the Catholic Church apostatized because every time there are new and contradicting doctrines in the church, it is a process of turning away to the true gospel.

Many may ask: "If it is true then why it is not recorded in the bible?"

How could an event be IN THE BIBLE if it happened after it was all written? Huh?
It is indeed not written in the bible, the date and etc. Ofcourse the bible does not contain EXACT DATES. But there is a thing that can support our claim, through PROPHECY.

And the answer when it happened?



“Let no one deceive you by any means; for that day will come, except there come a falling away first…” II thess 2:3

“…for it will not come until after the great apostasy…” (II thess 2:3 twentieth century new testament)

Wait, what's this? On twentieth century new testament it says about the GREAT APOSTASY, hmmmm...

"Don't you remember? I told you all this while I was with you. Yet there is something that keeps this from happening now, and you know what it is. At the proper time, then, the Wicked One will appear. The Mysterious Wickedness is already at work, but what is going to happen will not happen until the one who holds it back is taken out of the way." II thess. 2:5-7

You can notice here that in the time of the Apostles, wickedness is ALREADY AT WORK but there is something that KEEPS THAT FROM HAPPENING. and it will not happen UNTIL the one who HOLDS it will be taken out of the way.

Lets proceed if who's referring to this...

"I know that after I leave, fierce wolves will come among you, and they will not spare the flock. The time will come when some men from your own group will tell lies to lead the believers away after them." Acts 20:29-30

This is Apostle Paul, we can see who HOLDS or KEEPS THAT FROM HAPPENING.

What does Apostle Paul "after i leave" mean?

"As for me, the hour has come for me to be sacrificed; the time is here for me to leave this life." II tim. 4:6

What Apostle Paul is referring is his death, that's why whom HOLDS apostasy from happening are the APOSTLES.

"Let no one deceive or beguile you in any way, for that day will not come except the apostasy comes first [unless the predicted great falling away of those who have professed to be Christians has come], and the man of lawlessness (sin) is revealed, who is the son of doom (of perdition)," (II thess. 2:3 amplified bible)

What is "apostasy" and how this happened

"The time will come when some men from your own group will tell lies to lead the believers away after them." acts 20:30

In short, they will lead the believers doing not in the will of God and accordance to the gospel, but of their will.

"False prophets appeared in the past among the people, and in the same way false teachers will appear among you. They will bring in destructive, untrue doctrines, and will deny the Master who redeemed them, and so they will bring upon themselves sudden destruction." II pet. 2:1 (Good News Translation)

"BUT ALSO [in those days] there arose false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among yourselves, who will subtly and stealthily introduce heretical doctrines (destructive heresies), even denying and disowning the Master Who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction." II pet. 2:1 (Amplified Bible)

As what Apostle peter's, there are FALSE PROPHETS appeared in the PAST and there will be in the same way FALSE TEACHERS. and will introduce heretical doctrines/untrue doctrines.

What else is about the PROPHECY concerning apostasy?

"But the Spirit speaks expressly, that in latter times some shall apostatise from the faith, giving their mind to deceiving spirits and teachings of demons." I tim. 4:1 Darby Translation

"Now the Holy Spirit clearly says that in the later times some people will stop believing the faith. They will follow spirits that lie and teachings of demons." I tim. 4:1 (New Century Version)

It is the bible who said that some people will stop believing the faith, instead they will follow spirits that lie and teachings of demons


"BUT ALSO [in those days] there arose false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among yourselves, who will subtly and stealthily introduce heretical doctrines (destructive heresies),..." II pet. 2:1 (Amplified Bible)

To see Catholic Church's heretical doctrines click here.


"The Spirit says clearly that in later times some believers will desert the Christian faith. They will follow spirits that deceive, and they will believe the teachings of demons. These people will speak lies disguised as truth. Their consciences have been scarred as if branded by a red-hot iron. They will try to stop others from getting married and from eating certain foods. God created food to be received with prayers of thanks by those who believe and know the truth. " I tim. 4:1 (God's word translation)

What "certain foods" is that?

"...and commanding to abstain from meats,.." I tim. 4:1 (21st century KJV)

In his book, the faith of our fathers, James cardinal gibbons states that:

“prohibiting priests to marry” is both discipline and a law upheld by the catholic church (p.401).

“By the law of abstinence the church forbids us to eat either meat or soups or gravies made from meat, on all Friday’s in the year.” (a handbook of the catholic faith, p. 424)

Clearly the prophesied APOSTASY occurred in the Catholic Church, it is not us who called prohibition to marry and commanding abstinence from meats are teaching of DEMONS, but it is in the BIBLE.


"...even denying and disowning the Master Who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction." II pet. 2:1 (Amplified Bible)

“5. Did Jesus Christ establish a Church? Yes, from all history, both secular and profane, as well as from the bible considered as a human document, we learn that Jesus Christ established a Church, which from the earliest times has been called after him the Christian Church or the Church of Christ… This Church, founded and organized by Jesus Christ and preached by the apostles, is the Church of Christ,… It is the only true Church and the one which God orders all men to join. ”
(Religion: Doctrine and Practice, by Rev. Francis Cassily, pp. 442-443 and p. 444)

The Christian Church or Christ's Church or Church of Christ. But what did the Catholic Church have done?

“In 1870, at the Vatican Council, the name ‘Roman Catholic Church’ was proposed, but it was rejected. The bishops assembled unanimously decided upon this official name: ‘The Holy Catholic Apostolic Roman Church’” (Discourses on the Apsotle’s Creed, Rev. Clement Crock, p. 191)

They change the name of Christ's Church which according to the bible:

“But there is something we must tell you and everyone else in Israel. This man is standing here completely well because of the power of Jesus Christ from Nazareth. You put Jesus to death on a cross, but God raised him to life…Only Jesus has the power to save! His name is the only one in all the world that can save anyone.” Acts 4:10,12

In what other way they deny Christ?

"This [Jesus] is the Stone which was despised and rejected by you, the builders, but which has become the Head of the corner [the Cornerstone]." Acts 4:11
"For God has already placed Jesus Christ as the one and only foundation, and no other foundation can be laid." 1 Corinthians 3:11

But the Catholic Church teaches:

"The Catholic Church teaches the Biblical account of the foundation of the Church, by Christ, on Peter." source: apostolic apologestics

Clearly the Catholic Church deny Christ as of changing the name of the church(BEING THE FOUNDER) and even rejected our Lord Jesus Christ as the foundation of the church!


By the way, what is the meaning of APOSTASY?

"Definition: 1- Turning or falling away from true gospel teachings as individuals or as a people. 2- The time after Christ's death when the people turned wicked and killed the apostles and disciples,..." source: about.com
"Apostasy means falling away, defecting, forsaking or departing from the faith." source: discoverrevelation.com

Meaning to say, if the Catholic Church teach doctrines that are not from the true gospel, then it is indeed APOSTATIZED!

Do i need to say those teachings/doctrines/traditions and so on that are not written in the scriptures? From the name itself "Roman Catholic Church" to its pagan inspired celebrations like "Christmas" to the invention of "Purgatory"... Do you think this Church is the same Church that was founded by Christ?

Of course NOT!

Again, there is no SPECIFIC date when the Catholic Church apostatized, but it was prophesied that it will be. Accept the truth or not, it will never change the reality.

“This question poses itself with great urgency today. Does the claim of the Catholic Church to be the true church of Christ still make sense? Is this claim, endorsed in the document of Vatican II, the last remnant of ecclesiastical pride…? For several reasons the Church’s claim to unicity has become a very difficult issue on our day.
What are some of these reasons?
In the first place the traditional apologetical arguments in favor of the Catholic Church’s uniqueness are generally no loner regarded as valid. We cannot offer a strict historical proof that the Catholic Church is in essential continuity with the Church of the New Testament.” (Gregory Baum, Faith and Doctrine a Contemporary View [New York: Paulist Press], pp. 91-92)

“…Few historians would suggest that this continuing self-identity of the Church can be demonstrated historically. When for instance, we look at the profound change that occurred in the early Church when the monarchial episcopate replaced other forms of apostolic ministry, we realize that we cannot “prove” that throughout this change the Church remained identical with herself.(p.92)

September 6, 2011

Trending now: Philippine Arena

Location Bocaue, Bulacan, Philippines
Coordinates 14.796128 N,120.954666 E
Broke ground August 17, 2011
Owner Iglesia Ni Cristo
Construction cost US$213 Million
Architect Populous
Capacity 50,000 (can be maximized up to 55,000)

We all know about the news of building the biggest indoor arena in the world by 2014 and we also know the owner of this big project, none other that the Iglesia ni Cristo.

Nonmembers are shocked, REALLY! Especially to those who knows about the INC. But not only them, but also the nonmembers from other countries, they were all amazed that the biggest indoor arena will be constructed in the Philippines, from a 3rd world country.

Other asked, why it is from the INC? why not from the wealthiest Christian religion in the world (Roman Catholic Church)?

As what ive expected, numerous comments from nonmembers were published in the internet, and mostly are jealous.

How can i say?

Because most are negative comments and related to the church, they attack ther church using old tactics like:

1. why not donate it from the poor? there is so many people experiencing hunger.
2. where did the "manalo family" get the money? from the government officials?
3. most of their members are poor, why not give it to them instead of building such things?
4. when judgment day comes, all of what we see here, including buildings and so on will be vanished, and god is not glorified with these!

Those can be considered opinions from uneducated and unintelligent people.

If those are correct then may i ask some questions?

1. why do you need to work and earn some money for your future? why not donate it to the poor?
2. why the doctors need to heal those who are sick and have diseases if they will also die someday?
3. why do you need to build your house in all of your best if when the judgment day comes, it will be destroyed?

See? Do you get my point?

This is what im worried about, i do not know if i will become happy or sad when the time comes that the project is finished. Are we INC members ready to face the devils? Im sorry, those detractors? That are so jealous and will do some efforts just to destroy the church?

The construction just begun and what will happen if 2014 comes? Are we ready to face the world? Because i know that this event will be published in all newspapers in the country and in other countries, are we ready to face them, to introduce them the TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST?

Lets just see what will happen...

After reading comments and news from the internet about the construction of to be the biggest dome arena in the world, i came again in the blog of Catholicdefender2000, i will about to title this post to "A Catholic defender spreads misleading informations!"

A jealous Catholic Defender that is really of-the-devil
Why? Let us examine those mislead informations he is spreading using his of-the-devil blog(red, his post):

Having huge amount of monies flowing into the Manalo's bank accounts under the name of the Iglesia ni Cristo corporation coming from its members who are OBLIGED to give portion of their hard-earned salaries,

Can you give us any proofs that the church OBLIGE its members to give offerings in the church?
Ofcourse youll not, because you are just saying a big big LIE!

In fact, it is precisely incorrect to say it's a "Philippine Arena" when only a limited few hundred thousand to a million Filipinos can use the said dome while the rest of the Filipinos cannot use it just because they are non-INC members.

Statistics show that 80% of the 97 million total population of the Philippines since 2010 (in other words, there are 77.6 million Catholics in the Philippines) are barred from using this facilities and yet the dome is named "Philippine Arena". What for?

How many Filipinos can use this "Philippine Arena"?... Therefore, this dome should be rightfully called the IGLESIA NI CRISTO ARENA! Di ba mahilig silang magnakaw ng pangalan ng may pangalan? Dapat ipangalan na lang nila sa kanilang iglesia at huwag sa buong Pilipinas ang kanilang dome. Tutal SA KANILA naman talaga itong dome na ito eh.

He even have the guts to say "In FACT" while saying his "incorrect" understanding of reading news. He is not aware that the "Philippine Arena" is not just for the INC, but for the Philippines as well, that's why it is called "Philippine Arena" because it is also dedicated and for the Philippines!

You know, if the INC is really selfish then it will be just name "INC ARENA" so that all credits and attention will be to the INC!

The no.1 purpose of these projects are all for the centennial celebration of the INC. Now you KNOW!

About the lies youre spreading, well be EMBARRASSED!

The arena is designed as an auditorium. It will hold major church gatherings. It will also operate as a multi-use sports and concert venue, capable of holding a range of events, from boxing and basketball, to live music performances.
According to INC Executive Minister, Bro. Eduardo V. Manalo, the Philippine Arena can be used not only by the Church but by the public in general whether for local or international events. It can also host a number of regional sporting events such as SEA Games and Asian Games since the New Era University Sports Complex is also being constructed nearby. source: wikipedia

And here:

While the arena will hold major church gatherings, it will also operate as a multi-use sports and concert venue, capable of holding a range of events, from boxing and basketball, to live music performances. source: populous.com

SEE? That's why we should not trust this Catholic defender, and he should be ashamed to himself as he bears that name of his beloved church as a username while doing evil things just to attack the INC! Pity to you, is that what you learned from your church? IM NOT SURPRISED!

How much had the INC donated to international charitable agencies?

How much charity donated in monies did the INC donate in its almost 100 year existence?

He is concern to the poor, but not concerned about the archbishops and bishops that received cars from gambling, from PCSO, inshort from the money of the FILIPINOS!

And yet not even half of it's proceeds will go to the poorest of the poor. Their centennial celebration is giving glory to the INC as a cult and its founder Felix Manalo's clan.

We do not give offerings to the church just for the church give it to the poor. And the achievements of the INC is always dedicated of our God-the father because the INC will not attain all of these if he is not with us. Who can think that the most persecuted religion in the philippines, will have these kind of achievements? Can even the Catholic Church in the country can do what the INC does?^^ I do not intend to compare, because its the work of dumb people.

Abroad, donations were channeled through their own Pinoy Punong Ministro assigned in certain localities and then distributed it first to its own members who may have been affected and then the remaining part is for affected "apostates" (that is non INC members).

Wrong, monies collected in your church are called DONATIONS because those are just "excess" monies from your members, whereas in the INC, it is called OFFERINGS because it came from our heart without any dictation of someone and without forcing us to give a fix amount. The INC do not help by giving people money, there is more than MONEY called giving your helping hand.

You surely taking about "Lingap sa Mamamayan" where members and nonmembers benefits to that event.

Where they've got their huge money?

We are not sure. Most probably it's from the many businesses of the INC and the INC itself as a corporation sole.... ...But again, where did they get those huge amount of money buying properties here and abroad?

All the money that used in construction of magnificent houses of worship, and all expenses of the church especially this biggest project of the INC came from the voluntary offerings of the members of the Church of Christ. AMAZING ISNT IT? Especially most people like you say that the monies collected are corrupted by the ministers especially "just go to" the manalo family.

Wait, do you know the news? that the origin of the use of CORPORATION SOLE came from the Catholic Church itself???^^

How about the INC exclusive residence? It is called "CIUDAD DE VICTORIA" (City of Victory). I thought they hated Spain for spreading Catholicism in the Philipipnes. Why they are using SPANISH language to name their exclusive INC Village? Hypocrites!

Any proofs about your claim? No proofs means WRONG.

Finally, we are in the last part of his post...

But i just want to share this funny MISTAKE of this boastful and jealous catholic defender, i am not that sure if he use a correct word but its just that the word he use is not the correct term.

He said "SITTERS/SITTING" instead of "seaters/seating".

Lets check whats the meaning of SITTER.


1. One that sits, especially:
a. A person who cares for young children when the parents are not home; a babysitter.
b. A person who poses or models, as for a portrait.
2. A brooding hen.
source: freedictionary.com

HAHAHAHAHA what do he mean by that? Do you now believe me that he spread wrong infos specially wrong terms? HAHAHAHAHA

By the way, Let's count his MISTAKES!

50,000 sitters(1)

How many members? From official records they are a few hundred to one million?

But estimates says they are between 4-10 million-- a number that has been repeatedly claimed for the past 10 years.

Fifty thousand sitting(2) capacity implies they are expecting ONLY 50,000± members attending their 100th year anniversary in 2014-- short of 950,000 people more.

The Iglesia ni Cristo dome is being compared to the Madison Square Garden in New York which has sitting(3) capacity of only sit 20,000 people, while the Staples Center in Los Angeles has a capacity of 21,000.

Why these domes in the US has only this much? It's because 20,000 sitting(4) capacity is enough for a concert shows or boxing bouts.

But religious Centennial anniversary celebrations having only 50,000 sitting(5) capacity can only send a wrong signal to those who use their calculations that a million member cannot fit in an arena that has only 50,000 capacity....

How many total members do the INC has?

Four to 10 million? Fifty thousand sitters(6) cannot accommodate that huge amount even you are expert in mathematical computation.

A total of 6 mistakes, HAHAHA and he has the guts to attack the INC with his post with many ERROR?

He is only just ONE of those jealous nonmembers who does have time to attack the INC instead of spending their time to do good.

I also read some comments came from his avid fans:

Anonymous said...
It is real that INC are very boastful.. During their 97th yr anniversary, they showed the acquired properties. Today, they propose to build a dome to show that they are rich due the obligated 10% tithes from their members and contribution from elections.. The whole properties of INC cannot surpass the value of the sistine chapel in Vatican.. thanks and more power.

We are boastful of what? Do we stepped on something that's why most of their comments are like this? Tsk Tsk... WRONG. there is no tithing in the INC, i know one, the Mormon Church but not the INC. That's what im talking about, dumb people will always compare the achievements of the INC and of the RCC!^^

Anonymous said...
yun ang INC, United daw... unity sa paggawa ng kasalanan --e.g. " BLOC VOTING "deprivation of freedom to choose-- bakit ang " elightenment na galing sa Panginoon ay na coconfine ba sa mga ministro kung sinong kandidato ang pipiliin? the reason para makahanap ng pera para pambili ng properties, ha ha ha.. When they endorsed Mar Roxas for Vice President with the Support of Pastor Quiboly, Nanalo ba sya? no

Again and again, the issue on the Block Voting... Is there something new?^^ He allege that the INC take money from the government officials in exchange of support... HAHAHA WRONG. It is the Catholic Church who accepts money from the politicians, gamblings and so on every now and then! As early as the time of Constantine on your church, do you know that thing? That Constantine give all the privilege to your beloved church?^^

The INC doesnt perform block voting just to assure the win of a particular candidate, we do that because it is a commandment that is written in the bible... about the UNITY...

I wonder:

Why is that for example if that project is owned by the government, or of another religion, or of the Catholic Church, and so on except the INC, they will rejoice and be glad?

But when they got the news that it is owned by the INC, positive reactions are changed.

Is the INC and its members do something for it to deserve? Or Does the INC deserve to be treated like this by nonmembers?

Does the INC and members kill thousands of people like what happened in the Inquisition?

Does the INC and members always connected with controversies like what happened to the archbishops and bishops that received cars from PAGCOR?

Does the INC and members do something evil like forcing nonmembers to join the church and so on?

If not, why is that?

Is it because the INC is the REAL CHURCH OF CHRIST thats why many is jealous?


September 3, 2011

Why the Catholic Church is "universal"?

Catholics and Catholic defenders are boastful when it comes to the numbers of the members to their beloved Constantinian Church, im sorry, Catholic Church^^. And Constantine is related to the history of the Catholic Church. My inspiration on writing this is because of what i read in our book: "Encyclopedia Britannica @1974".

Let's go back on being boastful of these catholics and catholic defenders, they always say that their church have the biggest membership in all Christian sects/denominations/groups. I know one catholic defender, lets name him, Catholicdefender2000 owner of the blog catholicfaithdefender2000.blogspot.com.

I do not mention him to attack him, but i just noticed that he always want to point out in his blog that it is the INC and members who are boastful and also said by other jealous catholics here.

They boast: 80-90% of the population in the Philippines is affiliated with the "ROMAN" Catholic Church. Then, they will have a top list of countries with most members are of their church... (70 million+ filipinos are catholics but only 50% are church goers because most are ignorant and non practicing catholics!^^)

But most of us ask, WHY IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH "UNIVERSAL"? How Catholicism spread in the world? and so on.

Lets study some of the history of the Catholic Church, using my Encyclopedia and to some sources:

"Its success in the 'missionary continents' of Asia, Africa and the Americas results largely from the fact that the earliest colonization of these continents was carried on by the Catholic powers: Spain, Portugal and France." Encyclopedia

Middle Ages (313-1517)
"By the 10th century the religious and cultural community that is called Christendom had come into being. In every european state the religion of the state was Roman Catholicism." Encyclopedia

The Reformation to the First Vatican Council (1517-1870)

"Although the Roman Catholic Church lost many members in Europe during the 16th century, the discoveries of new lands, mostly under the leadership of stoutly Catholic Spain and Portugal, gave the church new members to offset losses; and Roman Catholicism became a force in colonialism."

"The 17th and 18th centuries however, was a period of decline in Roman Catholicism in almost every area of activity. Inspite of this growing archaism, the Roman Catholic Church survived the French Revolution, which again many observers thought would be its death blow. But survival is the best word; the 19th century was another period of decline, one in which the church adopted firm position against almost every intellectual, social, and political development that is called modern." Encyclopedia

From the First vatican Council to the Present

"The losses in Europe was balanced by the fantastic growth of Roman Catholicism in the United States (the result of European immigration) and North America became the most prosperous area of the Catholic Church." Encyclopedia

Let us see if the Encyclopedia is accurate, it has been REVEALED that the key why Catholicism spread throughout the world is not just because of sending missionaries to countries by the church but because of "COLONIALISM" done by Spain, Portugal and France. Is it true? What do you think? OFCOURSE! Try to read history!^^

Below is the chart i got from (i think 2005 statistics) catholic-hierarchy.org, top list of countries with most catholics:

You will notice that the top 15 countries, if not European (which in the past the state religion was Roman Catholic), are fruits of the Spanish and Portuguese Colonialism.

Let us compare that statistics from (i think 2009 statistics), from this boastful but dumb catholic defender, catholicdefender2000:

Same countries in the top 15, and my question: Is it true that the Catholic Church's adherents increase? In what way?

Maybe you wonder why i asked that, i just hope that our overall population (in the world) is steady even only in the years 2005-2009 so that we can know if Catholics number REALLY increase... In what way does it increase? Because of converts from other religion? or because of the FACT THAT TOTAL WORLD POPULATION INCREASE?

Do you know the other secret of the Catholic Church beside from the "colonialism of catholic nations"? Any guess? So easy...

The invention of the doctrine "infant baptism"!

This is their best formula why the Catholic Church is universal and with many adherents! That's why they will fight just not to pass the RH BILL and use their influence and power, because that is their only key to preserve Catholicism and its survival!

See for yourself! Ask yourself, "why i am born-catholic?"

Dont you even think of it once in your life? That why so many people are born-catholic...?

(Compare the 2 charts)

In 2005 and 2009 statistics, you can see that numbers increased, i wonder before why, especially many reports say that the Catholic Church have a decline in members and church officers...

Is because of this very big idea of the RCC! Is it not unfair? That you are baptized in the Catholic Church whether you like it or not?

Fertility Rate Affects
See this chart from wikipedia:

Religion Births Conversions New adherents per year Growth rate
Christianity 22,708,799 2,501,396 25,210,195 1.36%

This is just an example, in Christianity, on the 25, 210,195 adherents increase per year, only 10% of the number was because of conversion, and the 90% was because of birth increase. How much more in the Catholic Church? Can you imagine?^^

Lets proceed...

In the first part i mentioned Constantine(Emperor/Constantine I), what do you think the relation of this person to the Catholic Church?

Lets go back in the past...

Before, early Christians are persecuted, but because of Constantine I, not only the church changed a lot, it is also not anymore the persecuted, but became the persecutor!

Constantine I
"The edic of Milan, a cluster of documents issued by Constantine the Great in 313, made Christianity a lawful religion; by the end of the 4th century it had become the state religion. Historians call the church of this period Constantinian church designating the privileged position of the church within the state." Encyclopedia
"Constantine's biggest effect on Christianity was his patronage. He gave large gifts of land and money to the Church and offered tax exemptions and other special legal status to Church property and personnel.These gifts and later ones combined to make the Church the largest landowner in the West by the 6th century.Many of these gifts were funded through severe taxation of pagan cults." source: wikipedia

“In calling for a church-wide purification of memory, john paul acknowledged the mistakes and cruelty imbedded in church history, including the INQUISITION, the FORCED CONVERSIONS OF NATIVE PEOPLES IN AFRICA, AND LATIN AMERICA, AND SUPPORT OF THE CRUSADES, WHOSE VICTIMS INCLUDED JEWS, MUSLIMS, AND MEMBERS OF THE EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH.” (Today. March 15, 2000)


Theodosius I
"There is no support in the Bible for forced conversion, but there have been historical attempts by Christians to force the religious conversion of individuals, groups, and entire populations. Forced conversion was a key factor in the Christianization of the Roman Empire. In 392 A.D. the emperor Theodosius I instituted a law making Christianity the only legal religion of the empire, and forbidding Pagan practices by law..."

"On this date, Theodosius I decreed that only the followers of Trinitarian Christianity were entitled to be referred to as Catholic Christians, while all others were to be considered to be heretics, which was considered illegal."

"Charlemagne regarded the repelling of pagan invaders and their absorption and conversion as part of his obligation as defender of the faith and he forced the Saxons and Frisians to convert to Christianity."

"The economic conquest of the Americas by various European forces coincided with and depended on conversion of the natives. Some of these conversions were forced."

"Religious persecution took place by the Portuguese in Goa, India from 16th to the 17th century. The natives of Goa, most of them Hindus were subjected to severe torture and oppression by the zealous Portuguese rulers and missionaries and forcibly converted to Christianity." source: wikipedia
"...most prosperous Jewish communities under Muslim and Christian rule in Spain, before the majority, together with resident Muslims, were forced to convert to Catholicism, be expelled or be killed when Spain became united under the Catholic Monarchs King Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492." source: wikipedia

"An International group of scientists has uncovered clear evidence that there were massive forced conversions to Catholicism by Muslims and Sephardic Jews in the 15th and 16th centuries in Spain and Portugal. " source: eminetwork.eu
(Medieval, Spanish, Portuguese, and Roman Inquisition, all of those, the Catholic Church is connected and has its role...)
"An "Inquisition" is a legal inquiry. Historically there were three major Catholic Inquisitions. The Medieval Inquisition started around 1184 in response to the appearance of popular heretical movements throughout Europe, in particular Catharism and Waldensians in southern France and northern Italy. In 1478 Pope Sixtus IV reluctantly authorized the Spanish Inquisition under pressure from King Ferdinand of Aragon. Initially it investigated charges against Jewish and Muslim converts to Christianity of secretly practicing their former religions. It acted under the control of the kings of Spain. The early excesses of the Spanish Inquisition were condemned by Popes Sixtus IV, Leo X, Paul III and Paul IV. The Roman Inquisition began in 1542 when Pope Paul III established the Holy Office as the final court of appeal in trials of heresy and served as an important part of the Counter-Reformation. It was tightly controlled by strict procedural rules but was made infamous by the trial of Galileo." (Catholicbridge.com)

There is no escape when you are in that time, whether you like being a catholic or not, you should not question its authority or less, you will be tortured and put to death by burning at the stake. In this period, this is most frequent scene:

Everyone of us knows the history, we should not deny it.

So now, are you still amazed and proud of being a CATHOLIC?

Especially it spread not mostly because of wholehearted conversion, but because of the dirty and evil works of the Catholic Church in the past!

Christ said this:

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.." Mat. 28:19

Christ didnt taught about forcing people to join the church, he didnt taught to torture and kill heretics, he didnt also taught that the gospel should spread by means of colonialism... Christ didnt command us anything of that and especially to baptize INFANTS!

So, dont be surprised if the Catholic Church is universal, and time will come and the prophecy will then be FULFILLED!

"And he called out with a mighty voice, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast." Revelation 18:2

"They will stand far off, in fear of her torment, and say, “Alas! Alas! You great city, you mighty city, Babylon! For in a single hour your judgment has come.” Revelation 18:10

September 1, 2011

INC: a Filipino church only for Filipinos?

Its funny to think that detractors of the INC make innovations in their lies, if not repeating those lies again and again. Like Catholic defenders/apologists, they create another attack if they have no more to show because its already been answered by the INC. Now, they say:

-->INC is a "Filipino Church"
I wonder what does it mean? Do they want to point out that this church is only for Filipinos that's why they call this a Filipino church? Or they call it that way to say it came from the Philippines?

The early Christian Church

So, my question to them: Does the first members of Christ's church in the 1st century are of mixed race?

Answer? Simple. NO!

All of us knows that the first members and even the disciples of Christ are Jews, because Christ himself is a Jew that's why he preached it first to the Jews.

"The first Christians (the disciples or students of Jesus) were essentially all ethnically Jewish or Jewish proselytes. In other words, Jesus was Jewish, preached to the Jewish people and called from them his first disciples. However, the Great Commission, issued after the Resurrection is specifically directed at "all nations."" source: wikipedia

"Acts gives a history of the Church from this commission in 1:3–11 to the spread of the religion among the gentiles and the eastern Mediterranean by Paul and others." source: wikipedia

Then to the Gentiles and to the rest of the world...

I wonder why their reactions like that, they say: Most of the members of the INC are Filipino's! and they conclude: INC is only for Filipinos!

Is it not DUMBNESS?

INC came from the Philippines, as prophesied in the bible, what do they want? Bro. Felix preach words of God outside the country before in his own country???

The Prophecy to the expansion of the early church
“For the promise is to you and to your children and to all who are afar off, as many as the lord our god will call.” Acts 2:3 (for more click here)

Prophecy to the expansion of the INC
“From the Far East will I bring your offspring and from the far west I will gather you.” Isa. 43:5 (MOFFAT TRANSLATION) (for more click here)

The fulfillment:
This was in fulfillment of the prophecy concerning the gathering of god’s children in the part of the world. Through the instrumentality of its present Executive minister, Brother Erano G. Manalo, who went in the united states in July 1968 for this purpose, the members of the church of Christ who migrated to this region of the world were gathered together with the establishment of the church’s congregations in Hawaii and California, both states of the USA that are situated in the far west (The world Almanac book of facts, 1976, p.88)

Meaning, on that year 1968 is the beginning of the expansion of the church outside the Philippines. The church outside the Philippines is only 43 years but it is now in 90+ countries and territories. Congregations in other countries are just starting, so why would them expect the INC to have many NON-FILIPINO members???

The Main purpose of having INC locales abroad

The main purpose is for the brethren, even they migrate or work abroad, continue to attend worship services. It is a fact that the key/reason of INC's expansion is because of the OFW's and Filipino immigration abroad, and it doesnt matter.

But i have read some articles like for example, an African-American became a member in the Church in the USA, and because he wanted to share his faith to his family in the Dominican Republic, he wrote a letter to the Church admin. and it was granted that a minister will be sent in that country. And the key of the establishment of the locale in the Dominican Republic is because of the converts of his family...

There is so many stories that is related to that, in the locale of Mexico and King William's town, i know only ministers are Filipino's there, and some locales in Japan, most members are Japanese.

The INC is not like other religions for example, send some evangelical workers/missionaries in other countries that they dont have still a church. It is not more likely to the expansion of the RCC in Asia and other continents where the main key is the colonization of France, Spain and Portugal.

The INC abroad is through forming of Group worship services by the brethren, then if their number becomes bigger, they will have a resident minister, if it becomes bigger again, that is the establishment of a local congregation but they should first find a suitable place for them for their house of worship.


Again, INC does not send missionaries abroad to evangelize, non-members knows about the church only if they were invited in the church's GRAND EVANGELICAL MISSION and other activities. Others were invited in bible studies by member's friends, relatives, co-workers and etc. Members are giving Pasugo magazines and other pamphlets for others to know more about the church.

That is the very fact that the jealous non INC members should know, like Catholicdefender2000! That before you conclude something or say something,


so you will not be ashamed on yourself!

And just for you:

TRIVIA: INC have a membership consisting 102+ different nationalities! If that so, then INC is not a Filipino Church only for Filipinos...

It is described as GLOBAL CHURCH only in a span of a half century!