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"Matalinong hunghang, kabobohan, kakitiran ng utak, tanga, ugok na ministro"
"Baliw, gago, anak ng amang Dyablo, Gago, tanga, bobo, mokong"
"Tanga, ugok, ungas, adik ka talaga"
"Bobo 2x, Kabobohan"
"Baliw , Tanga, Buwang"

From Mr. Marwil Llasos, a catholic defender, an attorney, from the one of the most viewed blog called “The Splendor of the Church”.
Lets again pick those “words of wisdom” of a very “GREAT” catholic defender. I just pick these contents on the two posts on that blog, this is how catholic defenders DEFEND their faith! By saying such words:
“Baliw , Tanga, Buwang, Bobo 2x, Kabobohan, Tanga, ugok, ungas, adik ka talaga, Baliw, gago, anak ng amang Dyablo, Gago, tanga, bobo, mokong, Matalinong hunghang, kabobohan, kakitiran ng utak, tanga, ugok na ministro”
That’s why I cant trust even a single catholic defender, not because we were diff. in faith but because, just see their attitudes.. Their words are not from God, but from Satan. This is not an accusation, but a truth. Visitors witness this kind of weasel words by him…
I found this explanation of him why he said those on his own blog, and the reason? SAME AS OF SORIANO! They excuse their selves by saying it is even on the bible and whatsoever. Its here:
Professionals would AGREE that saying such words is not PROPER especially you were EDUCATED. right? You were schooled for how many years then, is that what you learn is school? Saying "Bobo, tanga, ugok and etc." GO BACK WHERE SCHOOL DO YOU GRADUATED, ASK YOUR TEACHER IF THAT THING IS BEING PROFESSIONAL!
Another poor catholic defender, defending another wrongness and being unprofessional about him. Tsk. Tsk.
If you are in television, and is that a "description", by saying such words? Surely you will be suspend on t.v by the MTRCB because its really NOT A GOOD ACT.
They even defend what they do wrong, that’s whats their job, to defend wrongness in them and in their church. I have challenged Fr. Abe, a priest owner of the said blog but what he did to me is he throws accusations to me, saying I am a liar and he is in truth, many of his opinions were his answers to me, and in the end, my challenged were not answered.
Another catholic defender, whose tactics is to misquote the Pasugo, and do all the maligning is no other than Catholicdefender2000, the owner of the blog “In defense of the Church”.
Again, I hope CATHOLIC DEFENDERS CHANGED THEIR DIRTY TACTICS! They just show that they are not instrument of GOD, but of their IDOLS!