Try to read the comments of a Catholic faith Defender in the username Catholic Defender. Where he said LIES including this:
BAka naman sabihin ni Ginoong Obligacion aka Truthcaster aka Readme aka Abuloc aka Aerial Cavalry aka xoxo na nagsisingaling ako: Heto ang mga patunay na mahilig MAGPANGGAP nga itong si GINOONG OBLIGACION.
2. README aka CONRAD J. OBLIGACION (he has separate blog called readme.blogspot.com)
3. RESBAK aka CONRAD J. OBLIGACION (owner of www.resbak.com)
4. CATHOLICIVATAN aka CONRAD J. OBLIGACION (which this blog he stole from me)
So ano pa man ang PAGPAPANGGAP niya, siya pa rin si CONRAD J. OBLIGACION...
Purihin ang Dios!
Purihin si Cristo!
In a very AGGRESSIVE ACT, without making an extensive research he said that I (Readme) and Sir Conrad, the author of one of the famous blog RESBAK.COM are totally ONE! I can now further say that most of the Catholic apologists in the country were not CREDIBLE! THEY WERE INVENTOR of their own-make LIE! As he and others want to debunk me, as i defend our church, Iglesia Ni Cristo, and as i (i can say slight becoming famous^_^) on my way, they MALICIOUSLY create LIES to show that i am a great lier. Very vey poor! Catholic Defender RELY on a comment (i think an ADD member) that say:
If i am really Sir Conrad, i will say it very early and i will also put to my "about me" section that i am him! But because i am not him, im so sorry for you are having a GREAT BIG MISTAKE! How could i be him if we have many differences? Just read my posts, see my grammars and you can see that i am not so fluent in english as he is. And i do not have so many knowldge in defending church teaching's for i am just a beginner, that no one helps me in this matter but only, i, myself who does all the researching.Jake Astudillo Says:
That Wikipedia thing is a product of the editing of the Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) members who live there.
Conrad J. Obligacion who stole the TruthCaster monicker and who calls himself “ReadMe” and Resbak attempted to re-write the whole of the bio of Bro. Eliseo Soriano in Wikipedia and made it entirely negative.
Obviously, they are being protected by Moriori of Wikipedia.
The real TruthCaster is Preacher Soriano. He has a program in this name in which for years he tried to propagate the words of God. Obligacion has nothing to do with truth but falsehood.
After stealing his name, Obligacion attempts to re-package the evangelist as an evil person, heavily associating the word, RAPE, to Soriano.
I also created a conclusion of his act.hehehe^_^ He mistaken me that i am Sir CONRAD because i think on his head he sees similarities between us. WHY??? WHY???
VERY SIMPLE. What does Catholics central belief?
Jesus is God.
They say Jesus is God, as they found similarities between them. They say jesus said to be the alpha and the omega, and also god said to be the said things. Jesus said "I am" and also God, And many more. Not thinking the reason why Jesus being the Alpha and the Omega and also God. Not thinking how Jesus being "I am" and also God. That's why he mistaken me for that, for creating a lie that his intention is to have score with me and Sir Conrad.
Next time, make a research first so that you will not be ashamed on yourself! POOR!